Hi kids! I was just in the mood to write. There's stuff on my mind.
For months, maybe half a year or so, my laptop had been picking up charge in a strange manner. When on AC power, I had the contrast set on its lowest. When on battery, it was just on its highest. The contrast would flicker, and I'd know that it was being weird. I'd adjust my power cord, and think little of it. Soon, it grew to be a more consistent problem, and I got a new cord. Nothing changed. Finally, and very recently, my laptop just stopped receiving charge. Today I took it in to get tested. It cost $60, just for a diagnostic. I'm almost afraid to hear what its problem is, and how much that'll cost. I have more important things to be spending my money on. =/ Thank God I'm working on Thursday. My dad suggested getting me a new one. It's hard, 'cause I'd love a new one, but the old one is just too close to my heart. There's just too much on it that I couldn't let go of. (See: music.) Also, the money should be going toward my tuition. I have plenty of access to computers.
I auditioned for 20 Cent Fiction's "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead", and boy oh boy, like I said, I messed up that audition like no one's business. Above all, I'm disappointed in myself for fubar'ing so bad. I can do better. Hopefully, in the future, I will do better. Still, Chris and I are getting our scripts tomorrow. He's pretty happy. He's Hamlet.
I have at 3 p.m. I'm feeling pretty good about it. It's sociology. I've done pretty well with that course.
At this moment, my spirits aren't too high, but I have to remember that there are plenty of people that have it worse than I do right now. I'm fortunate as hell.
Also, the whole Jamie Lynn Spears thing just makes me giggle.
More later,
~*The Pie
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Crappy times.
Hi kids. Sorry for the lack of posting. You know the story.
Things have been a tad sucky lately.
Last week I was on the phone with my mom while at my friend Bil's house. As we were talking, I asked how my grandfather (my mom's dad) had been. I knew that he'd been having some heart troubles since late October. Things aren't looking so hot for him right now. All but one of his arteries are seriously clogged. He has two options, the last I knew. He could either continue on with his heart medication and he'd have a year or two left. Or, he could try getting open heart surgery. If he survives that, which is only a 50/50 chance, he'd have five or six more years. We also don't know right now whether the surgery would be paid for. He wants the surgery, because if he survives, he has plenty of time. If not, he doesn't suffer. I was in a separate room from everyone else at the time. As my mom was talking, I started to cry, but I was keeping pretty good control. Soon, I just started sobbing. I couldn't help it. I love my Grampa; he's an extraordinary man. I understand that he's in his mid eighties, and has led a great life, but I'm just not ready for him to go so suddenly. I just want my Grampa.
Oh fuck damnit all, Chris lost his keys. I'm already pretty overwhelmed, I don't want to deal with much more. I technically have a paper I should be writing. So on and so forth.
Fast forward to Thursday afternoon, I accidentally left my keys and flash drive in a computer in a computer lab on campus. (Not the main one.) I realized this during the evening. I go to the lab, it's locked. The next day, I go in there, and all that's left are my keys. No freaking flash drive. This flash drive has all of my writing from high school on it, and I really hate to think of what's happened to it. I'd almost rather not have my keys but have the flash drive. I'd gladly pay for my dorm and mail keys. I could get another set of house keys. But I can't get back four years of writing, plus additional stuff done outside of writing and high school. I've cried about it, been furious about it, and now I'm just left to my pitiful sulking.
(Chris found his keys, the lucky ass.)
I think today I lost my favorite purple fuzzy hat. I want to say it was a Chanukah gift. I think I lost it after French or Sociology. Checked by the rooms, nothing to be found. I can only hope that someone picked it up for me, or that I left it in the office that I hang out in. It's pretty much the warmest hat I own, also the one with the most character. Bil said it's the one I was wearing when we met. I just want it back. My head's cold, and I'm already sad.
I auditioned for the next 20 Cent Fiction show. We're doing "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". I failed epically. I haven't auditioned for a real show in a WHILE. I was really nervous, I stuttered, and I lost my place in the monologue. Looking back, I don't even think I was that professional. I can only hope that some kind of good word was put in for me. I doubt it, though.
Going upstairs and crying quietly to myself sounds nice right now, but as per usual, I have to push on. I have a paper to bullshit through.
Happy Chanukah.
More later,
~*The Pie
Things have been a tad sucky lately.
Last week I was on the phone with my mom while at my friend Bil's house. As we were talking, I asked how my grandfather (my mom's dad) had been. I knew that he'd been having some heart troubles since late October. Things aren't looking so hot for him right now. All but one of his arteries are seriously clogged. He has two options, the last I knew. He could either continue on with his heart medication and he'd have a year or two left. Or, he could try getting open heart surgery. If he survives that, which is only a 50/50 chance, he'd have five or six more years. We also don't know right now whether the surgery would be paid for. He wants the surgery, because if he survives, he has plenty of time. If not, he doesn't suffer. I was in a separate room from everyone else at the time. As my mom was talking, I started to cry, but I was keeping pretty good control. Soon, I just started sobbing. I couldn't help it. I love my Grampa; he's an extraordinary man. I understand that he's in his mid eighties, and has led a great life, but I'm just not ready for him to go so suddenly. I just want my Grampa.
Oh fuck damnit all, Chris lost his keys. I'm already pretty overwhelmed, I don't want to deal with much more. I technically have a paper I should be writing. So on and so forth.
Fast forward to Thursday afternoon, I accidentally left my keys and flash drive in a computer in a computer lab on campus. (Not the main one.) I realized this during the evening. I go to the lab, it's locked. The next day, I go in there, and all that's left are my keys. No freaking flash drive. This flash drive has all of my writing from high school on it, and I really hate to think of what's happened to it. I'd almost rather not have my keys but have the flash drive. I'd gladly pay for my dorm and mail keys. I could get another set of house keys. But I can't get back four years of writing, plus additional stuff done outside of writing and high school. I've cried about it, been furious about it, and now I'm just left to my pitiful sulking.
(Chris found his keys, the lucky ass.)
I think today I lost my favorite purple fuzzy hat. I want to say it was a Chanukah gift. I think I lost it after French or Sociology. Checked by the rooms, nothing to be found. I can only hope that someone picked it up for me, or that I left it in the office that I hang out in. It's pretty much the warmest hat I own, also the one with the most character. Bil said it's the one I was wearing when we met. I just want it back. My head's cold, and I'm already sad.
I auditioned for the next 20 Cent Fiction show. We're doing "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead". I failed epically. I haven't auditioned for a real show in a WHILE. I was really nervous, I stuttered, and I lost my place in the monologue. Looking back, I don't even think I was that professional. I can only hope that some kind of good word was put in for me. I doubt it, though.
Going upstairs and crying quietly to myself sounds nice right now, but as per usual, I have to push on. I have a paper to bullshit through.
Happy Chanukah.
More later,
~*The Pie
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The internet still thinks I'm ugly.
This isn't me whining. I've made my peace. I just wanted to showcase a few more instances.
I'm sorry if you find the content of some of these links disturbing and/or offending. This is not my work.
A drawing, a photoshop, and a whole bunch of posts (old).
So, the saga continues.
In my personal life, things are still going fine. Chris and I have been together for two years and five months. I'm nearing the end of my first semester in college. I'm working on scheduling my classes for next semester. Work is still entertaining.
I'm just never around.
More later,
~*The Pie
I'm sorry if you find the content of some of these links disturbing and/or offending. This is not my work.
A drawing, a photoshop, and a whole bunch of posts (old).
So, the saga continues.
In my personal life, things are still going fine. Chris and I have been together for two years and five months. I'm nearing the end of my first semester in college. I'm working on scheduling my classes for next semester. Work is still entertaining.
I'm just never around.
More later,
~*The Pie
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I went home.
Howdy kids! How's it goin'? Enjoying the weather? The weather was freakin' CRAPPY all day.
Nick and I went to CT today. We got out of the car at my house, and it looked even darker and gloomier than usual. It was great to see my dogger! I ♥ my dog. I missed her like crazy. She's just as stupid as ever. I picked up some stuff at my house, like another pillow, a bottom to one of my bathing suits, et cetera. My mom gave me a little gargoyle dude, for some reason. And $20. I proceeded to blow the money on a tub of honey shisha (flavored tobacco for a hookah), and Chinese food for Nick and me.
Nick got the lease to the apartment he's moving into in Connecticut in January. I'm pretty happy for him. We went out for the Chinese with a couple of his friends.
We made our way back home. We were listening to a Bruins game, and apparently one of their really good players is hella injured. I'm checking his condition as we speak. OK, he's in the hospital, and he has a concussion and broken nose. Thank God. The man is 22 years old. The way they were talking about him on the radio, it sounded like he was gonna be paralyzed somehow. I hope his recovery goes well.
I gave Chris and Dan another $20 so they could get coals for the hookah. They're out there now getting 'em.
Chris is planning on getting "The Orange Box", a boxed set of three amazing computer games. There's Half Life 2 (correct me on this, if I need to be, I'm not sure if that's the official, whole title), Team Fortress 2 which I REALLY wanna play, and of course, the amazing Portal. Portal is ridiculously cool and incredible. The concept is fresh, the graphics are pretty good, the game has a sense of humor. It's just a tad too short, from what I'm told. I don't see myself playing it, but I do enjoy watching it. Team Fortress 2 is an online war game thing, but it's very cartoony. The trailers, character profiles, which I can't seem to find now, are amazing and want to make me play.
I'mma play 2D Flash Portal and eat some pie. The guys took the wrong exit, ha ha.
More later,
~*The Pie
Nick and I went to CT today. We got out of the car at my house, and it looked even darker and gloomier than usual. It was great to see my dogger! I ♥ my dog. I missed her like crazy. She's just as stupid as ever. I picked up some stuff at my house, like another pillow, a bottom to one of my bathing suits, et cetera. My mom gave me a little gargoyle dude, for some reason. And $20. I proceeded to blow the money on a tub of honey shisha (flavored tobacco for a hookah), and Chinese food for Nick and me.
