Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's been over two months since I've written. Summer can keep me away from my laptop, and even further from thinking about my blog.
Besides, I have a job right now. I'm working for Upward Bound at UMass Dartmouth. I'm a tutor/mentor. I act as a teacher's aide/RA, as well as tutor and mentor. The days feel long, but in the end, I'm happy to be working there. The students and my coworkers crack me up.
Before I started working for them, however, I was doing NOTHING. Just straight up nothing. Spending time to myself reading and doing sudoku, and hanging out with friends. It's nice for a while, but I would prefer to be working and making money. (Some friends of mine and I might rent a house in the beginning of the next year. I want to start saving up some rent.) Y'know, I just thought about it, and my summer is a little over half-way over. Wow. What a scary thought.
So I'm with Upward Bound 'til mid-August. I have a week between ending the program and starting job training for my conference office job, I believe. That's the impression I'm under, at least. I'll probably go back to Connecticut for that week to see some family and friends.
The Who are coming to Boston in October. I think I will do just about anything within my power to go to this concert. It's been on my mind. (And Lewis Black is coming to my hometown in October too! I'd love to go see him, but I have a feeling I won't be able to.)
The day has been going well so far. At midnight, Chris and Andie brought out a Hostess cherry pie with a couple of matches in it. I had half of that, and watched some Monty Python. I promptly fell asleep. As for the morning, I've downloaded some Who that I didn't have on my laptop, and I've been generally lazy.
My parents are coming out here very soon, and we're going to go out to lunch. After that, we're going to see "The Dark Knight", which I've heard wonderful things about. There's a pay-per-view event going on at Bil's tonight, so I'm hoping to stay for that. Then I go back to UMD for work tomorrow. Yeehaw.
Abstract got me chocolate covered strawberries for my birthday. :) They is delicious.
Not much else has been going on since.
Oh well. Happy birthday to me.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Almost there.
Ahh, I love the smell of the internet in the morning.
I was looking through this blog the other day, and I realized that I don't write in this blog the way I used to. I used to regale you with the tales of my every day life. Now I give you a brief summary of the events of the last few weeks. I like writing my little bits of nonsense, and hopefully I can return to doing so over the summer.
For now, though, you get another summary.
First of all, my health seems to be improving. No more pain, no more infections. I have a couple of appointments next week to make sure this is correct. (I hate ultrasounds, damnit.) The only thing bothering me now is my skin. The doctor at St. Luke's, the last time I went, prescribed me the same lotion I used before, but it honestly didn't do a damn thing. So, and I hate myself for using puns here, but I'm itching to see a dermatologist.
Second, my housing and classes for next semester are all set. I'm going to live in a triple with a couple of friends of mine. (I get the loft bed! Yeah!) I'm thankful that my housing process went the way it did. All of the rooms were taken by the end of the third day. My number was on the fourth. How did I get housing? My friend had a number on the second day, and she "pulled" me in. I could have gotten shafted, but that was avoided altogether. As for classes, I got into all the classes I wanted. I only had trouble getting into one, but I e-mailed the professor and she let me in. (It's Med Lab Science, the one I was looking forward to the most.) I'm back to taking five classes next semester. Hope it doesn't kill me! 'Cause I wanna do Rocky Horror and "Rope" next semester.
Third, I'm currently not so broke. I got paid last Friday, and I got one of my refund checks yesterday. However, I can't go spend crazy. I have co-pays to worry about next week. But, for now, I shall spend in moderation. Hell yeah.
Fourth, I'm doing makeup for 20 Cent Fiction's current production "Wait Until Dark". The show goes up Thursday night. The makeup is basic, really, but I love helping out in some way. And, of course, I love new learning experiences. (I've never worked with liquid foundation before!) The show runs from Thursday, the 8th, to Sunday, the 11th. Thursday through Saturday the show starts at... 7? Sunday's show is at 2. (I just remembered that Sunday is Mother's Day. I need to get a card!)
Fifth, the literary magazine I helped out with this semester should be nearing the end of the production cycle. I haven't heard any updates about the dummy copy and if anything needs to be fixed. I think we're shooting to distribute soon, though.
Sixth, I'm procrastinating really hard on studying for my stats quiz. God, I'm so glad I'm nearing the end of all of my classes. I took a math test yesterday, I have a French test tomorrow, a stats lab due Thursday, and a draft of an essay for English due Friday. Out of all of that, I need to do the lab. I'll study the French tonight, and I did the draft for English. Hopefully I won't epically fail the lab. I just need some help on defining some of the terms and such. *sigh* Alway something to do.
Seventh, I applied for two jobs on campus. One with housing, another with a program called Upward Bound. Housing didn't hire me. They offered me another job, but I declined. I haven't heard back from Upward Bound yet, but it's a summer program where I would be working with high schoolers. I hope to GOD that I get this job. It's perfect. I just want to hear back from them.
Eighth, I'm starving, but I'm ever vigilant when it comes to phone calls. I'll go to the bathroom and get lunch when my coworker gets here.
