Chris forgot to bring my corsage.
I try not to swear in this thing, but what the fuck.
I'm trying not to get too angry, but I am very, very angry right now.
How do you do that? I know he was late, but it's my corsage. It's almost held holy in the prom tradition.
I can't believe this.
I know he feels bad, but oh my God.
I guess we're trying to arrange an emergency one.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Off to see The Wizard.
My weekend at Chris' was pretty wonderful.
On Saturday evening, Chris, myself and a couple of our friends walked over to the 7-11. On the way back to our friend's apartment, we were walking up the street that comes out to the apartment. It was night time, and it was glowing right in front of us.
Now, I'm sure any "Wizard of Oz" fan would yell at me for this, but pardon me, I've never seen the movie. From left to right, walking, it was the friend who owns the apartment, me, Chris, and another friend of ours. Tin man, Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion.
Tin man, as I'll refer to him, has been in a precarious situation with the woman he loves. He could use some love right now, but it doesn't readily seem like he'll get it.
I'm dying to go home. By home I mean out Chris' way. This town that I'm in now does not feel like home. When I'm out at Chris', it just feels so natural. Here I guess I'm a square peg in a round hole.
Chris is definitely the scarecrow. He could use some brains now and then. :) But! He did pass his classes, though we haven't heard about the Calc. III class grade yet. So he could be worse off, but he could still be much better.
Lion. Well, he doesn't need courage, really. He just looked like the lion when he still had hair.
Chris cut his hair. His friend shaved, and is continuing to shave his head. So strange! When I saw Chris' hair, I cried. Really.
Pardon me for a few ticks, I gotta work on cleaning the tub.
God, forget bath tubs.
More later,
~*The Pie
On Saturday evening, Chris, myself and a couple of our friends walked over to the 7-11. On the way back to our friend's apartment, we were walking up the street that comes out to the apartment. It was night time, and it was glowing right in front of us.
Now, I'm sure any "Wizard of Oz" fan would yell at me for this, but pardon me, I've never seen the movie. From left to right, walking, it was the friend who owns the apartment, me, Chris, and another friend of ours. Tin man, Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion.
Tin man, as I'll refer to him, has been in a precarious situation with the woman he loves. He could use some love right now, but it doesn't readily seem like he'll get it.
I'm dying to go home. By home I mean out Chris' way. This town that I'm in now does not feel like home. When I'm out at Chris', it just feels so natural. Here I guess I'm a square peg in a round hole.
Chris is definitely the scarecrow. He could use some brains now and then. :) But! He did pass his classes, though we haven't heard about the Calc. III class grade yet. So he could be worse off, but he could still be much better.
Lion. Well, he doesn't need courage, really. He just looked like the lion when he still had hair.
Chris cut his hair. His friend shaved, and is continuing to shave his head. So strange! When I saw Chris' hair, I cried. Really.
Pardon me for a few ticks, I gotta work on cleaning the tub.
God, forget bath tubs.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
This morning, my school's principal announced that I am officially the Valedictorian for the class of 2007, and aqua Ab is the salutatorian.
I've worked hard and I think I can finally say I'm proud of myself for this accomplishment. This is what I get for a lack of a proper social life all these years.
I would like to go to my home district and say, "Hey, what now?", but in comparison to their curriculum and whatnot, I'm nothing special. *sigh* Different standards.
My speech shall be kept under wraps for now, methinks. I have a couple of ideas that I think I'll touch on.
Today in my English class we were reading an essay by George Orwell about how over-complicated the English language has become. I can't help but agree with him. People want to sound smarter than they really are these days. I find myself in this situation from time to time too. At the same time, I would like to expand my vocabulary responsibly. I think today's lesson foreshadows what I must write. I need to keep it simple. I forget who said it, but wisdom may only be eloquent foolishness.
I have quite the day ahead of me.
Let me prep by playing pyramid solitaire.
More later,
~*The Pie
I've worked hard and I think I can finally say I'm proud of myself for this accomplishment. This is what I get for a lack of a proper social life all these years.
I would like to go to my home district and say, "Hey, what now?", but in comparison to their curriculum and whatnot, I'm nothing special. *sigh* Different standards.
My speech shall be kept under wraps for now, methinks. I have a couple of ideas that I think I'll touch on.