Nick got the lease to the apartment he's moving into in Connecticut in January. I'm pretty happy for him. We went out for the Chinese with a couple of his friends.
We made our way back home. We were listening to a Bruins game, and apparently one of their really good players is hella injured. I'm checking his condition as we speak. OK, he's in the hospital, and he has a concussion and broken nose. Thank God. The man is 22 years old. The way they were talking about him on the radio, it sounded like he was gonna be paralyzed somehow. I hope his recovery goes well.
I gave Chris and Dan another $20 so they could get coals for the hookah. They're out there now getting 'em.
Chris is planning on getting "The Orange Box", a boxed set of three amazing computer games. There's Half Life 2 (correct me on this, if I need to be, I'm not sure if that's the official, whole title), Team Fortress 2 which I REALLY wanna play, and of course, the amazing Portal. Portal is ridiculously cool and incredible. The concept is fresh, the graphics are pretty good, the game has a sense of humor. It's just a tad too short, from what I'm told. I don't see myself playing it, but I do enjoy watching it. Team Fortress 2 is an online war game thing, but it's very cartoony. The trailers, character profiles, which I can't seem to find now, are amazing and want to make me play.
I'mma play 2D Flash Portal and eat some pie. The guys took the wrong exit, ha ha.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A quick one (before she's away).
I don't know what a Johari window is. Just... try it.
http://kevan.org/johari?name=deathslushie This is to add to it.
http://kevan.org/johari?view=deathslushie This is to view it.
I finally got my huge check. =) Huzzah!
I bought Cooking Mama for the DS, and it is awesome.
I'm busy every night it seems, but I've really been enjoying it. =D
However, I miss my online friends like whoa. I always have something to do or somewhere to be that takes me away from them. =/
Ah well. I still love everyone.
More later,
~*The Pie
http://kevan.org/johari?name=deathslushie This is to add to it.
http://kevan.org/johari?view=deathslushie This is to view it.
I finally got my huge check. =) Huzzah!
I bought Cooking Mama for the DS, and it is awesome.
I'm busy every night it seems, but I've really been enjoying it. =D
However, I miss my online friends like whoa. I always have something to do or somewhere to be that takes me away from them. =/
Ah well. I still love everyone.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The crap I've dealt with in from 1-2.
Howdy kids! How's it rollin'? Spiffy.
I just went through a whole ton of crap. ><;
As you read in my last entry, I work in the conference office here on campus. It's where I am right now! (No phone calls, so hey, free time.) Anyway, it's a job. I'm gettin' paid, sucka. So last Friday, I knew my first paycheck would be issued. I went down there on Friday, and sure enough, bam, paycheck. But something was off about it.
I came here the week before classes started to do paid training. I believe I had to fill out paperwork to get a stipend. I was told I was going to receive a heinously nice amount of money. (As a gentlewoman, I shall not mention how much.) I was anticipating this money pretty hard, 'cause there are things I want to buy. Need to buy. Sneakers, bathing suit, Cooking Mama for the DS, and I owe Chris some money. So y'know, I need the check.
Well, Friday I went down to the place where I pick up my check, and I get one. I open it, and it is for surprisingly less than what I expected. Where the hell is my stipend? I wanted to get into contact with a coworker of mine, but it slipped my mind.
I asked that coworker today, and she told me that she had gotten hers at the place where we were supposed to pick them up. I thought, "I went to get my check on 4:30 on Friday, maybe the kid who got my check overlooked my other one." My boss let me go over to the place where we get our checks, and it wasn't there. I went to the payroll office, and they said it was either sent to my house or sent to my dorm.
My mom called me Sunday night to check in. She told me what mail I had. Nothing for me from UMass. The check must be in my mailbox.
For some time I've been trying to open up my mailbox with my dorm key. No one ever told me I was supposed to have a mail key. I never received one when I checked in. My roommate has hers. I went back to my dorm and asked my roommate if she could get me into mine, and she told me about the mail key.
I went downstairs to the RA's office. No RAs. I went to the RD's office. The RD was in a meeting, but told me that he doesn't deal with mail anyway. Great!
On my way back to work (oh yeah, I was clocked in this whole time.), I called my mom to double check. On the main road to my office, maybe 2/3 of the way there, I realize I don't have my freaking UMass Pass. That thing gets me into my building, and food in the residents cafeteria. I need it. I started walking back to my dorm. I called my roomie, and asked her if she saw it on my desk. She said no, so I asked if she could let me in. I looked for it on the way back, didn't see it. I go to the mail counter in the lobby, 'cause in the past I've set it down there. Not there. I go to the dorm, not there. I go back out, and the desk attendant was like, "Hey, having trouble?" I explained the check and the key to her, and then the UMass Pass thing. She had my pass. I dropped it, so they gave it to her. Thank God.
This all happened over the span of an hour, and when I got back to my office, I was jittery and shot. I got a phone call, but nothing in my voice gave me away. Then the captain of the police force on campus came in and started teasing me. He is a large man. He was very close to me, and was asking me why I was cowering. Hello? I'm not in the right mindset, and he's huge. He's the kind of guy who doesn't let men give women any crap, though. He said, "When a man starts getting close to you, take care of business" or something like that. Gahhhh.
The rest of my time has been fine, and I'm being shooed out.
More later,
~*The Pie
I just went through a whole ton of crap. ><;
As you read in my last entry, I work in the conference office here on campus. It's where I am right now! (No phone calls, so hey, free time.) Anyway, it's a job. I'm gettin' paid, sucka. So last Friday, I knew my first paycheck would be issued. I went down there on Friday, and sure enough, bam, paycheck. But something was off about it.
I came here the week before classes started to do paid training. I believe I had to fill out paperwork to get a stipend. I was told I was going to receive a heinously nice amount of money. (As a gentlewoman, I shall not mention how much.) I was anticipating this money pretty hard, 'cause there are things I want to buy. Need to buy. Sneakers, bathing suit, Cooking Mama for the DS, and I owe Chris some money. So y'know, I need the check.
Well, Friday I went down to the place where I pick up my check, and I get one. I open it, and it is for surprisingly less than what I expected. Where the hell is my stipend? I wanted to get into contact with a coworker of mine, but it slipped my mind.
I asked that coworker today, and she told me that she had gotten hers at the place where we were supposed to pick them up. I thought, "I went to get my check on 4:30 on Friday, maybe the kid who got my check overlooked my other one." My boss let me go over to the place where we get our checks, and it wasn't there. I went to the payroll office, and they said it was either sent to my house or sent to my dorm.
My mom called me Sunday night to check in. She told me what mail I had. Nothing for me from UMass. The check must be in my mailbox.
For some time I've been trying to open up my mailbox with my dorm key. No one ever told me I was supposed to have a mail key. I never received one when I checked in. My roommate has hers. I went back to my dorm and asked my roommate if she could get me into mine, and she told me about the mail key.
I went downstairs to the RA's office. No RAs. I went to the RD's office. The RD was in a meeting, but told me that he doesn't deal with mail anyway. Great!
On my way back to work (oh yeah, I was clocked in this whole time.), I called my mom to double check. On the main road to my office, maybe 2/3 of the way there, I realize I don't have my freaking UMass Pass. That thing gets me into my building, and food in the residents cafeteria. I need it. I started walking back to my dorm. I called my roomie, and asked her if she saw it on my desk. She said no, so I asked if she could let me in. I looked for it on the way back, didn't see it. I go to the mail counter in the lobby, 'cause in the past I've set it down there. Not there. I go to the dorm, not there. I go back out, and the desk attendant was like, "Hey, having trouble?" I explained the check and the key to her, and then the UMass Pass thing. She had my pass. I dropped it, so they gave it to her. Thank God.
This all happened over the span of an hour, and when I got back to my office, I was jittery and shot. I got a phone call, but nothing in my voice gave me away. Then the captain of the police force on campus came in and started teasing me. He is a large man. He was very close to me, and was asking me why I was cowering. Hello? I'm not in the right mindset, and he's huge. He's the kind of guy who doesn't let men give women any crap, though. He said, "When a man starts getting close to you, take care of business" or something like that. Gahhhh.
The rest of my time has been fine, and I'm being shooed out.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, September 9, 2007
College life.
Howdy kids! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. I have been all kinds of ridiculously busy with starting school and work.
The week before classes started, I had work training. Two days with campus services, and three days with my office, the conference office. The campus was very quiet and pleasant. The kids that were there were there because they were international, on sports teams, or there for the leadership symposium that my friend was running. Very, very quiet. That's how I generally like things.
My job in the conference office is pretty alright. Take phone calls, book rooms, make copies, and when the time comes, file things. I don't mind that too hard. My only problem is that my hearing somewhat sucks, so when people call, I occasionally have to have them repeat things, and they get irritated. I'm also forgetful. I need to write the following on a sticky for myself,
Full Name
How many people/what room
Special requests
I always forget one of those, and I feel like such a jerk for it. It takes away from my performance, and I can't stand it.
I work Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-4. I sit at the front desk in the office, usually reading stuff on Something Awful. *shrug*
A week ago I went to see Jimmy Buffett with my buddy Paul and some of his friends. It was a unique experience. There were a few firsts and hopefully lasts that night, but I won't go into detail. Hopefully, someday, looking back, I'll write it off as a learning experience.
Man, Ben Folds is good music to be wistful to.
I'm taking five classes. Biology, English, French, Sociology, and Psychology. None of my professors have outright impressed me, but I don't hate any of them. Four out of five know what they're talking about. But the one that doesn't seem to know what she's doing makes me dread for the class. Eh, I dread for that class anyway. =/
My homework's manageable for the moment. I can't complain. A lot of reading, mostly, but it's interesting.
For the last three nights in a row, I've been smoking from the hookah, and it's been crazy. Very enjoyable. We have raspberry, cola, and spearmint flavored shishas. (Shisha is flavored tobacco, not a cannabinoid. It's completely legal, fun, and delicious.)
That's pretty much everything for now.
More later,
~*The Pie
The week before classes started, I had work training. Two days with campus services, and three days with my office, the conference office. The campus was very quiet and pleasant. The kids that were there were there because they were international, on sports teams, or there for the leadership symposium that my friend was running. Very, very quiet. That's how I generally like things.