I think that about covers everything for now.
More later,
~*The Pie
I was looking through this blog the other day, and I realized that I don't write in this blog the way I used to. I used to regale you with the tales of my every day life. Now I give you a brief summary of the events of the last few weeks. I like writing my little bits of nonsense, and hopefully I can return to doing so over the summer.
For now, though, you get another summary.
First of all, my health seems to be improving. No more pain, no more infections. I have a couple of appointments next week to make sure this is correct. (I hate ultrasounds, damnit.) The only thing bothering me now is my skin. The doctor at St. Luke's, the last time I went, prescribed me the same lotion I used before, but it honestly didn't do a damn thing. So, and I hate myself for using puns here, but I'm itching to see a dermatologist.
Second, my housing and classes for next semester are all set. I'm going to live in a triple with a couple of friends of mine. (I get the loft bed! Yeah!) I'm thankful that my housing process went the way it did. All of the rooms were taken by the end of the third day. My number was on the fourth. How did I get housing? My friend had a number on the second day, and she "pulled" me in. I could have gotten shafted, but that was avoided altogether. As for classes, I got into all the classes I wanted. I only had trouble getting into one, but I e-mailed the professor and she let me in. (It's Med Lab Science, the one I was looking forward to the most.) I'm back to taking five classes next semester. Hope it doesn't kill me! 'Cause I wanna do Rocky Horror and "Rope" next semester.
Third, I'm currently not so broke. I got paid last Friday, and I got one of my refund checks yesterday. However, I can't go spend crazy. I have co-pays to worry about next week. But, for now, I shall spend in moderation. Hell yeah.
Fourth, I'm doing makeup for 20 Cent Fiction's current production "Wait Until Dark". The show goes up Thursday night. The makeup is basic, really, but I love helping out in some way. And, of course, I love new learning experiences. (I've never worked with liquid foundation before!) The show runs from Thursday, the 8th, to Sunday, the 11th. Thursday through Saturday the show starts at... 7? Sunday's show is at 2. (I just remembered that Sunday is Mother's Day. I need to get a card!)
Fifth, the literary magazine I helped out with this semester should be nearing the end of the production cycle. I haven't heard any updates about the dummy copy and if anything needs to be fixed. I think we're shooting to distribute soon, though.
Sixth, I'm procrastinating really hard on studying for my stats quiz. God, I'm so glad I'm nearing the end of all of my classes. I took a math test yesterday, I have a French test tomorrow, a stats lab due Thursday, and a draft of an essay for English due Friday. Out of all of that, I need to do the lab. I'll study the French tonight, and I did the draft for English. Hopefully I won't epically fail the lab. I just need some help on defining some of the terms and such. *sigh* Alway something to do.
Seventh, I applied for two jobs on campus. One with housing, another with a program called Upward Bound. Housing didn't hire me. They offered me another job, but I declined. I haven't heard back from Upward Bound yet, but it's a summer program where I would be working with high schoolers. I hope to GOD that I get this job. It's perfect. I just want to hear back from them.
Eighth, I'm starving, but I'm ever vigilant when it comes to phone calls. I'll go to the bathroom and get lunch when my coworker gets here.
I think that about covers everything for now.
More later,
~*The Pie
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Not for the weak of tummy.
Ha ha, how things have gone so downhill since my last post.
March 20th, I had to go to the hospital. I was trying to take a shower, but I ended up in screaming pain due to tightness of the stomach. Well, Chris took me to the ER. We spent six sleepy hours there, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. They hooked me up to an IV, made me do a CAT scan, and so on. (The contrast liquid for the CAT scan made me throw up. Twice.) They determined that I had developed a stomach bug (it was going around) and a urinary tract infection. Imagine you are walking towards the ER. You see a person walking away, I reiterate, away from the ER, throwing up on the sidewalk. That was me.
Stomach bugs and UTIs on top of each other aren't very fun, but both completely treatable. I just had to slow down for a few days.
I had originally lost my prescription for the UTI antibiotic. About a week later, I went to the campus health services to get another one. I finished the course of antibiotics, and went for a follow-up appointment. At the follow-up, I mentioned to the RN that I was still feeling some pain in my lower left. She said she thought it might be an ovarian cyst.
I saw the gynecologist they had there. (She's really cool.) She said, yeah, it seems to be a cyst. They made an appointment for me to get an ultrasound done at a local hospital. If the pain got worse before then, though, I had to go to the hospital.
The pain got worse on a Monday morning. Chris couldn't take me to the ER again 'cause he had classes and work. I tried calling people, and either they had class or weren't picking up their phones. I had to take a cab there.
