The title of the song is "Baba O'Riley", not effing "Teenage Wasteland"!
I repeat!
The title of the song is "Baba O'Riley", not "Teenage Wasteland"!
The next time I see the song incorrectly referred to, I'm pretty sure I'm going to tear some hair out. God almighty.
That is all.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Howdy folks! How are ya? Glad to hear it. :)
My vacation has been going very well. So well that I still have a mountain of Statistics homework to do, but we'll keep that quiet.
I've been out to eat at some absolutely wonderful places. (Man I loves me the food.) I got kale soup from a local place called Seafood Hut, had all kinds of crazy deliciousness at Texas Roadhouse, went out for Chinese, and went to Spike's in Providence (for those of you who aren't in the know, Spike's has the best hot dogs in the universe.), and Ben and Jerry's for a free scoop.
Whilst in Providence I got to meet a good friend of mine from the internets! (I had my boyfriend and two of our friends with us, don't go nuts.) He's very cool and just as nerdy as ever. It was a good afternoon. (I love Providence, save the fact that you can't park anywhere!)
I apologize for this journal being all over the place, I'm writing as I think.
I'm going back to the house (it's not my home, I swear) on Sunday, where I will merely be greeted by the dog. My mom is going to Vermont tomorrow and she won't be back 'til Monday, and on Sundays my dad visits his dad. My brother will most likely be out somewhere. So feh, alone time for me.
Man, today is my 22 month anniversary with Chris. Yeehaw! It is also IHOP night, and I need money. I should still have $10 coming to me from Chris' parents. (Chris had to borrow money from me for gas.) I only had $20 to spend while I was out here, and I'm broke.
The new directors for Rocky Horror have been chosen, and I'm good friends with one of them. She guarantees that I'll be Columbia, so long as I show up for auditions. Columbia's my dream role. My friend played her last year, and said it was a blast. She wants to show me how to do the dance from the floorshow. (Which, in truth, I have tried to do before.) I'm so excited! And Chris wants to try out for Eddie (since he's already played two of the major male roles), which would be awesome since he'd get to swing me around. :P I think a friend of ours -- oh shoot, he can't be Riff Raff. Never mind. Ugh, he would've made a great Riff, too. This friend is transferring to another school.
Man, I really need to fold my clothes, sort out what I'm going to need for the next two days, and do some Stats. I only have so much time before Chris is back. (He's at class, and I hope he remembers to run over and try to get my DS charger. Chris accidentally left it at Tommy rehearsal last night.)
Alright, so, I've given you my blips for now. I got stuff to do. :)
More later,
~*The Pie
My vacation has been going very well. So well that I still have a mountain of Statistics homework to do, but we'll keep that quiet.
I've been out to eat at some absolutely wonderful places. (Man I loves me the food.) I got kale soup from a local place called Seafood Hut, had all kinds of crazy deliciousness at Texas Roadhouse, went out for Chinese, and went to Spike's in Providence (for those of you who aren't in the know, Spike's has the best hot dogs in the universe.), and Ben and Jerry's for a free scoop.
Whilst in Providence I got to meet a good friend of mine from the internets! (I had my boyfriend and two of our friends with us, don't go nuts.) He's very cool and just as nerdy as ever. It was a good afternoon. (I love Providence, save the fact that you can't park anywhere!)
I apologize for this journal being all over the place, I'm writing as I think.
I'm going back to the house (it's not my home, I swear) on Sunday, where I will merely be greeted by the dog. My mom is going to Vermont tomorrow and she won't be back 'til Monday, and on Sundays my dad visits his dad. My brother will most likely be out somewhere. So feh, alone time for me.
Man, today is my 22 month anniversary with Chris. Yeehaw! It is also IHOP night, and I need money. I should still have $10 coming to me from Chris' parents. (Chris had to borrow money from me for gas.) I only had $20 to spend while I was out here, and I'm broke.
The new directors for Rocky Horror have been chosen, and I'm good friends with one of them. She guarantees that I'll be Columbia, so long as I show up for auditions. Columbia's my dream role. My friend played her last year, and said it was a blast. She wants to show me how to do the dance from the floorshow. (Which, in truth, I have tried to do before.) I'm so excited! And Chris wants to try out for Eddie (since he's already played two of the major male roles), which would be awesome since he'd get to swing me around. :P I think a friend of ours -- oh shoot, he can't be Riff Raff. Never mind. Ugh, he would've made a great Riff, too. This friend is transferring to another school.