My job in the conference office is pretty alright. Take phone calls, book rooms, make copies, and when the time comes, file things. I don't mind that too hard. My only problem is that my hearing somewhat sucks, so when people call, I occasionally have to have them repeat things, and they get irritated. I'm also forgetful. I need to write the following on a sticky for myself,
Full Name
How many people/what room
Special requests
I always forget one of those, and I feel like such a jerk for it. It takes away from my performance, and I can't stand it.
I work Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-4. I sit at the front desk in the office, usually reading stuff on Something Awful. *shrug*
A week ago I went to see Jimmy Buffett with my buddy Paul and some of his friends. It was a unique experience. There were a few firsts and hopefully lasts that night, but I won't go into detail. Hopefully, someday, looking back, I'll write it off as a learning experience.
Man, Ben Folds is good music to be wistful to.
I'm taking five classes. Biology, English, French, Sociology, and Psychology. None of my professors have outright impressed me, but I don't hate any of them. Four out of five know what they're talking about. But the one that doesn't seem to know what she's doing makes me dread for the class. Eh, I dread for that class anyway. =/
My homework's manageable for the moment. I can't complain. A lot of reading, mostly, but it's interesting.
For the last three nights in a row, I've been smoking from the hookah, and it's been crazy. Very enjoyable. We have raspberry, cola, and spearmint flavored shishas. (Shisha is flavored tobacco, not a cannabinoid. It's completely legal, fun, and delicious.)
That's pretty much everything for now.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Aquabats!
They put on another friggin' amazing concert. They never fail, I swear. They're always energetic and fun.
But, even better, I wore my Bat Pie costume. (I'll uh, link it or something when I'm on the lappy.) Once I was in full costume and in the Avalon, I was getting handshakes and high fives. I was AWESOME, my friends. Hopefully, with ever person I made hand contact with, it will spread the love and caring that Bat Pie promotes. [/smarm] Truly though, I felt important and respected as someone awesome, not just myself. It was amazing.
Even more amazing was where I was during The Aquabats' set! Our group sneakity sneaked its way to the front but on the right (stage left). I stood on some stairs the whole time, but was in perfect view of the band 'cept Ricky Fitness. (Given. Drum kit in the way.) But! Best of all, I could make clear eye contact with Jimmy the Robot, and oh how I did. We made plenty of eye contact during the show. He was making happy little comments throughout the show, too. Friggin' amazing.
To top it all, though, Andie (Chris' younger sister) and I tooooootally shook hands with Jimmy! *fangasm* (Andie and I are pretty sure it was him, at least. Too small to be Crash, no mustache.) Seriously, after the show, there was some kind of exchange that I forgot, but he passed by us and shook our hands. I think he liked my costume. :D Most people did. I just wish I could've spread my word more. Ish. Brief encounters, what can I do.
I kinda wish I could send The Aquabats! an e-mail saying that Bat Pie thanks them, and to buy Chris Partida (the guy working the merch table) many, many beers for putting up with people after the show. I said to my Chris, "I love concerts, everyone's a big family!" and this guy said, "And I'm the angry stepfather." I couldn't help but laugh. This guy deserves a beer or some show of gratitude. I wish I had more time to just like, hug this guy or something.
I'm on a mission to be nicer to working folk. They appreciate it more when they deal with friendly, compliant customers.
After, five of us, myself included, went to Uno's. (My first time there.) It was good! The hostess recognized that we just went to see The Aquabats! and said she wished she could have gone. Totally unexpected! She also said that her boyfriend would be pissed that he missed it. Well, after dinner, we passed by her. She said she talked to her boyfriend, and he said he was disappointed that I wasn't wearing a purple suit under my cape. I apologized. :P
Dinner was good. Beer battered onion rings, some of Chris' crab 'n shrimp fondue, some potato, some nacho, and some "deep-dish" ice cream. (A cookie baked in a deep-dish pan topped with a scoop of ice cream. Holy crap.)
I have more stories about before getting there, but I wanna go upstairs, watch some "Futurama", play Big Brain Academy, and unwind.
All in all, tonight was an astounding night.
More later,
But, even better, I wore my Bat Pie costume. (I'll uh, link it or something when I'm on the lappy.) Once I was in full costume and in the Avalon, I was getting handshakes and high fives. I was AWESOME, my friends. Hopefully, with ever person I made hand contact with, it will spread the love and caring that Bat Pie promotes. [/smarm] Truly though, I felt important and respected as someone awesome, not just myself. It was amazing.
Even more amazing was where I was during The Aquabats' set! Our group sneakity sneaked its way to the front but on the right (stage left). I stood on some stairs the whole time, but was in perfect view of the band 'cept Ricky Fitness. (Given. Drum kit in the way.) But! Best of all, I could make clear eye contact with Jimmy the Robot, and oh how I did. We made plenty of eye contact during the show. He was making happy little comments throughout the show, too. Friggin' amazing.
To top it all, though, Andie (Chris' younger sister) and I tooooootally shook hands with Jimmy! *fangasm* (Andie and I are pretty sure it was him, at least. Too small to be Crash, no mustache.) Seriously, after the show, there was some kind of exchange that I forgot, but he passed by us and shook our hands. I think he liked my costume. :D Most people did. I just wish I could've spread my word more. Ish. Brief encounters, what can I do.
I kinda wish I could send The Aquabats! an e-mail saying that Bat Pie thanks them, and to buy Chris Partida (the guy working the merch table) many, many beers for putting up with people after the show. I said to my Chris, "I love concerts, everyone's a big family!" and this guy said, "And I'm the angry stepfather." I couldn't help but laugh. This guy deserves a beer or some show of gratitude. I wish I had more time to just like, hug this guy or something.
I'm on a mission to be nicer to working folk. They appreciate it more when they deal with friendly, compliant customers.
After, five of us, myself included, went to Uno's. (My first time there.) It was good! The hostess recognized that we just went to see The Aquabats! and said she wished she could have gone. Totally unexpected! She also said that her boyfriend would be pissed that he missed it. Well, after dinner, we passed by her. She said she talked to her boyfriend, and he said he was disappointed that I wasn't wearing a purple suit under my cape. I apologized. :P
Dinner was good. Beer battered onion rings, some of Chris' crab 'n shrimp fondue, some potato, some nacho, and some "deep-dish" ice cream. (A cookie baked in a deep-dish pan topped with a scoop of ice cream. Holy crap.)
I have more stories about before getting there, but I wanna go upstairs, watch some "Futurama", play Big Brain Academy, and unwind.
All in all, tonight was an astounding night.
More later,
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Torturously sick.
I feel like I'm on the verge of throwing up. My stomach is really acting up. My back is sore. I really want to go back to sleep, and get some good rest for the rest of the day, but it sounds like a distant dream. I sat in front of the toilet, and I felt a little better, though nothing happened. I move away from it, I instantly feel ill. OH MAN. I just remembered Chris has nausea tabs on top of his fridge. Lemme look.
La famille keeps a bunch of medicines up on top of their fridge, and I remember his mom telling me that they would be up there for future reference. Holy crap, I don't know if I've ever felt more relieved about that. Urf, the box says to take two tablets. I'm gonna see how one feels. They're cherry and slightly disgusting, but this is far from the worst I could be doing about it.
I wished I had known about these tablets a long time ago. I have so many nausea problems with my stomach. :( It's probably part of why I'm so thin. I've been better in recent years, but you can still feel my ribs too easily. (But now we can't see them!)
Got distracted. I'm feeling a little better.
I'm going to see The Aquabats! tonight. :) Glee!
More later,
La famille keeps a bunch of medicines up on top of their fridge, and I remember his mom telling me that they would be up there for future reference. Holy crap, I don't know if I've ever felt more relieved about that. Urf, the box says to take two tablets. I'm gonna see how one feels. They're cherry and slightly disgusting, but this is far from the worst I could be doing about it.
I wished I had known about these tablets a long time ago. I have so many nausea problems with my stomach. :( It's probably part of why I'm so thin. I've been better in recent years, but you can still feel my ribs too easily. (But now we can't see them!)
Got distracted. I'm feeling a little better.
I'm going to see The Aquabats! tonight. :) Glee!
More later,
Friday, August 24, 2007
Yesterday I left my house for the last time. (Well, OK, not really, but the last time that it's where I live. Ya dig?) I'm in Massachusetts for good. :) I move into my dorm on Sunday. Strangely, no one's told me ANYTHING about moving in, and I'm hella worried. I need to look into this for myself. No one's telling me things. :(
The last couple of days were spent packing and taking care of some last minute stuff. I got a state ID (non-driver) and checking account. I got a fish vase, some gravel, and a fake plant. (I'm getting a male Betta fish and naming him Orbit.) I got a pair of boots for the eventual rain and snow. They're extremely comfy.
Packing sucks. I've forgotten so many things. Nail clippers, my manners book, Chris' George Carlin book, prom pictures (for Chris and me), my digital camera, my video camera, my razer, all kinds of miscellaneous crap. I packed my contacts, I'll need the fluid. I don't remember whether I packed my college journal into my backpack. I need more pencils and pens. (That's on me, I guess.) Just enough to bug me. So I have to call my mom and have her look into some of this stuff. So much of what I packed was clothing. I never really considered myself being bad about having too much clothing, but oh my God! I think I filled four boxes. T-shirts, blouses, tank tops, night shirts, shorts, jeans, skirts, socks, underwear, robes, etc. I just remembered I forgot to pack my underwear, bras, and a swimsuit. Cripes. Jeez, when I call my mom, I'm going to have to look back here. (Note to self: Simpsons book.)
My brother sent me off right. I spent a few hours with his friends. My friends here welcomed me right. Hookah! We smoked kiwi and mint chocolate. I think I might have smoked more of the mint chocolate. (NTS: Shower puff) Last night, I was literally laying on the floor, smoking by myself from the hookah. Chris and our friend Derek went outside, Alex and Kevin were on the computer or something. We all ended up watching Brad Neely cartoons on www.superdeluxe.com. Seriously, check them out. They are REALLY funny. I'd say, though, don't watch it if you're under 13. There is a lot of swearing and inappropriate stuff. (See: Bible History #1.)