Today in my English class we were reading an essay by George Orwell about how over-complicated the English language has become. I can't help but agree with him. People want to sound smarter than they really are these days. I find myself in this situation from time to time too. At the same time, I would like to expand my vocabulary responsibly. I think today's lesson foreshadows what I must write. I need to keep it simple. I forget who said it, but wisdom may only be eloquent foolishness.
I have quite the day ahead of me.
Let me prep by playing pyramid solitaire.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Alright, I said I'd update y'all as to what I'm going to be doing in the near future.
Next Wednesday I'm going to my doctor to get some immunization shots for college. Yay. I think I'm getting my blood test done that day, too. (My psychiatrist requested one.) Then on Friday I have to go back so they can see how I reacted to the meningitis test to see if I can handle the vaccination.
Normally on Fridays (well, every other Friday) I have therapy. I'm supposed to have it on the 25th. That's Chris' birthday. So I'm gonna have my mom move my appointment to Thursday. We're thinking she can take me out during my lunch period to the doctor's, then I can just go home. Chris will be done with his finals by then, so he'll come out in the early afternoon to pick me up, and we'll be on our merry way.
A friend of mine ( has invited Chris and me to a cookout he's having on Memorial Day, so I think we're going to that for part of the day.
Then, on May 31st, the Thursday, I have prom. I'm probably going to leave school early to get my hair and nails done, then go home and get prettied up. Chris'll get here, probably take a shower and get into his tux, etc.
On June 1st, he and I will head back out his way. (He needs to drop off his tux.) On June 2nd, I have my placement testing at UMass Dartmouth at nine a.m. On June 3rd, I have to go to a luncheon at a local university. (I was nominated "Youth of the Year" by the teachers for the local newspaper. I'm representing my school.) So I'm hopefully having Chris and my mom come. (My dad isn't sure as to whether he's going. He's normally in Dover that weekend. I think he should go to Dover.)
From there, I don't have much of anything going on. I might might might go to a youth conference from the 8th to the 10th, although that's up in the air right now. My graduation is still on for June 26th, much to my chagrin. I need to talk to the orientation organizers at UMass Dartmouth and see if I can reschedule mine. :( I wish I could go to the one for the 25th and 26th because it's for social science majors. (Future psych major, woot.) But due to graduation, I can't go then. So I gotta e-mail some folks.
Things have been OK. Chemistry's been a little hectic and confusing lately. I have to start working on a paper for English. In accounting, we're doing a project where we're supposed to have two projects due for the next four Fridays. I've already finished about 3/4 of it. I'm just so cool. That's a lot of what I have going on in school.
So that's how things are looking for now. I'm excited. This year's been pretty wonderful.
More later,
~*The Pie
Next Wednesday I'm going to my doctor to get some immunization shots for college. Yay. I think I'm getting my blood test done that day, too. (My psychiatrist requested one.) Then on Friday I have to go back so they can see how I reacted to the meningitis test to see if I can handle the vaccination.
Normally on Fridays (well, every other Friday) I have therapy. I'm supposed to have it on the 25th. That's Chris' birthday. So I'm gonna have my mom move my appointment to Thursday. We're thinking she can take me out during my lunch period to the doctor's, then I can just go home. Chris will be done with his finals by then, so he'll come out in the early afternoon to pick me up, and we'll be on our merry way.
A friend of mine ( has invited Chris and me to a cookout he's having on Memorial Day, so I think we're going to that for part of the day.
Then, on May 31st, the Thursday, I have prom. I'm probably going to leave school early to get my hair and nails done, then go home and get prettied up. Chris'll get here, probably take a shower and get into his tux, etc.
On June 1st, he and I will head back out his way. (He needs to drop off his tux.) On June 2nd, I have my placement testing at UMass Dartmouth at nine a.m. On June 3rd, I have to go to a luncheon at a local university. (I was nominated "Youth of the Year" by the teachers for the local newspaper. I'm representing my school.) So I'm hopefully having Chris and my mom come. (My dad isn't sure as to whether he's going. He's normally in Dover that weekend. I think he should go to Dover.)
From there, I don't have much of anything going on. I might might might go to a youth conference from the 8th to the 10th, although that's up in the air right now. My graduation is still on for June 26th, much to my chagrin. I need to talk to the orientation organizers at UMass Dartmouth and see if I can reschedule mine. :( I wish I could go to the one for the 25th and 26th because it's for social science majors. (Future psych major, woot.) But due to graduation, I can't go then. So I gotta e-mail some folks.