Man, I really need to fold my clothes, sort out what I'm going to need for the next two days, and do some Stats. I only have so much time before Chris is back. (He's at class, and I hope he remembers to run over and try to get my DS charger. Chris accidentally left it at Tommy rehearsal last night.)
Alright, so, I've given you my blips for now. I got stuff to do. :)
More later,
~*The Pie
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My Celebrity Look-alikes
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

By the way. How the Christ do I look like Hilary Clinton? Wtf?
More later,
~*The Pie

By the way. How the Christ do I look like Hilary Clinton? Wtf?
More later,
~*The Pie
I nailed my senior seminar, yesterday. Everything went very smoothly. Now I can start working on finishing my zine, Vers Nus. (It doesn't mean anything.) Depending on how satisfied I am with it, and how much it would cost to produce and mail, I'm considering selling it.
My school also won the Hot 93.7 (a hip hop radio station) "Pimp My Prom" contest, so they're gonna send over some DJs and whatever. I wish they'd cover catering. No offense, but the food at prom last year was whack. The appetizers were lame! Who serves mozzarella (sp?) sticks with marinara sauce? I don't want grease or sauce getting on my dress! (Same goes for guys and their suits. A lot of guys wear white.)
Riddle me this. In my school, and I'm guessing that in more places than just here, it's an insult to call someone a bird. How is that an insult? I'd love to be a bird! I'd be so much more free. Then again, I'd be eating worms and bread crumbs. Feh. Kids need to choose their insults better.
Man. Last night I read about the original members of The Who. They make me wish I was in a band, or followed music independently, rather than being in chorus. I try to write songs, but they come out like crap. I don't have the vocs to be a rock star. I still don't know how to play bass. *sigh* Just a dream.
Every once in a while, I get this niggling dream that I want to be famous. Not like, paparazzi famous, but... known for my contributions to society. I wish someone would tell me no, at the same time.
Y'know, I realize that the most I really do for myself in a given day is take a pill and sleep. I love talking to be people, but that should be more for them than me. Does that make me sound like a jerk? I'm not sure. =/
I'm on vacation next week, so I dunno how often I'll be blogging. Just putting it out there now. Tonight I have driver's ed., tomorrow I'm going to see the other senior class play, and Friday I'm sleeping and going to Chris'.
My chemistry teacher ain't here. Woot woot.
I'm starting to read 1984 for my English class. I read it in sophomore year. I remember bits and pieces. But yeah. I'm gonna read some now.
More later,
~*The Pie
My school also won the Hot 93.7 (a hip hop radio station) "Pimp My Prom" contest, so they're gonna send over some DJs and whatever. I wish they'd cover catering. No offense, but the food at prom last year was whack. The appetizers were lame! Who serves mozzarella (sp?) sticks with marinara sauce? I don't want grease or sauce getting on my dress! (Same goes for guys and their suits. A lot of guys wear white.)
Riddle me this. In my school, and I'm guessing that in more places than just here, it's an insult to call someone a bird. How is that an insult? I'd love to be a bird! I'd be so much more free. Then again, I'd be eating worms and bread crumbs. Feh. Kids need to choose their insults better.
Man. Last night I read about the original members of The Who. They make me wish I was in a band, or followed music independently, rather than being in chorus. I try to write songs, but they come out like crap. I don't have the vocs to be a rock star. I still don't know how to play bass. *sigh* Just a dream.
Every once in a while, I get this niggling dream that I want to be famous. Not like, paparazzi famous, but... known for my contributions to society. I wish someone would tell me no, at the same time.
Y'know, I realize that the most I really do for myself in a given day is take a pill and sleep. I love talking to be people, but that should be more for them than me. Does that make me sound like a jerk? I'm not sure. =/
I'm on vacation next week, so I dunno how often I'll be blogging. Just putting it out there now. Tonight I have driver's ed., tomorrow I'm going to see the other senior class play, and Friday I'm sleeping and going to Chris'.
My chemistry teacher ain't here. Woot woot.
I'm starting to read 1984 for my English class. I read it in sophomore year. I remember bits and pieces. But yeah. I'm gonna read some now.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Barking butterflies.
Today is the fated day of my senior seminar presentation, and I'm in a bit of a scramble.
The head of the writing department is out today for Passover. She said she'd try to make it, but she wasn't sure. The other writing teacher, her niece, says she's not coming. I have to find a video student to tape it for me. I think I need to talk to Mr. Blocker. Yeehaw. I think I'm probably most nervous about that. I mean, my presentation is gonna be fine. I just hope everything runs smoothly.
I title this entry barking butterflies because I've hardly eaten today, so my stomach is empty. But sometimes that makes me belch more. I also have tummy butterflies. So yeah. Barking butterflies. (Like barking spiders.)