Tomorrow night, a bunch of us are going to see The Aquabats! I'm so excited. It's my second time seeing them. I'm going in costume, as Bat Pie. I can't stress it enough, I'm really excited. It's going to rock. (NTS: Tooth brush and flosser, pinstripe jacket, ties) Oh no, I'm stuck writing in a different color. Crap. Sorry kids.
I gotta go wake up Chris anyway.
More later,
The last couple of days were spent packing and taking care of some last minute stuff. I got a state ID (non-driver) and checking account. I got a fish vase, some gravel, and a fake plant. (I'm getting a male Betta fish and naming him Orbit.) I got a pair of boots for the eventual rain and snow. They're extremely comfy.
Packing sucks. I've forgotten so many things. Nail clippers, my manners book, Chris' George Carlin book, prom pictures (for Chris and me), my digital camera, my video camera, my razer, all kinds of miscellaneous crap. I packed my contacts, I'll need the fluid. I don't remember whether I packed my college journal into my backpack. I need more pencils and pens. (That's on me, I guess.) Just enough to bug me. So I have to call my mom and have her look into some of this stuff. So much of what I packed was clothing. I never really considered myself being bad about having too much clothing, but oh my God! I think I filled four boxes. T-shirts, blouses, tank tops, night shirts, shorts, jeans, skirts, socks, underwear, robes, etc. I just remembered I forgot to pack my underwear, bras, and a swimsuit. Cripes. Jeez, when I call my mom, I'm going to have to look back here. (Note to self: Simpsons book.)
My brother sent me off right. I spent a few hours with his friends. My friends here welcomed me right. Hookah! We smoked kiwi and mint chocolate. I think I might have smoked more of the mint chocolate. (NTS: Shower puff) Last night, I was literally laying on the floor, smoking by myself from the hookah. Chris and our friend Derek went outside, Alex and Kevin were on the computer or something. We all ended up watching Brad Neely cartoons on www.superdeluxe.com. Seriously, check them out. They are REALLY funny. I'd say, though, don't watch it if you're under 13. There is a lot of swearing and inappropriate stuff. (See: Bible History #1.)
Tomorrow night, a bunch of us are going to see The Aquabats! I'm so excited. It's my second time seeing them. I'm going in costume, as Bat Pie. I can't stress it enough, I'm really excited. It's going to rock. (NTS: Tooth brush and flosser, pinstripe jacket, ties) Oh no, I'm stuck writing in a different color. Crap. Sorry kids.
I gotta go wake up Chris anyway.
More later,
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Good news and bad news.
Howdy! Aren't you just amazed that I'm updating my blog again so soon? I am.
Well, that's because I have news! I'll give you the bad news first.
I'm ill! I don't have a fever, and I'm not vomiting, so that's cool. Still, I'm on an antibiotic and today's just been uncomfortable. I'm hella capable, I just don't want to be on my laptop. So I've been on my dad's computer a little. Playing Puzzle Pirates helps take my mind off of the pain. Also, of course, I've been checking my facebook almost religiously. Anyway, I'll be feeling fine by the end of the week. :)
Now for the good news!
I got my real housing information! I'm in a cool residence hall. There are balconies, and they might be open! And my roommate and I might have one! I think that would be pretty awesome. I also got information about who my roommate is. She doesn't have a facebook, and I don't know what her e-mail is! Thankfully they include her phone number. I'm guessing it's her house number. Ah well. So I think I'll give her a call tomorrow, if I can. We need to talk about like, who's bringin' what, and whether she snores, stuff like that. I'm wondering when she'll get the information about me, though. Hm. I also feel bad that she'll have to call long distance to talk to me. So I'll probably call her. I'm excited. :)
I'm going camping this weekend. My mom and I are going out to the campsite on Saturday, and coming back Sunday. I get to sleep in the van! :D Seriously, there's no way in hell I'm sleeping in a hot little camper with my two parents snoring all ding-damned night. So I'll sleep in my dad's van, and listen to music to fall asleep. I've done it before, and aside from the fact that it's hella cramped, I'll be fine.
Wow, I let this go for a while. Whoops.
Well then.
More later,
Well, that's because I have news! I'll give you the bad news first.
I'm ill! I don't have a fever, and I'm not vomiting, so that's cool. Still, I'm on an antibiotic and today's just been uncomfortable. I'm hella capable, I just don't want to be on my laptop. So I've been on my dad's computer a little. Playing Puzzle Pirates helps take my mind off of the pain. Also, of course, I've been checking my facebook almost religiously. Anyway, I'll be feeling fine by the end of the week. :)
Now for the good news!
I got my real housing information! I'm in a cool residence hall. There are balconies, and they might be open! And my roommate and I might have one! I think that would be pretty awesome. I also got information about who my roommate is. She doesn't have a facebook, and I don't know what her e-mail is! Thankfully they include her phone number. I'm guessing it's her house number. Ah well. So I think I'll give her a call tomorrow, if I can. We need to talk about like, who's bringin' what, and whether she snores, stuff like that. I'm wondering when she'll get the information about me, though. Hm. I also feel bad that she'll have to call long distance to talk to me. So I'll probably call her. I'm excited. :)
I'm going camping this weekend. My mom and I are going out to the campsite on Saturday, and coming back Sunday. I get to sleep in the van! :D Seriously, there's no way in hell I'm sleeping in a hot little camper with my two parents snoring all ding-damned night. So I'll sleep in my dad's van, and listen to music to fall asleep. I've done it before, and aside from the fact that it's hella cramped, I'll be fine.
Wow, I let this go for a while. Whoops.
Well then.
More later,
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The internet thinks I'm ugly.
At least it was posted on 4/20. ;)
This isn't the first time members of Something Awful have seen me as ugly. They tried photoshopping me. In all of their attempts, they basically butchered my face. What does that say about messing with (near) perfection? ;) (I'll get a link for you if I can.)
Goons see one or two pictures that are flawed, and automatically think you're ugly. They jump to conclusions almost as quickly as they'd pounce on a sale of Mountain Dew, Funyuns, and Cheetos. What the don't see is stuff like this.

These people that run it don't even post pictures of themselves, as far as I know, which I find to be completely unfair. What right do they have to make fun of someone (who probably doesn't even look bad, look at the other entries) when they don't even show what they look like? Goons are notoriously fat, neckbearded, and zitty. Clearly, I go against that standard. So why point me out?
Individual goons are really cool people, I've found. But collectively, goons are assholes.
I guess this is what I get for putting pictures of myself on the internet. But y'know why I do? Because I'm no longer afraid of how I look. Something else that the mass majority of goons doesn't know is that I suffer from depression, and it's taken me a LONG time to accept the way I look. (I'm not about to change it.) I can at least say that I'm comfortable with how I look.
It's just pathetic that people judge so easily these days. Goons talk to me, and find my online company enjoyable. *shrug* To me, and I wish this is how it was for more people, appearance means very little. What truly matters is personality. (I'm not trying to hide behind this.) Because it's been my experience that the best looking people tend to be assholes. Not always, but tend to be. So why bother with them?
I could go on and on. I want to make a thread to set the record straight, but then it'd look like me fishing for compliments, which isn't the case at all! I still don't know how to take a damn compliment! I want to put this post out there on a more grand scale, but unless it happens through word of mouth, it won't.
Know a person for something more than their face.
OK! Now that I'm done being angry (thanks lexapro!) I have a spot of good news! I got my housing information today! Finally! :D As it stands, I'm in Roberts 204B-2. I still don't have my roommate information, but that'll be coming along soon. I just need to call in on Monday and confirm that that's my room, and that I'll be moving in on August 26th.
Ha ha, I also finish out therapy next Friday. :) Looking forward to that.
Alright, I'm good for now. I'll update as my worthless news comes.
More later,
At least it was posted on 4/20. ;)
This isn't the first time members of Something Awful have seen me as ugly. They tried photoshopping me. In all of their attempts, they basically butchered my face. What does that say about messing with (near) perfection? ;) (I'll get a link for you if I can.)
Goons see one or two pictures that are flawed, and automatically think you're ugly. They jump to conclusions almost as quickly as they'd pounce on a sale of Mountain Dew, Funyuns, and Cheetos. What the don't see is stuff like this.

Individual goons are really cool people, I've found. But collectively, goons are assholes.
I guess this is what I get for putting pictures of myself on the internet. But y'know why I do? Because I'm no longer afraid of how I look. Something else that the mass majority of goons doesn't know is that I suffer from depression, and it's taken me a LONG time to accept the way I look. (I'm not about to change it.) I can at least say that I'm comfortable with how I look.
It's just pathetic that people judge so easily these days. Goons talk to me, and find my online company enjoyable. *shrug* To me, and I wish this is how it was for more people, appearance means very little. What truly matters is personality. (I'm not trying to hide behind this.) Because it's been my experience that the best looking people tend to be assholes. Not always, but tend to be. So why bother with them?
I could go on and on. I want to make a thread to set the record straight, but then it'd look like me fishing for compliments, which isn't the case at all! I still don't know how to take a damn compliment! I want to put this post out there on a more grand scale, but unless it happens through word of mouth, it won't.
Know a person for something more than their face.
OK! Now that I'm done being angry (thanks lexapro!) I have a spot of good news! I got my housing information today! Finally! :D As it stands, I'm in Roberts 204B-2. I still don't have my roommate information, but that'll be coming along soon. I just need to call in on Monday and confirm that that's my room, and that I'll be moving in on August 26th.
Ha ha, I also finish out therapy next Friday. :) Looking forward to that.
Alright, I'm good for now. I'll update as my worthless news comes.
More later,
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Do yourself a huge favor.
Try to get more than five damn hours of sleep a night.
I got to sleep just around three this morning. (After trying to go to sleep at two.) I'm up right now because Sam's grandmother told her that I'd be at breakfast this morning. (My mom and a bunch of her friends get together every once in a while and go out for a meal.) So if the cinnamon toast my mom raves about isn't the best damn food I've ever eaten, then I will be quite homicidal later today.