Things have been OK. Chemistry's been a little hectic and confusing lately. I have to start working on a paper for English. In accounting, we're doing a project where we're supposed to have two projects due for the next four Fridays. I've already finished about 3/4 of it. I'm just so cool. That's a lot of what I have going on in school.
So that's how things are looking for now. I'm excited. This year's been pretty wonderful.
More later,
~*The Pie
Monday, May 14, 2007
Busy busy busy
OK, I'm sorry I haven't updated since the AP stats test. Things have been hectic, as per usual.
On Friday, Abby and I had our dress rehearsal for chorus. It was so miserable! I was wearing these ridiculous heels.

It's not the best view of them, but trust me, they're not the most comfortable things in the world. So I was standing in those for a good while. It was humid in the church. The choral director just wouldn't let us go, it felt like. *sigh* But anyway, we got through the night, and I got home. The funniest thing from the whole night was seeing the choral director run, in stocking feet, down the center aisle to catch some firemen. (The fire department is stationed across the street from this church.) She said, "They're here for us! And they're tenors!" (We only had two tenors this season.)
The next day, I was expecting Chris to wake me up with a kiss, but instead he did it with a phone call. He slept in late. (He went to the Tommy cast party the night before.) So he called me, and we talked until he reached the state border. We talked about the previous night. The Swarovski vase I spoke of before is still teetering pretty precariously, but now I know why, at least.
After we got off of the phone, I had to clean sinks, take a shower, and shave my shins. Chris came while I was shaving. I wrapped myself in a towel and went out to greet him. I love him.
Soon, we had to go out. I had to have dinner, (I had a steakhouse Jr. and chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Yes, I ate the whole thing. Bamf.) and my mom had to pick up some flowers for Mother's Day. While my mum was looking flowers at the first store, Chris and I went into Petco next door and watched the mice. They're so cute! I'd love to have one, but I'd actually prefer to have something larger to cuddle with, like Chris. He's my furry little animal. Anyway. After that, we went to another store. Chris and I waited in the car, and a friend of mine came out to say hi. (She works there.) We talked about how I'm graduating soon, how prom is coming, and how the school is doing. (She graduated from there in... '05.)
From there, I was dropped off early at the church. I just kinda hung around for a while. Later, Abby arrived, and we went upstairs to hang with her boyfriend, Bill. I was so glad to see him again! I really do like him very much. He's such a nice, laid back guy. And he makes Abby happy when he's around, which is the best.
The show came and went. It didn't seem that long. I could see Chris from where I was standing, and for one song, I basically sang it to him. :)
After the show, and after we had some refreshments, we went out to Dairy Queen. After that, we hung around to talk, then Bill brought Chris and me home.
Sunday, Chris had to get home early to work on a paper. We cuddled for a while before he left, which was nice.
I went to my Poppa's for Mother's Day dinner. We had Chinese take out. I hadn't had Chinese in a while, so it was well received.
Today's just been another day. Nothing special, really. My Yid told me this morning that they were going to announce who the valedictorian and salutatorian (sp?), but they didn't. Not even this afternoon. I'm really anxious, because in truth, it's basically amongst my Yid, Ab, and me for either of the positions.
So that was the last few days.
Things have died down, but they're not over yet. That'll either be an edit to this or in another post. There is much going on. :D
More later,
~*The Pie
On Friday, Abby and I had our dress rehearsal for chorus. It was so miserable! I was wearing these ridiculous heels.
It's not the best view of them, but trust me, they're not the most comfortable things in the world. So I was standing in those for a good while. It was humid in the church. The choral director just wouldn't let us go, it felt like. *sigh* But anyway, we got through the night, and I got home. The funniest thing from the whole night was seeing the choral director run, in stocking feet, down the center aisle to catch some firemen. (The fire department is stationed across the street from this church.) She said, "They're here for us! And they're tenors!" (We only had two tenors this season.)
The next day, I was expecting Chris to wake me up with a kiss, but instead he did it with a phone call. He slept in late. (He went to the Tommy cast party the night before.) So he called me, and we talked until he reached the state border. We talked about the previous night. The Swarovski vase I spoke of before is still teetering pretty precariously, but now I know why, at least.
After we got off of the phone, I had to clean sinks, take a shower, and shave my shins. Chris came while I was shaving. I wrapped myself in a towel and went out to greet him. I love him.