A few entries ago I wrote about when I was in second grade and I threw up in class. I do remember something else about that story. I was supposed to go roller skating with the Girl Scouts that night. When my mom got me in the nurse's office, I was like, "I can go home and rest for seven hours!" (That's how long it was 'til I was supposed to go.) Still, like a good mother should, she didn't let me go. Instead, though, she got me crayola stamper markers, with which I was obsessed with at the time. Those markers were cool. Man I love crayola.
I also remember another story from second grade. I was the first student in the class to be the "star attraction", or have a week where I was like, first in line and whatnot. Well. I got to do a show and tell about some stuff I brought in, and when I was done, I asked, "Questions or compliments?" I think my teacher corrected me and said, "I think you mean questions or comments." Something like that. Still. What a Freudian slip from a seven year old, huh? I was an attention whore even back in the day.
I said I was going to try to do an entry on the seventh, but I didn't. I saw "Reign Over Me" that day with Abby. I was too sad to write when I got home. That movie kinda drained me. I mean, it was great, and I highly recommend seeing it, but... I cried. A lot. Also, like I said, the seventh was the anniversary of my grandmother's passing.
What can I say about my Gramma? She was amazing. When I was younger, my grandparents would come over on Thursday nights to visit. My Gramma always had cookies in her purse. They used to spoil us. She didn't like cooking, but I'll be damned if she didn't make the best damn food.
I'm gonna edit this entry later.
More later,
~*The Pie
The head of the writing department is out today for Passover. She said she'd try to make it, but she wasn't sure. The other writing teacher, her niece, says she's not coming. I have to find a video student to tape it for me. I think I need to talk to Mr. Blocker. Yeehaw. I think I'm probably most nervous about that. I mean, my presentation is gonna be fine. I just hope everything runs smoothly.
I title this entry barking butterflies because I've hardly eaten today, so my stomach is empty. But sometimes that makes me belch more. I also have tummy butterflies. So yeah. Barking butterflies. (Like barking spiders.)
A few entries ago I wrote about when I was in second grade and I threw up in class. I do remember something else about that story. I was supposed to go roller skating with the Girl Scouts that night. When my mom got me in the nurse's office, I was like, "I can go home and rest for seven hours!" (That's how long it was 'til I was supposed to go.) Still, like a good mother should, she didn't let me go. Instead, though, she got me crayola stamper markers, with which I was obsessed with at the time. Those markers were cool. Man I love crayola.
I also remember another story from second grade. I was the first student in the class to be the "star attraction", or have a week where I was like, first in line and whatnot. Well. I got to do a show and tell about some stuff I brought in, and when I was done, I asked, "Questions or compliments?" I think my teacher corrected me and said, "I think you mean questions or comments." Something like that. Still. What a Freudian slip from a seven year old, huh? I was an attention whore even back in the day.
I said I was going to try to do an entry on the seventh, but I didn't. I saw "Reign Over Me" that day with Abby. I was too sad to write when I got home. That movie kinda drained me. I mean, it was great, and I highly recommend seeing it, but... I cried. A lot. Also, like I said, the seventh was the anniversary of my grandmother's passing.
What can I say about my Gramma? She was amazing. When I was younger, my grandparents would come over on Thursday nights to visit. My Gramma always had cookies in her purse. They used to spoil us. She didn't like cooking, but I'll be damned if she didn't make the best damn food.
I'm gonna edit this entry later.
More later,
~*The Pie
Friday, April 6, 2007
A visit.
I visited Sean at his brother's restaurant today. I didn't tell him that I was coming. A pleasant surprise. :) When he saw us, I think he said, "What are you doing here?"
My mom and I only got an appetizer. While we were waiting/eating, Sean would come over and we'd talk. But, never for too, too long 'cause he was on waiter duty. :D
His dad brought us our dish. That was unexpected, but very cool.
Also, at one point while I was there, I heard the song "The Scientist" play over their sound system. I just smiled and laughed. That was "our" song when we were dating. For a while I couldn't even stand hearing that song, or anything else by Coldplay. Now I don't mind that song. I just don't like Coldplay. *shrug*
Sean wanted to keep us there as long as he could, but we did have to get going. :D He joked that he was going to keep me there. My mom asked how I'd get home, and he said something about putting me in a baby seat. I think I smacked him. Eh, we tease each other.
So eventually we said our good byes and hugged. I hope to see him again sometime soon.
I went up to Cold Stone Creamery in the next town, but I have to apply online. Feh. I'm gonna look into that.