I say later, because when we get back home, I am SO going back to sleep. I'll be surprised if I don't fall asleep in my (or someone else's) toast.
In my last blog, I mentioned something about a new job on campus. It's at the conference center. I'm sure I'll just be scheduling peoples' appointments and calling people to have them make appointments. Whatever. It'll help bust me of my phone anxiety. It is confirmed, I believe, that I'm moving in on August 26th. I'm really excited about that. Unfortunately, I still haven't received my housing information from UMass, which is quite annoying. I think I'm going to e-mail them today, asking for an e-mail copy of my housing information. Even if they sent it out by snailmail today, it still wouldn't reach me 'til late next week. I get everything late from UMass because I'm in Connecticut. From other UMD freshman, I've heard that the housing department said they wouldn't send information out 'til next week, which gives me VERY little time to prepare. I don't think housing thought this through much. *shrug*
In other news, my mission to prepare myself for college continues. Yesterday I got a large bottle of tea tree oil castile soap. This thing could last me for two years as far as I'm concerned. I also got a hammock for storing crap. My dad has prepared a toolbox for me with some pliers 'n stuff. I got my electrical stuff too. I <3 power strips. Oh! My dad also gave me this bottle/can opener. It's awesome! It's small, too. :D
Yesterday, I drove my mom and grandfather out so I could get a pair of moccasins. My mom met a woman at a local festival who makes them. We thought I could get a pair custom made, so yesterday we just thought I was going to get my foot traced. As it would turn out, this woman had some pairs already made, and one fit me perfectly. They're also a dark brown, too. They're buffalo hide. Her work is pretty awesome, and of course, yay for the "little guy", so to speak. Check her website out here.
I'm still preparing, and have a lot to do, but I'm so ready for it. Right now, the biggest thing, I think, is going to be the couple of days I use for packing. I've never moved before, so I won't quite know how to do it, but I've been working on a checklist (almost inventory!) of my clothing that I'll be bringing. I gotta do socks and the like next, but that's harder to do. I have a lot. I still have hand-washables to go through, and I'm just forgetful, but I'd have to say it's looking good.
Going to breakfast now.
More later,
I got to sleep just around three this morning. (After trying to go to sleep at two.) I'm up right now because Sam's grandmother told her that I'd be at breakfast this morning. (My mom and a bunch of her friends get together every once in a while and go out for a meal.) So if the cinnamon toast my mom raves about isn't the best damn food I've ever eaten, then I will be quite homicidal later today.
I say later, because when we get back home, I am SO going back to sleep. I'll be surprised if I don't fall asleep in my (or someone else's) toast.
In my last blog, I mentioned something about a new job on campus. It's at the conference center. I'm sure I'll just be scheduling peoples' appointments and calling people to have them make appointments. Whatever. It'll help bust me of my phone anxiety. It is confirmed, I believe, that I'm moving in on August 26th. I'm really excited about that. Unfortunately, I still haven't received my housing information from UMass, which is quite annoying. I think I'm going to e-mail them today, asking for an e-mail copy of my housing information. Even if they sent it out by snailmail today, it still wouldn't reach me 'til late next week. I get everything late from UMass because I'm in Connecticut. From other UMD freshman, I've heard that the housing department said they wouldn't send information out 'til next week, which gives me VERY little time to prepare. I don't think housing thought this through much. *shrug*
In other news, my mission to prepare myself for college continues. Yesterday I got a large bottle of tea tree oil castile soap. This thing could last me for two years as far as I'm concerned. I also got a hammock for storing crap. My dad has prepared a toolbox for me with some pliers 'n stuff. I got my electrical stuff too. I <3 power strips. Oh! My dad also gave me this bottle/can opener. It's awesome! It's small, too. :D
Yesterday, I drove my mom and grandfather out so I could get a pair of moccasins. My mom met a woman at a local festival who makes them. We thought I could get a pair custom made, so yesterday we just thought I was going to get my foot traced. As it would turn out, this woman had some pairs already made, and one fit me perfectly. They're also a dark brown, too. They're buffalo hide. Her work is pretty awesome, and of course, yay for the "little guy", so to speak. Check her website out here.
I'm still preparing, and have a lot to do, but I'm so ready for it. Right now, the biggest thing, I think, is going to be the couple of days I use for packing. I've never moved before, so I won't quite know how to do it, but I've been working on a checklist (almost inventory!) of my clothing that I'll be bringing. I gotta do socks and the like next, but that's harder to do. I have a lot. I still have hand-washables to go through, and I'm just forgetful, but I'd have to say it's looking good.
Going to breakfast now.
More later,
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Summer's almost over.
I can't believe it.
Let me see if I can do this chronologically.
On my birthday, I traveled back home from Chris'. We stopped at Tim Horton's, which I must say is a small highlight. We got home and went out to dinner with my parents. We went to my favorite Japanese restaurant. :) Salmon sashimi and miso soup. Yum! On the way home, my tummy hurt, so when I got home, I just crawled into bed and chilled for a while. When I came down, my parents gave me my birthday presents, and we had pie. Naturally. I got a new alarm clock from my mom. I'm really happy about it. Now I can listen to a CD to fall asleep instead of having my computer play the music. For some reason, when I do that, the screen stays on all night, which I don't like. So, problem solved. My dad also gave me some money, The Who's "Endless Wire", and the DVD "The Kids Are Alright". Yay!
The following Sunday, I went to a Grad pool party for my friend Kaylyn. It was pretty chill. :) We hung out in the pool and talked about college. Later that day, Chris got me.
Tuesday, we went to Maine. Saco, to pick up Dan, and then to Portland. We walked around the city a bit. We went into a comic shop, a candy store, a wine and cigar shop, and a small adult shop. (The adult shop had incense that smelled like Ramune! Way too damn cool! I didn't get any, though.) Chris and Dan got tattoos! They got trees that hold a bowl of flames. It's supposed to represent a chalice. They came out really well! The tattoo artist was also very friendly.
I believe the guys made the appointment for four o'clock. Dan went first. Downstairs from the tattoo parlor, there's a hookah bar. I couldn't get in, though, because I didn't have a valid photo ID to verify that I'm 18. I was really upset. This was supposed to be one of the awesome things about turning 18. So I went back up to watch Dan get his tattoo and sulk while the others did stuff.
I think Dan and Derek came in while Chris was getting his tat done, or about to. They whispered to each other, and told me to stay put where I was.
Later, just when Chris' tattoo was being finished, he just about passed out. The tattoo artist asked me to run out and get him a candy bar. So I did, and Chris munched on it. His blood sugar was hella low.
After we were done at the parlor, my friends told me that they were going to try to buy a hookah. Before that, we got dinner at this place called Henry VIII's. Oh my word, they have roast beef sandwiches down to an art. All I had was a plain roast beef sandwich with some au jus, and it has to be one of the best sandwiches I've ever eaten. When we were done, we trekked about Portland, looking for a place that'd sell us a hookah. We found one on the edge of the city.
I gotta say, while we were walking back to the car, everyone but Kevin and I smoked cigars that they bought. It was a sight. A group of young adults, and by young I mean none of us older than 21, smoking cigars.
Back at the camp where Dan works, we tried the hookah out with some blackberry tobacco. It was so much fun! I felt like a dragon, blowing smoke out of my nose. The hookah's name is Mjolnir, like Thor's hammer. The different hoses have names of mythological creatures, except for one. It's named after a favorite adult of ours in the UU community.
We got back hella late, but it was fun. :)
Wednesday we saw The Cat Empire at Lupo's in Providence. They were awesome! They got everyone dancing. :D They didn't do much in terms of banter, which was a little unfortunate, but they're still incredible. I highly suggest checking them out. Their website is www.thecatempire.com
Fast forward to Friday. Got to therapy late. Chris left immediately. My mom hasn't seen the tattoo yet. :D
Saturday and Sunday I hung out with Abby and Sam. We saw "The Simpsons Movie", which was pretty funny. Then we slept over at Sam's. We tried to do s'mores over this little grill thing Sam bought. It worked for a little while, then the fire just kept dying. And I fell out of my chair.
I believe on Tuesday morning, I got a call from a woman at UMass. Back during orientation, I applied for jobs at the student center and events office. Well, I'm pretty sure the woman was calling from the events office, and I was one of the people chosen for a job there! :D I'm really excited. I'd get to move in a week early and use that week for training. It sounds way too cool. I'm not so sure about specifics just yet, though, but I'll be getting them by e-mail in the coming weeks.
Yesterday I went out. My mom, Abby, and I had something to take care of. Then Abby and I went to Payless, where holy crap I got new shoes. Lemme tell ya, I haven't bought new shoes since 8th or 9th grade. Not everyday shoes, at least. These things are hella spiffy. They be's here. I also got sheets! Here and here. Yay dorm sheets!
Other than all of this, I've just been laying around, melting. :) Oh! And waiting for housing information from UMass. What the hell, I wanna know who my roommate is, and where I'm rooming. As far as I can tell, all of we UMD 2011 students are anxious about it.
By the way, Jon is not a dork. I just wanted to let the internet know.
Alright, that should be good for now. :)
More later,
Let me see if I can do this chronologically.
On my birthday, I traveled back home from Chris'. We stopped at Tim Horton's, which I must say is a small highlight. We got home and went out to dinner with my parents. We went to my favorite Japanese restaurant. :) Salmon sashimi and miso soup. Yum! On the way home, my tummy hurt, so when I got home, I just crawled into bed and chilled for a while. When I came down, my parents gave me my birthday presents, and we had pie. Naturally. I got a new alarm clock from my mom. I'm really happy about it. Now I can listen to a CD to fall asleep instead of having my computer play the music. For some reason, when I do that, the screen stays on all night, which I don't like. So, problem solved. My dad also gave me some money, The Who's "Endless Wire", and the DVD "The Kids Are Alright". Yay!