I spent seven hours in the ER. The first time I had gone, it wasn't too busy there. This time, it was. It took, I want to say about two hours before a doc even saw me. I got examined, and they told me they were going to do the ultrasound. For an internal ultrasound, you have to do it on a full bladder. I had to drink 32 ounces of water. That. Is. A lot. I didn't pee beforehand, either, so I'm sure my bladder was extra full. The urge to pee hit me really bad. I called for a nurse, and asked if I could pee a little. She said, "Oh, yeah, we gotta send you for an ultrasound." (WTF WERE YOU WAITING FOR?!) By the time I made it to the ultrasound, I could hardly move in my stretcher, and I was screaming like a pregnant woman possessed. It hurt so bad that my kidneys were feeling it. I had to grit my teeth and bear it. The ultrasound technician was really sweet, though, so that made it a little easier.
Eventually it was determined that the cyst had ruptured. Well, that being the case, you just let it heal up and you deal with the pain. They put me on vicodin for bad pains. Nothing but vicodin had been working for me, I swear.
Two funny things about vicodin:
1. I cannot handle 500 mg of vicodin, but they didn't tell me to split the pill in half. My friend took me out to get the prescription, and then we went out for ice cream. I had a strawberry and banana sundae. I took 500 mg of vicodin, then ate. I had to go by health services to let them know how I was doing, and I think I had to cancel the ultrasound. I forget, things have become such a damn blur to me. Anyway. While in health services, I started to get dizzy and tired. I sat and read a magazine for a while, but I decided that I should try to leave. Outside, I saw a friend walking back to her dorm, so I hailed her over to say hi. As we started to talk, I felt like I was going to vomit. I leaned against a stranger's car and had at it. My friend brought me back to health services, and we determined that I should never take 500 mg of it again.
2. I'm allergic to vicodin! It helped with the pain, but we think it may have caused me to break out in a rash of sorts. And y'know, I thought it crazy at first, but after having been on prednisone for a few days, I think they may be right. I'm a little less itchy right now.
The last time I went to health services (there are some damn angels in that building, I'm convinced) the gynecologist said that there was still a lot of fluid roamin' around from the cyst. She put me on a couple of antibiotics, and the prednisone for the allergic reaction.
I find myself at this morning. I took my first antibiotic. I have to take it on an empty stomach, and I'm not supposed to lay down for 30 minutes after. Well, last night I laid down after, but I was exhausted. I passed out. This morning, though, the pain has been killing me. I'm just nauseous and crampy right now. I'm praying that things clear up soon. I have to go back for another ultrasound on May 12th, to see how I'm progressing.
MEANWHILE! Back when there was speculation about my cyst, Chris had been in a lot of pain, too. His joints were killing him in the morning. One day, it got so bad that his parents had to help him out of bed. His mom took him to the ER. It was determined that Chris has Lyme disease. It had probably been dormant since the summer or so. He's doing a lot better now.
His car is dead. The clutch and brakes are shot. It can't really accelerate uphill now. We've been riding with his parents.
Chris and I got a hedgehog! His name is Hu'go. He's brown and white, and very fat. I had accidentally been overfeeding him. Still, he's adorable, and I love him very much.
Before yesterday, I was flat freaking broke. I've had to pay for medical expenses, and Hu'go stuff. Now I have money again, and it's springtime. I'm getting some spring clothes today.
So, I hope all of y'all have been doing well in the meantime. Better than me, at least, ha ha.
More later,
~*The Pie
March 20th, I had to go to the hospital. I was trying to take a shower, but I ended up in screaming pain due to tightness of the stomach. Well, Chris took me to the ER. We spent six sleepy hours there, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. They hooked me up to an IV, made me do a CAT scan, and so on. (The contrast liquid for the CAT scan made me throw up. Twice.) They determined that I had developed a stomach bug (it was going around) and a urinary tract infection. Imagine you are walking towards the ER. You see a person walking away, I reiterate, away from the ER, throwing up on the sidewalk. That was me.
Stomach bugs and UTIs on top of each other aren't very fun, but both completely treatable. I just had to slow down for a few days.
I had originally lost my prescription for the UTI antibiotic. About a week later, I went to the campus health services to get another one. I finished the course of antibiotics, and went for a follow-up appointment. At the follow-up, I mentioned to the RN that I was still feeling some pain in my lower left. She said she thought it might be an ovarian cyst.
I saw the gynecologist they had there. (She's really cool.) She said, yeah, it seems to be a cyst. They made an appointment for me to get an ultrasound done at a local hospital. If the pain got worse before then, though, I had to go to the hospital.
The pain got worse on a Monday morning. Chris couldn't take me to the ER again 'cause he had classes and work. I tried calling people, and either they had class or weren't picking up their phones. I had to take a cab there.
I spent seven hours in the ER. The first time I had gone, it wasn't too busy there. This time, it was. It took, I want to say about two hours before a doc even saw me. I got examined, and they told me they were going to do the ultrasound. For an internal ultrasound, you have to do it on a full bladder. I had to drink 32 ounces of water. That. Is. A lot. I didn't pee beforehand, either, so I'm sure my bladder was extra full. The urge to pee hit me really bad. I called for a nurse, and asked if I could pee a little. She said, "Oh, yeah, we gotta send you for an ultrasound." (WTF WERE YOU WAITING FOR?!) By the time I made it to the ultrasound, I could hardly move in my stretcher, and I was screaming like a pregnant woman possessed. It hurt so bad that my kidneys were feeling it. I had to grit my teeth and bear it. The ultrasound technician was really sweet, though, so that made it a little easier.