Soon, we had to go out. I had to have dinner, (I had a steakhouse Jr. and chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Yes, I ate the whole thing. Bamf.) and my mom had to pick up some flowers for Mother's Day. While my mum was looking flowers at the first store, Chris and I went into Petco next door and watched the mice. They're so cute! I'd love to have one, but I'd actually prefer to have something larger to cuddle with, like Chris. He's my furry little animal. Anyway. After that, we went to another store. Chris and I waited in the car, and a friend of mine came out to say hi. (She works there.) We talked about how I'm graduating soon, how prom is coming, and how the school is doing. (She graduated from there in... '05.)
From there, I was dropped off early at the church. I just kinda hung around for a while. Later, Abby arrived, and we went upstairs to hang with her boyfriend, Bill. I was so glad to see him again! I really do like him very much. He's such a nice, laid back guy. And he makes Abby happy when he's around, which is the best.
The show came and went. It didn't seem that long. I could see Chris from where I was standing, and for one song, I basically sang it to him. :)
After the show, and after we had some refreshments, we went out to Dairy Queen. After that, we hung around to talk, then Bill brought Chris and me home.
Sunday, Chris had to get home early to work on a paper. We cuddled for a while before he left, which was nice.
I went to my Poppa's for Mother's Day dinner. We had Chinese take out. I hadn't had Chinese in a while, so it was well received.
Today's just been another day. Nothing special, really. My Yid told me this morning that they were going to announce who the valedictorian and salutatorian (sp?), but they didn't. Not even this afternoon. I'm really anxious, because in truth, it's basically amongst my Yid, Ab, and me for either of the positions.
So that was the last few days.
Things have died down, but they're not over yet. That'll either be an edit to this or in another post. There is much going on. :D
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
To statistics...
Dear Statistics,
I think our relationship has been exhausted, and that we shouldn't see each other for a while. Remember, if you love someone, set them free. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it'll be fun rediscovering all your functions again. It was great while it lasted, but for now we need to move on in our own directions. I'll see you in a few years.
More later,
~*The Pie
I think our relationship has been exhausted, and that we shouldn't see each other for a while. Remember, if you love someone, set them free. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it'll be fun rediscovering all your functions again. It was great while it lasted, but for now we need to move on in our own directions. I'll see you in a few years.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, May 6, 2007
+5 Stress
My body is flipping out on me again, which can only mean one thing.
I'm stressing out.
My AP statistics exam is in two days, and I'm still far from comfortable with everything that I should be. =/
My camera decided to quit on me during act II of "Tommy" last night. At the moment, I can't retrieve pictures at all. I wish I could put the card in the computer and go from there. Actually... well now I'm thinking. For my own reference, my dad might have a USB thing that'd let me put my chip in there, and it might read. I'm not sure. It's worth a try.
There are issues going amongst people that I care for, and it's like watching a Swarovski vase on the edge of a posh little endtable (or something of the sort), and you're wondering if it's going to fall and break into a million bits, or if someone will notice it and put it back to somewhere where it's safe. Either way, I have faith that for whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Life will move on one way or another.
If any of the cast of "Tommy" happens to fall by this, I would just like to say thank you for doing a wonderful job, and congratulations. It's finally over! Now go study for finals. Also, thank you for not fidgeting if I put on your makeup. :)
OK, I decided to do homework. Maybe I'll edit this later tonight.
More later,
~*The Pie
I'm stressing out.
My AP statistics exam is in two days, and I'm still far from comfortable with everything that I should be. =/
My camera decided to quit on me during act II of "Tommy" last night. At the moment, I can't retrieve pictures at all. I wish I could put the card in the computer and go from there. Actually... well now I'm thinking. For my own reference, my dad might have a USB thing that'd let me put my chip in there, and it might read. I'm not sure. It's worth a try.
There are issues going amongst people that I care for, and it's like watching a Swarovski vase on the edge of a posh little endtable (or something of the sort), and you're wondering if it's going to fall and break into a million bits, or if someone will notice it and put it back to somewhere where it's safe. Either way, I have faith that for whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Life will move on one way or another.
If any of the cast of "Tommy" happens to fall by this, I would just like to say thank you for doing a wonderful job, and congratulations. It's finally over! Now go study for finals. Also, thank you for not fidgeting if I put on your makeup. :)
OK, I decided to do homework. Maybe I'll edit this later tonight.
More later,
~*The Pie
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