The following Sunday, I went to a Grad pool party for my friend Kaylyn. It was pretty chill. :) We hung out in the pool and talked about college. Later that day, Chris got me.
Tuesday, we went to Maine. Saco, to pick up Dan, and then to Portland. We walked around the city a bit. We went into a comic shop, a candy store, a wine and cigar shop, and a small adult shop. (The adult shop had incense that smelled like Ramune! Way too damn cool! I didn't get any, though.) Chris and Dan got tattoos! They got trees that hold a bowl of flames. It's supposed to represent a chalice. They came out really well! The tattoo artist was also very friendly.
I believe the guys made the appointment for four o'clock. Dan went first. Downstairs from the tattoo parlor, there's a hookah bar. I couldn't get in, though, because I didn't have a valid photo ID to verify that I'm 18. I was really upset. This was supposed to be one of the awesome things about turning 18. So I went back up to watch Dan get his tattoo and sulk while the others did stuff.
I think Dan and Derek came in while Chris was getting his tat done, or about to. They whispered to each other, and told me to stay put where I was.
Later, just when Chris' tattoo was being finished, he just about passed out. The tattoo artist asked me to run out and get him a candy bar. So I did, and Chris munched on it. His blood sugar was hella low.
After we were done at the parlor, my friends told me that they were going to try to buy a hookah. Before that, we got dinner at this place called Henry VIII's. Oh my word, they have roast beef sandwiches down to an art. All I had was a plain roast beef sandwich with some au jus, and it has to be one of the best sandwiches I've ever eaten. When we were done, we trekked about Portland, looking for a place that'd sell us a hookah. We found one on the edge of the city.
I gotta say, while we were walking back to the car, everyone but Kevin and I smoked cigars that they bought. It was a sight. A group of young adults, and by young I mean none of us older than 21, smoking cigars.
Back at the camp where Dan works, we tried the hookah out with some blackberry tobacco. It was so much fun! I felt like a dragon, blowing smoke out of my nose. The hookah's name is Mjolnir, like Thor's hammer. The different hoses have names of mythological creatures, except for one. It's named after a favorite adult of ours in the UU community.
We got back hella late, but it was fun. :)
Wednesday we saw The Cat Empire at Lupo's in Providence. They were awesome! They got everyone dancing. :D They didn't do much in terms of banter, which was a little unfortunate, but they're still incredible. I highly suggest checking them out. Their website is www.thecatempire.com
Fast forward to Friday. Got to therapy late. Chris left immediately. My mom hasn't seen the tattoo yet. :D
Saturday and Sunday I hung out with Abby and Sam. We saw "The Simpsons Movie", which was pretty funny. Then we slept over at Sam's. We tried to do s'mores over this little grill thing Sam bought. It worked for a little while, then the fire just kept dying. And I fell out of my chair.
I believe on Tuesday morning, I got a call from a woman at UMass. Back during orientation, I applied for jobs at the student center and events office. Well, I'm pretty sure the woman was calling from the events office, and I was one of the people chosen for a job there! :D I'm really excited. I'd get to move in a week early and use that week for training. It sounds way too cool. I'm not so sure about specifics just yet, though, but I'll be getting them by e-mail in the coming weeks.
Yesterday I went out. My mom, Abby, and I had something to take care of. Then Abby and I went to Payless, where holy crap I got new shoes. Lemme tell ya, I haven't bought new shoes since 8th or 9th grade. Not everyday shoes, at least. These things are hella spiffy. They be's here. I also got sheets! Here and here. Yay dorm sheets!
Other than all of this, I've just been laying around, melting. :) Oh! And waiting for housing information from UMass. What the hell, I wanna know who my roommate is, and where I'm rooming. As far as I can tell, all of we UMD 2011 students are anxious about it.
By the way, Jon is not a dork. I just wanted to let the internet know.
Alright, that should be good for now. :)
More later,
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Not the evening I expected.
Last night, a bunch of us went up to see Reel Big Fish in Boston. Out of seven people, four got in.
I was one of the unlucky three.
Needless to say, I was upset. This was supposed to be my birthday present from Chris. I hardly ever get to go to concerts. I was stuck in Boston, right across from friggin' Fenway, missing a RBF concert and a Yankees game. (My family went to the Bronx yesterday to see 'em, and of course, the Yankees won.)
Last year, for my birthday, I went an hour away (or so) to see a friend whom I'd never met before in an outdoor Shakespeare performance.
It got rained out.
So instead I went to this fancy mall thing and got candy. =/
I felt so damn miserable that day. I didn't do ANYTHING that day except go out to see my friend, which got canceled without our knowing. (We got out there and then found that it was off for that night.)
That day just plain-up sucked. Thankfully, the rest of being this age hasn't been as bad as the year before.
So last night I couldn't help but think that this was two years in a row messed up for me.
Chris, Addie, and I, the ones who didn't get in, wandered around Boston for a short while. Chris tried scoring more tickets, but obviously failed. Addie and I just meandered, found a bathroom, and then found Chris again.
We decided we'd try to find Fire and Ice. For those of you not in the know, Fire and Ice is a really cool restaurant. They have stations set up where you get raw food and veggies, and then you get sauce. You go over to the huge... hell, I want to call it a griddle, to have your food cooked. It's all you can eat, too. At the table they give you tortillas, rice, and tortilla chips. The restaurant itself is supposed to have a funky, artistic feeling to it. I personally think they try to hard, but whatever.
After some deliberation, we wanted to go to the commons. We didn't get there. We all had to use the bathroom, but didn't know where we could. Somebody in a T station said we could try a couple of different places. We ended up in a really cool book store. I wish I'd had more money and time. So many good books! I found an updated version of Bullfinch's Mythology, and it was large. We had to leave, though.
On the ride back, when we were connecting from the green line to the red line, we met up with one of Chris' old UU friends. I hadn't seen this guy since February '06. He's really cool, and his girlfriend's pretty awesome too, so we got to ride back to the train station we parked at with them.
It was hella foggy last night, so the drive home was a little dicey. I told Chris that he was low on gas, and he said that we'd make it home.
Not on that tank of gas, we didn't. We petered out a couple of miles from our exit. A state cop, a cranky one at that, helped us along. As well as Kevin.
We got home around two a.m.
Here I am today, home alone until Chris' parents get back.
Tomorrow's my birthday.
More later,
~*The Pie
I was one of the unlucky three.
Needless to say, I was upset. This was supposed to be my birthday present from Chris. I hardly ever get to go to concerts. I was stuck in Boston, right across from friggin' Fenway, missing a RBF concert and a Yankees game. (My family went to the Bronx yesterday to see 'em, and of course, the Yankees won.)
Last year, for my birthday, I went an hour away (or so) to see a friend whom I'd never met before in an outdoor Shakespeare performance.
It got rained out.
So instead I went to this fancy mall thing and got candy. =/
I felt so damn miserable that day. I didn't do ANYTHING that day except go out to see my friend, which got canceled without our knowing. (We got out there and then found that it was off for that night.)
That day just plain-up sucked. Thankfully, the rest of being this age hasn't been as bad as the year before.
So last night I couldn't help but think that this was two years in a row messed up for me.
Chris, Addie, and I, the ones who didn't get in, wandered around Boston for a short while. Chris tried scoring more tickets, but obviously failed. Addie and I just meandered, found a bathroom, and then found Chris again.
We decided we'd try to find Fire and Ice. For those of you not in the know, Fire and Ice is a really cool restaurant. They have stations set up where you get raw food and veggies, and then you get sauce. You go over to the huge... hell, I want to call it a griddle, to have your food cooked. It's all you can eat, too. At the table they give you tortillas, rice, and tortilla chips. The restaurant itself is supposed to have a funky, artistic feeling to it. I personally think they try to hard, but whatever.
After some deliberation, we wanted to go to the commons. We didn't get there. We all had to use the bathroom, but didn't know where we could. Somebody in a T station said we could try a couple of different places. We ended up in a really cool book store. I wish I'd had more money and time. So many good books! I found an updated version of Bullfinch's Mythology, and it was large. We had to leave, though.
On the ride back, when we were connecting from the green line to the red line, we met up with one of Chris' old UU friends. I hadn't seen this guy since February '06. He's really cool, and his girlfriend's pretty awesome too, so we got to ride back to the train station we parked at with them.
It was hella foggy last night, so the drive home was a little dicey. I told Chris that he was low on gas, and he said that we'd make it home.
Not on that tank of gas, we didn't. We petered out a couple of miles from our exit. A state cop, a cranky one at that, helped us along. As well as Kevin.
We got home around two a.m.
Here I am today, home alone until Chris' parents get back.
Tomorrow's my birthday.
More later,
~*The Pie
Monday, July 16, 2007
Ain't no cure for the summertime blues...
'Cept coming out to Massachusetts! :D
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a short while. Things have been going down.
I'm in MA right now. Chris is on the computer, playing WoW. I'm sitting here wondering if I should eat the piece of deep fried eggplant sitting in the Styrofoam container next to the keyboard. (We went out for Thai last night. ^^)
So... I'm trying to think. Lessee. Last Thursday, I threw up. I hardly ever do, thankfully. I have enough stomach problems for, I'd say, at least two people. I was a little shaky for the rest of the day, but still in high spirits. Friday I was well enough to travel to MA. :) I'm so thankful. We got here 'round 9 or something, and hung out 'til IHOP time. I do so love going to IHOP. I had coffee and a banana cheesecake chimichanga. Yum!
After IHOP we went to Kev's and hung out there for the night. I went to sleep ... hell... after five? And Derek wanted us up for 10. Well, we left after ten. (Chris was being slow, though.) Derek took us out to his tiny little town. We stopped at a Honey Dew for coffee. Now, I shouldn't be having coffee in the morning because it upsets my tummy too much, but I threw caution into the wind and had a frozen coffee. We went to a book fair, and I got six books for $7.50. Some of the books are the complete works of Poe, The Scarlet Letter (which for some reason I can't underline), a book of three Greek plays, and more.
Once we were satisfied with our findings, we stopped by a nice little grocery store in town and picked up some chocolate and walnuts. Back at Derek's, we had chocolate and walnut fondue. My stomach was too upset by then for me to enjoy a lot of it, but I still had some. I was happy.