Eventually it was determined that the cyst had ruptured. Well, that being the case, you just let it heal up and you deal with the pain. They put me on vicodin for bad pains. Nothing but vicodin had been working for me, I swear.
Two funny things about vicodin:
1. I cannot handle 500 mg of vicodin, but they didn't tell me to split the pill in half. My friend took me out to get the prescription, and then we went out for ice cream. I had a strawberry and banana sundae. I took 500 mg of vicodin, then ate. I had to go by health services to let them know how I was doing, and I think I had to cancel the ultrasound. I forget, things have become such a damn blur to me. Anyway. While in health services, I started to get dizzy and tired. I sat and read a magazine for a while, but I decided that I should try to leave. Outside, I saw a friend walking back to her dorm, so I hailed her over to say hi. As we started to talk, I felt like I was going to vomit. I leaned against a stranger's car and had at it. My friend brought me back to health services, and we determined that I should never take 500 mg of it again.
2. I'm allergic to vicodin! It helped with the pain, but we think it may have caused me to break out in a rash of sorts. And y'know, I thought it crazy at first, but after having been on prednisone for a few days, I think they may be right. I'm a little less itchy right now.
The last time I went to health services (there are some damn angels in that building, I'm convinced) the gynecologist said that there was still a lot of fluid roamin' around from the cyst. She put me on a couple of antibiotics, and the prednisone for the allergic reaction.
I find myself at this morning. I took my first antibiotic. I have to take it on an empty stomach, and I'm not supposed to lay down for 30 minutes after. Well, last night I laid down after, but I was exhausted. I passed out. This morning, though, the pain has been killing me. I'm just nauseous and crampy right now. I'm praying that things clear up soon. I have to go back for another ultrasound on May 12th, to see how I'm progressing.
MEANWHILE! Back when there was speculation about my cyst, Chris had been in a lot of pain, too. His joints were killing him in the morning. One day, it got so bad that his parents had to help him out of bed. His mom took him to the ER. It was determined that Chris has Lyme disease. It had probably been dormant since the summer or so. He's doing a lot better now.
His car is dead. The clutch and brakes are shot. It can't really accelerate uphill now. We've been riding with his parents.
Chris and I got a hedgehog! His name is Hu'go. He's brown and white, and very fat. I had accidentally been overfeeding him. Still, he's adorable, and I love him very much.
Before yesterday, I was flat freaking broke. I've had to pay for medical expenses, and Hu'go stuff. Now I have money again, and it's springtime. I'm getting some spring clothes today.
So, I hope all of y'all have been doing well in the meantime. Better than me, at least, ha ha.
More later,
~*The Pie
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Slowing down.
Howdy kids. How are y'all doin'? Peachy keen.
So I'm sorry I never posted information about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Tech week tends to suck the life out of the cast and crew. It was a great show, in all. I had a magnificent time with it. It went very smoothly. I can also say I've grown closer to some people, and made new friends. I miss it already, but I'm glad to have free evenings again.
I'm off of my lexapro. I've almost been off for a week. I've noticed myself being a little bit more touchy and short-fused, but I'm not down in a fucking hole like I used to be. I'm still pretty upbeat and happy, an accomplishment if I do say so myself. My friends have really helped me gain confidence. I can't go so far as to say it's completely there, but the foundations have been laid. (It helps to have people tell you you're awesome.) I think I'll be OK for now without it. I have everything I need to be happy and healthy. (See: Chris.)
School's been OK. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's funny... I wrote an essay for my English class about my religious life (or lack thereof?), and I have to give a presentation on it next class. Since when do people like my writing? Since when do people care about my religious beliefs? Well, I talked to a friend about it. She was in the group that nominated it. She said the other papers really sucked, apparently. That mine was refreshing or somesuch. Whatever makes the people happy.
Speaking of writing! If you have any poetry, short stories, or short scripts you'd like to have published, I'm working for a literary magazine on campus. We're called "The Jack". Our current theme is "there's a light in the dark", and this is open for interpretation. We're looking for written and artistic submissions. (For art, we'd prefer black and white. We're cheap.) If you're interested in submitting, or have any questions, please e-mail 20centjack@gmail.com. We're taking submissions until March 28th.
I love vacation. It makes me happy in the pants.
More later,
~*The Pie
So I'm sorry I never posted information about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Tech week tends to suck the life out of the cast and crew. It was a great show, in all. I had a magnificent time with it. It went very smoothly. I can also say I've grown closer to some people, and made new friends. I miss it already, but I'm glad to have free evenings again.
