On Friday, Abby and I had our dress rehearsal for chorus. It was so miserable! I was wearing these ridiculous heels.
It's not the best view of them, but trust me, they're not the most comfortable things in the world. So I was standing in those for a good while. It was humid in the church. The choral director just wouldn't let us go, it felt like. *sigh* But anyway, we got through the night, and I got home. The funniest thing from the whole night was seeing the choral director run, in stocking feet, down the center aisle to catch some firemen. (The fire department is stationed across the street from this church.) She said, "They're here for us! And they're tenors!" (We only had two tenors this season.)
The next day, I was expecting Chris to wake me up with a kiss, but instead he did it with a phone call. He slept in late. (He went to the Tommy cast party the night before.) So he called me, and we talked until he reached the state border. We talked about the previous night. The Swarovski vase I spoke of before is still teetering pretty precariously, but now I know why, at least.
After we got off of the phone, I had to clean sinks, take a shower, and shave my shins. Chris came while I was shaving. I wrapped myself in a towel and went out to greet him. I love him.
Soon, we had to go out. I had to have dinner, (I had a steakhouse Jr. and chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Yes, I ate the whole thing. Bamf.) and my mom had to pick up some flowers for Mother's Day. While my mum was looking flowers at the first store, Chris and I went into Petco next door and watched the mice. They're so cute! I'd love to have one, but I'd actually prefer to have something larger to cuddle with, like Chris. He's my furry little animal. Anyway. After that, we went to another store. Chris and I waited in the car, and a friend of mine came out to say hi. (She works there.) We talked about how I'm graduating soon, how prom is coming, and how the school is doing. (She graduated from there in... '05.)
From there, I was dropped off early at the church. I just kinda hung around for a while. Later, Abby arrived, and we went upstairs to hang with her boyfriend, Bill. I was so glad to see him again! I really do like him very much. He's such a nice, laid back guy. And he makes Abby happy when he's around, which is the best.
The show came and went. It didn't seem that long. I could see Chris from where I was standing, and for one song, I basically sang it to him. :)
After the show, and after we had some refreshments, we went out to Dairy Queen. After that, we hung around to talk, then Bill brought Chris and me home.
Sunday, Chris had to get home early to work on a paper. We cuddled for a while before he left, which was nice.
I went to my Poppa's for Mother's Day dinner. We had Chinese take out. I hadn't had Chinese in a while, so it was well received.
Today's just been another day. Nothing special, really. My Yid told me this morning that they were going to announce who the valedictorian and salutatorian (sp?), but they didn't. Not even this afternoon. I'm really anxious, because in truth, it's basically amongst my Yid, Ab, and me for either of the positions.
So that was the last few days.
Things have died down, but they're not over yet. That'll either be an edit to this or in another post. There is much going on. :D
More later,
~*The Pie
How come it is that there is some fuzzy creature at the heel of one of the shoes? (a little maroon thing, to the near right). As for more uncomfortable shoes, there are always cleats or torture boots if you seek something worse. The humid church--just be glad it isn't the Scopes "Monkey" trial, held in a stifling courtroom--in August (imagine the heat). The town in Tennessee holds a yearly re-enactment of the trial--OUTSIDE, for this reason.
I could say some more, but I need to get studying for my exams tommorow. --Yid
Those are actually ribbons on the heels of the shoes. (You can't see it as well on the left one.)
Trust me, I think these shoes could count as torture.
Yeah, I know it could've been worse. The woman next to me was wearing a winter shirt for some reason.
I might even see a red-hot screw in there...wait...do I?
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