We read, we had fondue, and just generally chilled out. Later, we went to Nick's. I read and took a nap while the guys played some craaaaazy long board game based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. I went on the computer and rested. (My stomach was still somewhat angry.) It looked as though we might go to Kev's or Bil's, but Chris just wanted to go home. He had work at seven a.m. on Sunday.
I slept soundly until he came back home. Then we napped for a few hours.
Damnit, I'm too distracted. I'll edit this post or something.
More later,
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a short while. Things have been going down.
I'm in MA right now. Chris is on the computer, playing WoW. I'm sitting here wondering if I should eat the piece of deep fried eggplant sitting in the Styrofoam container next to the keyboard. (We went out for Thai last night. ^^)
So... I'm trying to think. Lessee. Last Thursday, I threw up. I hardly ever do, thankfully. I have enough stomach problems for, I'd say, at least two people. I was a little shaky for the rest of the day, but still in high spirits. Friday I was well enough to travel to MA. :) I'm so thankful. We got here 'round 9 or something, and hung out 'til IHOP time. I do so love going to IHOP. I had coffee and a banana cheesecake chimichanga. Yum!
After IHOP we went to Kev's and hung out there for the night. I went to sleep ... hell... after five? And Derek wanted us up for 10. Well, we left after ten. (Chris was being slow, though.) Derek took us out to his tiny little town. We stopped at a Honey Dew for coffee. Now, I shouldn't be having coffee in the morning because it upsets my tummy too much, but I threw caution into the wind and had a frozen coffee. We went to a book fair, and I got six books for $7.50. Some of the books are the complete works of Poe, The Scarlet Letter (which for some reason I can't underline), a book of three Greek plays, and more.
Once we were satisfied with our findings, we stopped by a nice little grocery store in town and picked up some chocolate and walnuts. Back at Derek's, we had chocolate and walnut fondue. My stomach was too upset by then for me to enjoy a lot of it, but I still had some. I was happy.
We read, we had fondue, and just generally chilled out. Later, we went to Nick's. I read and took a nap while the guys played some craaaaazy long board game based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. I went on the computer and rested. (My stomach was still somewhat angry.) It looked as though we might go to Kev's or Bil's, but Chris just wanted to go home. He had work at seven a.m. on Sunday.
I slept soundly until he came back home. Then we napped for a few hours.
Damnit, I'm too distracted. I'll edit this post or something.
More later,
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Simple pleasures.
I enjoy a nice fresh towel. Preferably my fish towel. I love coming out of the shower to dry my face off with a clean towel. I don't quite like the idea after I've used it once already. I got to shower this evening and it felt marvelous to dry my face off.
I wish people'd slow down and enjoy simple things more. Really, I find myself more satisfied and amused (in my personal life) because I'm not shooting ridiculously high in this case. A good CD and untimed shower (I normally time myself, but now I don't have to.) is fantastic in itself, and to dry off with a fresh towel is all the better. Damn, I don't need an iPhone or a car to be happy. I don't need to keep with the latest trends. I don't constantly need new clothes. I'm damn fine with the bare necessities.
Speaking of shooting ridiculously high, though, I was in the local newspaper again today, as you can see to your upper left. I edited things so you crazy bastards won't stalk me. :) It doesn't list me as valedictorian. I think at the time that I filled out the information, I didn't know.
A nice segue. I has a link for y'all, a treat for sure. I do, however, suggest that you turn up the volume of your speakers. :) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4662557844467951294
This is me giving my valedictory at graduation. I was one of two to graduate with high honors. I then proceeded to accidentally forget my diploma at the school where graduation was held. *sigh* Go me.
My birthday is this month! On the 20th! Woo! On the 18th I'm going to see Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake. On the 25th, I'm going to see The Cat Empire. (And in the future, on August 25th, I'm going to see The Aquabats!)
Ah summer, I do so love you.
Oh man! I got to see some of my extended family today. My dad's cousin and the cousin's aunt. They hadn't seen me in years, so it was strange for them, I guess to see me more than five feet tall and without braces. They were asking me about college and whatnot. Oh! Chris also got to see my Poppa's condo, finally. There are plenty of pictures of me from when I was little. Lots of baby fat, if you can believe it. That melted away right quick.
OK, so, my mind has wandered enough.
If you make any jokes about my name, I will find my own way to mock the hell out of you.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A good way to start the day.
Howdy! It's been a week since I've updated, hasn't it? Sheez.
Well, first the main reason why I'm posting this. I do so enjoy making new friends first thing in the morning. It's when I can talk to my Australian friends. :D But really, to wake up to find a new message is fun. Really, there was more to this thought, originally, but I've forgotten. I'll take this time to plug my buddy Krymzen's blog! dimension-zer0.blogspot.com
Now! For all of the end-of-the-year stuff. Thursday was the only full day of finals I have. English and French. Pretty easy. I got an 89 on my French final. Strange for me, but I don't care. I pass. Friday I had my chem. II final, which was also fairly easy. Our teacher just gave us the exam that the city requires. Fine by me.
Tomorrow I have my creative writing "final". My real creative writing final was my senior thesis presentation. I got a 100 on it. I got a 95 on the paper. *claps dust off of hands* I'm pretty awesome. So tomorrow for the final, we're working on our graduation pieces. At graduation, every art department gets up and does something. Band kids play music, chorus sings, writers read poems, etc. We need to finish writing them, then we're gonna rehearse it. Somebody in the class suggested we do it by height, in which case I'd go last. Yay me at 5'3".
Tuesday I go in at 7:30 and come out at 9:30. Accounting final. It'll go by. I don't guarantee that I'll remember everything. I should bring the book home and skim.
After finals, we aren't required to go in. They aren't taking attendance, and we're encouraged to stay home. Wednesday, June 20th, is my two year anniversary with Chris. He can't come down. I'm staying home from school. Thursday I'm going in, but I have graduation rehearsal from 11:30 to 1:30. I'm gonna work on my 'zine and see if I can get that finished.
OK, y'know what? Lemme just put a schedule.
6/18/07 - Writing final from 9:30 to 11:30.
6/19/07 - Accounting final from 7:30 to 9:30.
6/20/07 - Two year anniversary with Chris. Staying home.
6/21/07 - Going in to work on 'zine, graduation rehearsal from 11:30 to 1:30. Graduation party at 6. Chris coming down.
6/22/07 - Graduation rehearsal 11:30 to 1:30.
6/23 or 6/24 - Chris leaves.
6/25/07 - Senior awards breakfast. (Gonna get my yearbook!)
6/26/07 - Graduation!
6/27/07 - Going back to MA with Chris.
6/28/07 to 6/29/07 - Orientation at UMass.
6/30/07 Graduation party.
I'm busy for a while. Things with Chris aren't entirely ironed out to me. I need to fix that.
So yeah. That's that.
Chris is probably going to record my valedictory using my digital video camera. We'll put it up on teh internets for everyone to see.
I'm gonna go swordfight or something.
More later,
~*The Pie
Well, first the main reason why I'm posting this. I do so enjoy making new friends first thing in the morning. It's when I can talk to my Australian friends. :D But really, to wake up to find a new message is fun. Really, there was more to this thought, originally, but I've forgotten. I'll take this time to plug my buddy Krymzen's blog! dimension-zer0.blogspot.com
Now! For all of the end-of-the-year stuff. Thursday was the only full day of finals I have. English and French. Pretty easy. I got an 89 on my French final. Strange for me, but I don't care. I pass. Friday I had my chem. II final, which was also fairly easy. Our teacher just gave us the exam that the city requires. Fine by me.
Tomorrow I have my creative writing "final". My real creative writing final was my senior thesis presentation. I got a 100 on it. I got a 95 on the paper. *claps dust off of hands* I'm pretty awesome. So tomorrow for the final, we're working on our graduation pieces. At graduation, every art department gets up and does something. Band kids play music, chorus sings, writers read poems, etc. We need to finish writing them, then we're gonna rehearse it. Somebody in the class suggested we do it by height, in which case I'd go last. Yay me at 5'3".
Tuesday I go in at 7:30 and come out at 9:30. Accounting final. It'll go by. I don't guarantee that I'll remember everything. I should bring the book home and skim.
After finals, we aren't required to go in. They aren't taking attendance, and we're encouraged to stay home. Wednesday, June 20th, is my two year anniversary with Chris. He can't come down. I'm staying home from school. Thursday I'm going in, but I have graduation rehearsal from 11:30 to 1:30. I'm gonna work on my 'zine and see if I can get that finished.
OK, y'know what? Lemme just put a schedule.
6/18/07 - Writing final from 9:30 to 11:30.
6/19/07 - Accounting final from 7:30 to 9:30.
6/20/07 - Two year anniversary with Chris. Staying home.
6/21/07 - Going in to work on 'zine, graduation rehearsal from 11:30 to 1:30. Graduation party at 6. Chris coming down.
6/22/07 - Graduation rehearsal 11:30 to 1:30.
6/23 or 6/24 - Chris leaves.
6/25/07 - Senior awards breakfast. (Gonna get my yearbook!)
6/26/07 - Graduation!
6/27/07 - Going back to MA with Chris.
6/28/07 to 6/29/07 - Orientation at UMass.
6/30/07 Graduation party.
I'm busy for a while. Things with Chris aren't entirely ironed out to me. I need to fix that.
So yeah. That's that.
Chris is probably going to record my valedictory using my digital video camera. We'll put it up on teh internets for everyone to see.
I'm gonna go swordfight or something.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Youth convention.
I went to a Unitarian Universalist (www.uua.org, check it oot.) youth conference over the weekend, for the first time (in this district) in about a year and a half. I got to see old friends, make new ones, and memories were flying all around. New memories, too, such as me being "Witchy McGee". (Trust me, it's not as mean as it sounds.)
I want to write a poem about being curled up under a potted tree in a corner of a hallway. I thought it was a bodhi tree, but after trying to find pictures of one online, I'm gonna say that this was not a bodhi tree. Still... I'd call it one for the fact that I tried meditating under it.