I'm off of my lexapro. I've almost been off for a week. I've noticed myself being a little bit more touchy and short-fused, but I'm not down in a fucking hole like I used to be. I'm still pretty upbeat and happy, an accomplishment if I do say so myself. My friends have really helped me gain confidence. I can't go so far as to say it's completely there, but the foundations have been laid. (It helps to have people tell you you're awesome.) I think I'll be OK for now without it. I have everything I need to be happy and healthy. (See: Chris.)
School's been OK. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's funny... I wrote an essay for my English class about my religious life (or lack thereof?), and I have to give a presentation on it next class. Since when do people like my writing? Since when do people care about my religious beliefs? Well, I talked to a friend about it. She was in the group that nominated it. She said the other papers really sucked, apparently. That mine was refreshing or somesuch. Whatever makes the people happy.
Speaking of writing! If you have any poetry, short stories, or short scripts you'd like to have published, I'm working for a literary magazine on campus. We're called "The Jack". Our current theme is "there's a light in the dark", and this is open for interpretation. We're looking for written and artistic submissions. (For art, we'd prefer black and white. We're cheap.) If you're interested in submitting, or have any questions, please e-mail 20centjack@gmail.com. We're taking submissions until March 28th.
I love vacation. It makes me happy in the pants.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Time moves too quickly.
"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" go up next week. What? I'm having a hard time believing that the show goes up next week. I'm hella excited, 'cause we've all worked so hard and the show is going to look great. Next week is tech week, and the tragedians and I are going to have to work really, really hard. We'll finally get to do things on set, so a lot of basic blocking gets shifted to fit the stage. We'll finally have our prop cart, too, so we can make better usage of our time on stage. Once I get the correct times, I'll post 'em here.
Chris and I are finally getting treatment for our skin problem. I'm so happy. I don't want to have to deal with this during the show, I'll go insane. It stings a little bit, but it doesn't smell like the other stuff I had to use. I slept last night, but that was 'cause I took sleeping pills. I might have to again tonight. Aaahhhhhh I'm tired, though. I kept waking up.
We might get a hedgehog. One of my friends is selling a few, and Chris' dad said we could probably manage it. They are the cutest things! Also very easy to care for. I'm very excited about this.
LOL my supervisor did that high pitched question thing, like Stewie on Family Guy. Oh holy crap, that was hilarious.
Well, that's pretty much all that's going on. I'm hungry, but I gotta wait.
More later,
~*The Pie
Chris and I are finally getting treatment for our skin problem. I'm so happy. I don't want to have to deal with this during the show, I'll go insane. It stings a little bit, but it doesn't smell like the other stuff I had to use. I slept last night, but that was 'cause I took sleeping pills. I might have to again tonight. Aaahhhhhh I'm tired, though. I kept waking up.
We might get a hedgehog. One of my friends is selling a few, and Chris' dad said we could probably manage it. They are the cutest things! Also very easy to care for. I'm very excited about this.
LOL my supervisor did that high pitched question thing, like Stewie on Family Guy. Oh holy crap, that was hilarious.
Well, that's pretty much all that's going on. I'm hungry, but I gotta wait.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Getting sick.
I think I'm getting sick.
Last night, Chris and I celebrated Dan Whitehead's 21st birthday. It was fun, but unfortunately Dan and our friend Dylan got into an accident on the way back to Dan's. Everyone's fine. Dylan was driving. A cab car t-boned 'em. The car's dinged up, but no one's hurt, so it's OK. It put a more somber mood on the evening. I don't care, so long as everyone's fine.
So we came home sometime after 1, and I was exhausted. Like, I was lucky I could still function. Chris, being the angel he is, helped me into my night clothes, got my medication, and tucked me in. He slept downstairs again so as not to wake me up when he got into bed. I slept like a log last night. Once I was out, I was out.
Unfortunately, I started work this morning at 8. Ohhh I was not a happy camper. My alarm went off, but I thought I'd sleep for another five minutes. Chris got me at 7:20. ><; Freakin' sucked. I wish I was sleeping now, but that's a distant dream. I have class at 12 until 1:40. The next thing I have to do is at 6:30. I want to sack out for a few hours, but I don't know if I can.
I'm in rehearsal 'til about 9, but I think after that I'm just going home, doing my reading for English, and going to sleep. No messing around.
This morning, Chris' mom said, "If you two get Chris' room clean, and I mean clean, I'll get a full sized mattress after I get my tax return." I stood agape. I want a full-sized bed. (I don't think we could get anything bigger.) I've bugged Chris about cleaning the room, but now I think he's going to consider it more seriously. He has so much dirty laundry up there, oh my lord. Socks and t-shirts abound. (Ha ha, I have to do laundry this weekend.)
I got 11 hours of work a week this semester. I'm pumped. I also got an automatic raise due to minimum wage going up. Hells yes!
"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern..." rehearsals are coming along swimmingly. I've been enjoying myself. The show goes up in about a month. (March 6-9.) I have a good feeling about it.
My classes are going along alright. I don't have a problem with any of my professors, so that's a good thing. The homework's been manageable. So far, nothing I can't handle. =)
I think that's everything I have to say for now. Things are good, aside from my sore throat and screwed up sinuses.
