I enjoy a nice fresh towel. Preferably my fish towel. I love coming out of the shower to dry my face off with a clean towel. I don't quite like the idea after I've used it once already. I got to shower this evening and it felt marvelous to dry my face off.
I wish people'd slow down and enjoy simple things more. Really, I find myself more satisfied and amused (in my personal life) because I'm not shooting ridiculously high in this case. A good CD and untimed shower (I normally time myself, but now I don't have to.) is fantastic in itself, and to dry off with a fresh towel is all the better. Damn, I don't need an iPhone or a car to be happy. I don't need to keep with the latest trends. I don't constantly need new clothes. I'm damn fine with the bare necessities.
Speaking of shooting ridiculously high, though, I was in the local newspaper again today, as you can see to your upper left. I edited things so you crazy bastards won't stalk me. :) It doesn't list me as valedictorian. I think at the time that I filled out the information, I didn't know.
A nice segue. I has a link for y'all, a treat for sure. I do, however, suggest that you turn up the volume of your speakers. :) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4662557844467951294
This is me giving my valedictory at graduation. I was one of two to graduate with high honors. I then proceeded to accidentally forget my diploma at the school where graduation was held. *sigh* Go me.
My birthday is this month! On the 20th! Woo! On the 18th I'm going to see Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake. On the 25th, I'm going to see The Cat Empire. (And in the future, on August 25th, I'm going to see The Aquabats!)
Ah summer, I do so love you.
Oh man! I got to see some of my extended family today. My dad's cousin and the cousin's aunt. They hadn't seen me in years, so it was strange for them, I guess to see me more than five feet tall and without braces. They were asking me about college and whatnot. Oh! Chris also got to see my Poppa's condo, finally. There are plenty of pictures of me from when I was little. Lots of baby fat, if you can believe it. That melted away right quick.
OK, so, my mind has wandered enough.
If you make any jokes about my name, I will find my own way to mock the hell out of you.
More later,
~*The Pie
1 comment:
Hi, This is Sarah R.
Nice to know your summer is going well. At least from what I am reading. <_< I totally agree about just coming out of the shower....sweet. That is how it is every time I get up and get ready. Except for one day. :P I made a mistake and locked me and my roommate out of the bathroom. We had to wait a whole day for someone to unlock it. >_<
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed seeing your family.^_^
Love ya,
Sarah R.
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