Alright. I'm gonna do other things.
More later,
~*The Pie
My mom and I only got an appetizer. While we were waiting/eating, Sean would come over and we'd talk. But, never for too, too long 'cause he was on waiter duty. :D
His dad brought us our dish. That was unexpected, but very cool.
Also, at one point while I was there, I heard the song "The Scientist" play over their sound system. I just smiled and laughed. That was "our" song when we were dating. For a while I couldn't even stand hearing that song, or anything else by Coldplay. Now I don't mind that song. I just don't like Coldplay. *shrug*
Sean wanted to keep us there as long as he could, but we did have to get going. :D He joked that he was going to keep me there. My mom asked how I'd get home, and he said something about putting me in a baby seat. I think I smacked him. Eh, we tease each other.
So eventually we said our good byes and hugged. I hope to see him again sometime soon.
I went up to Cold Stone Creamery in the next town, but I have to apply online. Feh. I'm gonna look into that.
Alright. I'm gonna do other things.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Note to self.
Coffee is not a good idea for me in the morning.
It's not that I'm not used to caffeine. I had coffee the other evening and I was perfectly fine. I can also drink Bawls (google it) without flinching, or getting sick.
I guess there's just something in coffee that makes me a little ill in the morning. Oh well. I'm not used to coffee in the morning. It's sad. I love it so.
My senior seminar presentation is in a week from today. So I think today, while I'm in the library, I'll practice lines more.
The Seder last night was very enjoyable. There some laughs, and the food was very good. I really do enjoy the Jewish culture, I just couldn't follow the religion. I prefer to be ecclectic. I do admire the fact that my Yid's siblings (all younger) can read and speak Hebrew. I could never do that. Then again, I didn't, so of course I'm going to think that. Still, it's a beautiful thing. Really.
I enjoy Hebrew. The first time I remember really hearing it was at my grandmother's funeral. The Rabbi was saying a psalm (don't ask me which, but it's the one about walking in the valley of the shadow of death. I love that psalm, even though I've never heard it outside of funerals.) and I just thought, "It's such a beautiful, ancient language." But... I don't know how well I'd be able to pick up a new language now. I'm getting older. ;)
Today is the fourth anniversary (or third?) of me getting my braces off. I got them off on April 3rd, 2002. Ergh, I'm getting all confused now. But I got them off in eighth grade.
April 7th is the anniversary (same amount of years) of my Gramma's passing. :( I miss her. Last night at the Seder I realized that it was that time of the year again, and I was very close to crying. Whenever I think about her, and the fact that she's still gone, I cry. I miss her. If I remember, I'll write a blog and dedicate it to her on that day.
I know that she watches over me and protects me every day. She loves me, and I love her. I can only hope that wherever she is, I'm making her proud.
I miss you, Gramma.
More later,
~*The Pie
It's not that I'm not used to caffeine. I had coffee the other evening and I was perfectly fine. I can also drink Bawls (google it) without flinching, or getting sick.
I guess there's just something in coffee that makes me a little ill in the morning. Oh well. I'm not used to coffee in the morning. It's sad. I love it so.
My senior seminar presentation is in a week from today. So I think today, while I'm in the library, I'll practice lines more.
The Seder last night was very enjoyable. There some laughs, and the food was very good. I really do enjoy the Jewish culture, I just couldn't follow the religion. I prefer to be ecclectic. I do admire the fact that my Yid's siblings (all younger) can read and speak Hebrew. I could never do that. Then again, I didn't, so of course I'm going to think that. Still, it's a beautiful thing. Really.
I enjoy Hebrew. The first time I remember really hearing it was at my grandmother's funeral. The Rabbi was saying a psalm (don't ask me which, but it's the one about walking in the valley of the shadow of death. I love that psalm, even though I've never heard it outside of funerals.) and I just thought, "It's such a beautiful, ancient language." But... I don't know how well I'd be able to pick up a new language now. I'm getting older. ;)
Today is the fourth anniversary (or third?) of me getting my braces off. I got them off on April 3rd, 2002. Ergh, I'm getting all confused now. But I got them off in eighth grade.
April 7th is the anniversary (same amount of years) of my Gramma's passing. :( I miss her. Last night at the Seder I realized that it was that time of the year again, and I was very close to crying. Whenever I think about her, and the fact that she's still gone, I cry. I miss her. If I remember, I'll write a blog and dedicate it to her on that day.
I know that she watches over me and protects me every day. She loves me, and I love her. I can only hope that wherever she is, I'm making her proud.
I miss you, Gramma.
More later,
~*The Pie
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