More later,
~*The Pie
Last night, Chris and I celebrated Dan Whitehead's 21st birthday. It was fun, but unfortunately Dan and our friend Dylan got into an accident on the way back to Dan's. Everyone's fine. Dylan was driving. A cab car t-boned 'em. The car's dinged up, but no one's hurt, so it's OK. It put a more somber mood on the evening. I don't care, so long as everyone's fine.
So we came home sometime after 1, and I was exhausted. Like, I was lucky I could still function. Chris, being the angel he is, helped me into my night clothes, got my medication, and tucked me in. He slept downstairs again so as not to wake me up when he got into bed. I slept like a log last night. Once I was out, I was out.
Unfortunately, I started work this morning at 8. Ohhh I was not a happy camper. My alarm went off, but I thought I'd sleep for another five minutes. Chris got me at 7:20. ><; Freakin' sucked. I wish I was sleeping now, but that's a distant dream. I have class at 12 until 1:40. The next thing I have to do is at 6:30. I want to sack out for a few hours, but I don't know if I can.
I'm in rehearsal 'til about 9, but I think after that I'm just going home, doing my reading for English, and going to sleep. No messing around.
This morning, Chris' mom said, "If you two get Chris' room clean, and I mean clean, I'll get a full sized mattress after I get my tax return." I stood agape. I want a full-sized bed. (I don't think we could get anything bigger.) I've bugged Chris about cleaning the room, but now I think he's going to consider it more seriously. He has so much dirty laundry up there, oh my lord. Socks and t-shirts abound. (Ha ha, I have to do laundry this weekend.)
I got 11 hours of work a week this semester. I'm pumped. I also got an automatic raise due to minimum wage going up. Hells yes!
"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern..." rehearsals are coming along swimmingly. I've been enjoying myself. The show goes up in about a month. (March 6-9.) I have a good feeling about it.
My classes are going along alright. I don't have a problem with any of my professors, so that's a good thing. The homework's been manageable. So far, nothing I can't handle. =)
I think that's everything I have to say for now. Things are good, aside from my sore throat and screwed up sinuses.
More later,
~*The Pie
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My dealings with insomnia.
Last week and this week, I've been dealing with a bit of insomnia. My sleep cycle's been slightly more messed up than usual. If you know me, you know I love sleeping. Chris' family makes fun of me for always sleeping during the day. (If you were on Lexapro, you might sleep too.) Well, now I'm even more compelled to sleep during the day. I have more reason to.
I've always been a night owl. ('Cept at sleepovers, ha ha. Always the first to fall asleep.)
OK, I got hella sidetracked. Enjoy the survey!

More later,
~*The Pie
P.S.: I got a role upgrade in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". I'm now a Tragedian. :)
I've always been a night owl. ('Cept at sleepovers, ha ha. Always the first to fall asleep.)
OK, I got hella sidetracked. Enjoy the survey!
Tell Me About Yourself | |
Basic | |
Name?: | Wendy |
Also known as...: | The Pie, deathslushie |
Age?: | 18 |
Sex?: | Mmmhmmmfemale |
Birthday?: | July 20th |
Hair Color?: | Brown |
Eye Color?: | Green with brown |
Height?: | 5'3" |
Weight?: | Last I knew, 100 lbs. |
Piercings?: | Two holes per ear. |
Tattoos?: | None yet. I want some form of a chalice on my right shoulder, and a "Petit Prince" drawing on my left hip. |
Body type?: | Petite. |
Nationality?: | American. =/ |
Favorites | |
Color?: | Black, maroon, cobalt blue. |
Number?: | 42. |
letter?: | None? |
Food?: | Raw salmon. |
Drink?: | I'm a sucker for iced tea. |
Alcoholic drink?: | That fruity Smirnoff stuff. |
Song?: | "Stranded" by AAF. |
Band/artist?: | Currently, The Who. |
Type of music?: | Rock. |
Day of the week?: | Oh hell. Friday. |
Month?: | Oh I dunno. |
Season?: | Summer. |
Vehicle?: | O_O One that works better than Chris'. |
Sport?: | Hockey/baseball |
Movie: | "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" or "Dr. Strangelove" |
Type of movie?: | Comedy/satire |
Joke?: | Two peanuts are walking down the street and one is assaulted. ("Ever hear of the polish singles dance? Flan!" Ha ha, Bil.) |
Quote?: | "So before you point your fingers, Be sure your hands are clean." Bob Marley |
Cloths brand?: | None. |
Brand in general?: | Nintendo. |
Book?: | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. |
Poem?: | Oh hell. |
Flavor of gum?: | Free. |
Shoes?: | My current shoes. Simple, black, classy. |
Friend?: | That's not fair. |
Part of your body?: | Eyes/smile/hips. |
Class?: | Last semester, SOC 101 |
Show?: | Simpsons/Spongebob/Family Guy |
Holiday?: | I like a lot of them. |
Gadget?: | It'll be my new laptop when I get it. |
Game System?: | Oh so not fair! I like the wii and DS, but the 360 is pretty cool too. Don't get me started on the sega genesis. |
Game?: | I can't answer that! |
Animal?: | Hyena. |
Place?: | Chris' arms. |
This or that? | |
Pepsi or Coke: | Cooooooooooke. |
McDonalds or Burger King: | BK. |
Fruit or Vegetables: | Depends. |
Chocolate or Vanilla: | Depends. |
Hot Tea or Ice Tea: | Depends. |
Dog or Cat: | BOTH! *squeal* |
Puppy or kitten: | BOTH! Oh my God. |
Techno or Rap: | Techno. |
Country or Jazz: | Jazz. |
Rock or Punk: | Both. |
Summer or Winter?: | Summer. |
Scary movies or Funny movies?: | Funny. |
Kiss or hug?: | Both. |
Single or group dates?: | Single. |
Love or money?: | Love. |
Looks or personality: | Personality. |
Lipton or Nestea?: | I don't care. |
Nike or Jordans?: | Nike. |
Have You Ever... | |
Kissed someone of the opposite sex?: | Yes. |
Kissed someone of the same sex?: | Yes. |
Gone skinny dipping?: | Yes. (Naked whirlpool, woooo!) |
Smoked?: | Yes. |
Drank alcohol?: | Yes. |
Got drunk?: | o_O |
Stolen something?: | When I was young. |
Gotten arrested?: | No. |
Been beaten up?: | LOL Dan Whitehead headbutted me in the fucking BACK tonight. |
Beaten someone up?: | Not really. |
Been sent to the hospital?: | Yes. |
Embarassed yourself in front of a big crowd?: | Yes. |
Had sex?: | I think we all know. |
Wished to the stars?: | Probably. |
Saw a shooting star?: | No. |
Screamed outside really loudly?: | I don't think so. Inside, though... |
Broken someone's heart?: | Yeahhh... |
Gotten your heart broken by someone?: | Yes. |
Been in a plane?: | Yes. |
Been to another country?: | No. |
(For guys) Been kicked in the nuts?: | I get hurt in the cooch, don't gimme that. |
Been on TV?: | Briefly. |
Fell asleep in class?: | YES. |
Failed a grade?: | No. |
Cried to get your way?: | Probably not. |
Gone through a nervous breakdown?: | I'm pretty sure my junior year was one huge one. |
Would you.. | |
Tell a crush you like them?: | No. I'm hella shy. |
Have sex before marriage?: | Yes. |
Lie to a friend?: | If I absolutely had to. |
Lie to a lover?: | No. |
Lie to your parents?: | Am I really gonna say that? My dad reads this. |
sacrifice yourself for a friend?: | Yes. |
A Lover?: | Yes. |
Confess a murder?: | I don't have the heart to murder in the first place. |
Strip in public?: | No! |
Swim in a pool while there's a thunderstorm?: | Yeah. |
Go skydiving?: | No. |
Go Scuba diving?: | Yes. |
Cheat on your bf/gf?: | NO! Never intentionally. |
In a Boy or Girl | |
Hair Color?: | Dark. |
Eye Color?: | I've been digging on blue or green eyes lately, but Chris has brown. |
Height?: | I secretly like tall guys. |
Weight?: | Healthy. |
Style?: | Laid back. |
Hot or Cute?: | Cute! Hot guys tend to suck. |
Age?: | Older. |
Drink?: | Not much. |
Smoke?: | He does, a little. |
Mucular or really skinny?: | LOL I could go either way. |
Your Friends | |
Your best?: | I'm on high terms with a lot of friends. |
Who do you treat best?: | Everyone! |
Who treats you the best?: | Most friends. |
Who's the funny one?: | Most of them are funny. |
Smart one?: | Good question. ;) |
Happy-go-lucky one?: | Derek! Kayla C. |
Obsessed one?: | If I can consider her one, Andie. She gets obsessed easily. |
Hyper one: | O_O |
Normal one?: | Andrea. |
Depressed one?: | ME! Sometimes Dan W. and Nick. |
Wierd one?: | We're all mad, here. |
Stupid one?: | ><; |
Worst one?: | They all have their moments. |
Supportive one?: | They all are. |
Happy one?: | Most tend to be. |
Talkative one?: | A lot of them are. |
Random Q's | |
Who was the last person to im you?: | It's been a while. |
Call you?: | My dad. |
Say Hi?: | Don't know. |
Say Bye?: | Karen said good night. |
Say I love you?: | Chris. |
Do you belive in magic?: | No. |
Do you love to excersize?: | I do. |
To sleep?: | YES. |
Do you like your name?: | No, not really. |
Would you want to change it?: | No. It fits me too well. |
When's the last time you cried?: | Ahhhhhh Thursday. |
Why?: | I humiliated myself. |
When's the last time you laughed?: | A few minutes ago. |
Why?: | ECW thread on SA. |
What country would you like to go to?: | France. |
Where do you want to be right now?: | Showering. |
Do you have a job?: | Yes. |
Can you draw?: | Not much. |
Can you swim?: | No. |
Do you like to sing?: | Yes. |
To dance?: | No. |
Ever been to a club?: | No...? |
Can you play an instrument?: | Yes. |
Do you belive in God?: | I go back and forth. |
If I were a....: | |
My heart is...: | a hotel. People are free to come and go as they please, but if it is violated, they are not allowed to return. |
I wish...: | I wasn't so itchy. |
I love...: | Chris. |
My life...: | is pretty good right now. |
4 Things That Scare Me | |
1: | Spiders |
2: | Snuff films (in theory) |
3: | Humanity |
4: | The thought of losing my friends |
4 Things That I love | |
1: | Chris |
2: | My friends |
3: | Sleep |
4: | Food |
4 Things I hate | |
1: | A certain someone that requested to be my friend lately. Asshole. |
2 | |
3: | Ha ha! There is no 2. Humanity. |
4: | People who don't take the time to type correctly when they have the ability to do so. |
4 People That Make Me Laugh | |
1: | Bil |
2: | Kevums |
3: | Chris |
4: | Chris' Dad. |
4 People that I Love | |
1: | Chris. |
2: | Most |
3: | Other |
4: | People |
4 Ways To Describe Me | |
1: | Intelligent |
2: | Funny |
3: | Caring |
4: | Thoughtful/thoughtless |
4 Things I want To Do Before I Die | |
1: | Have at least one child. |
2: | Go to France. |
3: | Work as a school social worker |
4: | Touch as many lives as I can. |
4 Things I Want People To Know About Me | |
1: | My heart policy from above. |
2: | It's hard for me to accept compliments. |
3: | I have low tolerance for stupidity. |
4: | I like hugs. |
4 Extra Things I want To Say | |
1: | I'm still fucking itchy. |
2: | I really want to take a shower. |
3: | Holy crap tomorrow's laundry day. |
4: | I wanted to go to sleep an hour ago, damnit. |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
More later,
~*The Pie
P.S.: I got a role upgrade in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". I'm now a Tragedian. :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
A new year.
New year, old comments.
My second appearance (so far as I know) in goons.jpg.
I'd love to know where the fascination about my nose comes in. I've seen much, much worse. Also, the whole mustache thing only comes into play when you look TERRIBLY closely.
And so it goes.
I'm just glad I don't have to use cheap tactics to feel better about myself. Sometimes, all I have to do is look around.
And to think, I fit into the whole "she has a nice personality" thing. I acknowledge the fact that I'm not about to win any beauty pageants, but at least I'm still pretty nice. The people around me tend to agree that I'm awesome. Well, at least to my face. =/
I think I just need a hug.
I'm getting the new laptop. It's a Dell Inspiron 1520. I couldn't get the red, heh. Chris said that if I was going to spend on myself, it should be something other than a laptop color.
A couple of friends of mine helped me figure out how to take the hard drive out of my old laptop so I could hook it up to the new one. It's actually really simple! I just had to get a hard drive enclosure in the right size and format. I take the hard drive out, put it in this thing, and use a USB connection. I'm actually excited about it. Ah, I'm pathetic. The enclosure I ordered should be coming in tomorrow. The laptop is coming in, so Dell says, January 24th.
My grades for the first semester are in!
Psychology 101: A-
French 201: A-
English 101: B+
Sociology 101: B+
Biology 103: C
Overall GPA: 3.2
I'm satisfied.
Oh! Before I go. My Christmas and New Year's celebrations were good.
More later,
~*The Pie
My second appearance (so far as I know) in goons.jpg.
I'd love to know where the fascination about my nose comes in. I've seen much, much worse. Also, the whole mustache thing only comes into play when you look TERRIBLY closely.
And so it goes.
I'm just glad I don't have to use cheap tactics to feel better about myself. Sometimes, all I have to do is look around.
And to think, I fit into the whole "she has a nice personality" thing. I acknowledge the fact that I'm not about to win any beauty pageants, but at least I'm still pretty nice. The people around me tend to agree that I'm awesome. Well, at least to my face. =/
I think I just need a hug.
I'm getting the new laptop. It's a Dell Inspiron 1520. I couldn't get the red, heh. Chris said that if I was going to spend on myself, it should be something other than a laptop color.
A couple of friends of mine helped me figure out how to take the hard drive out of my old laptop so I could hook it up to the new one. It's actually really simple! I just had to get a hard drive enclosure in the right size and format. I take the hard drive out, put it in this thing, and use a USB connection. I'm actually excited about it. Ah, I'm pathetic. The enclosure I ordered should be coming in tomorrow. The laptop is coming in, so Dell says, January 24th.
My grades for the first semester are in!
Psychology 101: A-
French 201: A-
English 101: B+
Sociology 101: B+
Biology 103: C
Overall GPA: 3.2
I'm satisfied.
Oh! Before I go. My Christmas and New Year's celebrations were good.
More later,
~*The Pie
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