I'm actually gonna go take a shower, then burn some incense. I may or may not meditate, I'm not sure. It's so hard to do! It's not like I do it for long. I just don't find my spiritual center very often, but when I do, I'm very peaceful. I'm just not religious, but I'm willing to try.
In college, I'm going to try to go to church more.
OK, I'm past my goal of showering at eight o'clock.
More later,
~*The Pie
I went to a Unitarian Universalist (www.uua.org, check it oot.) youth conference over the weekend, for the first time (in this district) in about a year and a half. I got to see old friends, make new ones, and memories were flying all around. New memories, too, such as me being "Witchy McGee". (Trust me, it's not as mean as it sounds.)
I want to write a poem about being curled up under a potted tree in a corner of a hallway. I thought it was a bodhi tree, but after trying to find pictures of one online, I'm gonna say that this was not a bodhi tree. Still... I'd call it one for the fact that I tried meditating under it.
I'm actually gonna go take a shower, then burn some incense. I may or may not meditate, I'm not sure. It's so hard to do! It's not like I do it for long. I just don't find my spiritual center very often, but when I do, I'm very peaceful. I'm just not religious, but I'm willing to try.
In college, I'm going to try to go to church more.
OK, I'm past my goal of showering at eight o'clock.
More later,
~*The Pie
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Moving right along.
Howdy. Today I'm supposed to be looking like I'm working because we're having some visitors from different districts. *shrug* They'll probably want to talk to me 'cause I'm valley D. They'll probably ask me how I feel about my education here. *sniggle* What a crock.
I just wanna play games or something. Or talk with my two buddies back here. One is doing some math testing, the other is doing a performance in the library.
Last night I was grabbing myself a snack for today, when I saw muffins. I asked my mom what kind they were, and she said she thought they were apple. That sounded wonderful! Appley muffins are pleasant. Well, I took a bite out of it last period, and it turns out that it's carrot. =/ I like carrot muffins, don't get me wrong, but when I looked in to see a bunch of strips of orange, I was slightly disappointed.
Speaking of disappointment! I've been trying to load Yohoho Puzzle Pirates onto this computer, or just computers here in general, but I need an administrative password to load java. Without java, I can't run YPP. I've been addicted to this game for a couple of weeks. You're a pirate, and you do pirate-y things like bilge, carpent, sail, swordfight, and pillage. When you do all of this, though, you're playing puzzles! Like... bilging is a swapping game. (Swap pieces horizontally to make combinations of three or more.) Carpenting involves getting differently shaped pieces of wood to patch holes in the ship. So on and so fourth. It's free, too! (If I do it online, it's most likely free.) If you're interested, go to www.puzzlepirates.com and sign up. I live in Shackra on Sayer's Rock in the Hunter Ocean. ;)
In other news, I'm still upset about the state of one of my classes. It's a seniors honors class, but the kids still act like freshman. Hardly ANYONE in that class is ready for college. I'd say roughly a fourth is ready.
I forgot to spray my jeans this morning. I don't know why, but they've just been stinky since the last time I wore 'em to Chris'. They still fit OK, so I'm not giving up on 'em, but they smell. (They've been washed, too. I'm a slight freak about wearing fresh clothes.) I wanted to spray 'em with some spritz before I left the house today, but I didn't get the chance to. Oh well.
I wish I could check facebook in school. I know I can't, there's no good reason to, but I have e-mails from facebook that I want to check. *sigh*
I have a driving lesson after school. (Actually at 2. I get out at 2:15.) I have to make sure that everything's OK with that.
Need. Sleep. I don't even know what I'm doing next period.
At least I know I don't have homework tonight. We're gonna be watching "V for Vendetta" in English, and we're taking a trip tomorrow for chemistry that will go from 9:50 (I think) 'til the end of the day. I have an easy day tomorrow. I'm actually wondering whether I need to bring in my stuff! (I can weasel my way into doing some layout work for Mr. Banack.) Shoot... I think I'll just bring a sandwich tomorrow. If we go to the café, I can get a drink. Yep... just a sammich. Oh God, will I have anything to make one with?
Ha, I just finished my accounting project. :D I just gotta hand it in today and I'll goof off for the rest of the time. (Five class days.) Yeehaw.
Alright, I gotta get going. Let's hope I don't fall asleep in chem.
More later,
~*The Pie
I just wanna play games or something. Or talk with my two buddies back here. One is doing some math testing, the other is doing a performance in the library.
Last night I was grabbing myself a snack for today, when I saw muffins. I asked my mom what kind they were, and she said she thought they were apple. That sounded wonderful! Appley muffins are pleasant. Well, I took a bite out of it last period, and it turns out that it's carrot. =/ I like carrot muffins, don't get me wrong, but when I looked in to see a bunch of strips of orange, I was slightly disappointed.
Speaking of disappointment! I've been trying to load Yohoho Puzzle Pirates onto this computer, or just computers here in general, but I need an administrative password to load java. Without java, I can't run YPP. I've been addicted to this game for a couple of weeks. You're a pirate, and you do pirate-y things like bilge, carpent, sail, swordfight, and pillage. When you do all of this, though, you're playing puzzles! Like... bilging is a swapping game. (Swap pieces horizontally to make combinations of three or more.) Carpenting involves getting differently shaped pieces of wood to patch holes in the ship. So on and so fourth. It's free, too! (If I do it online, it's most likely free.) If you're interested, go to www.puzzlepirates.com and sign up. I live in Shackra on Sayer's Rock in the Hunter Ocean. ;)
In other news, I'm still upset about the state of one of my classes. It's a seniors honors class, but the kids still act like freshman. Hardly ANYONE in that class is ready for college. I'd say roughly a fourth is ready.
I forgot to spray my jeans this morning. I don't know why, but they've just been stinky since the last time I wore 'em to Chris'. They still fit OK, so I'm not giving up on 'em, but they smell. (They've been washed, too. I'm a slight freak about wearing fresh clothes.) I wanted to spray 'em with some spritz before I left the house today, but I didn't get the chance to. Oh well.
I wish I could check facebook in school. I know I can't, there's no good reason to, but I have e-mails from facebook that I want to check. *sigh*
I have a driving lesson after school. (Actually at 2. I get out at 2:15.) I have to make sure that everything's OK with that.
Need. Sleep. I don't even know what I'm doing next period.
At least I know I don't have homework tonight. We're gonna be watching "V for Vendetta" in English, and we're taking a trip tomorrow for chemistry that will go from 9:50 (I think) 'til the end of the day. I have an easy day tomorrow. I'm actually wondering whether I need to bring in my stuff! (I can weasel my way into doing some layout work for Mr. Banack.) Shoot... I think I'll just bring a sandwich tomorrow. If we go to the café, I can get a drink. Yep... just a sammich. Oh God, will I have anything to make one with?
Ha, I just finished my accounting project. :D I just gotta hand it in today and I'll goof off for the rest of the time. (Five class days.) Yeehaw.
Alright, I gotta get going. Let's hope I don't fall asleep in chem.
More later,
~*The Pie
Friday, June 1, 2007
Quickly, for I have been lazy.
Prom was fun, simply put. I didn't like the music selection, but that's natural. But it was fun to act like a complete moron in a dress. Guilty pleasure, perhaps? Like, I wanted to smack my face into a plate of butter. I almost fought Chris for a piece of bread. Silly things like that.
We went to a diner afterward. It was fun. I had jell-o. Chris and I sang. (Mostly Chris.) The waitress said it was like he earned his food. I'd say our waitress was pretty cool for talking to us. Then again, it was like, midnight. Business isn't terribly quick.
After, Chris and I brought two of my friends back to their houses. As it'd turn out, they live pretty close to each other, which I think is pretty cool. I love both of them to death, so I'm glad Chris and I could take them along.
My corsage problem was fixed. We got an emergency one. Unfortunately, the rose petals just kept on coming off. So sad. But at least there were rose petals all over the dance floor. :D
OK, I need to eat some breakfast. Prom pictures will be up whenever I get the camera developed, and the pictures scanned.
More later,
~*The Pie
We went to a diner afterward. It was fun. I had jell-o. Chris and I sang. (Mostly Chris.) The waitress said it was like he earned his food. I'd say our waitress was pretty cool for talking to us. Then again, it was like, midnight. Business isn't terribly quick.
After, Chris and I brought two of my friends back to their houses. As it'd turn out, they live pretty close to each other, which I think is pretty cool. I love both of them to death, so I'm glad Chris and I could take them along.
My corsage problem was fixed. We got an emergency one. Unfortunately, the rose petals just kept on coming off. So sad. But at least there were rose petals all over the dance floor. :D
OK, I need to eat some breakfast. Prom pictures will be up whenever I get the camera developed, and the pictures scanned.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, May 31, 2007
I can't believe this.
Chris forgot to bring my corsage.
I try not to swear in this thing, but what the fuck.
I'm trying not to get too angry, but I am very, very angry right now.
How do you do that? I know he was late, but it's my corsage. It's almost held holy in the prom tradition.
I can't believe this.
I know he feels bad, but oh my God.
I guess we're trying to arrange an emergency one.
More later,
~*The Pie
I try not to swear in this thing, but what the fuck.
I'm trying not to get too angry, but I am very, very angry right now.
How do you do that? I know he was late, but it's my corsage. It's almost held holy in the prom tradition.
I can't believe this.
I know he feels bad, but oh my God.
I guess we're trying to arrange an emergency one.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Off to see The Wizard.
My weekend at Chris' was pretty wonderful.
On Saturday evening, Chris, myself and a couple of our friends walked over to the 7-11. On the way back to our friend's apartment, we were walking up the street that comes out to the apartment. It was night time, and it was glowing right in front of us.
Now, I'm sure any "Wizard of Oz" fan would yell at me for this, but pardon me, I've never seen the movie. From left to right, walking, it was the friend who owns the apartment, me, Chris, and another friend of ours. Tin man, Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion.
Tin man, as I'll refer to him, has been in a precarious situation with the woman he loves. He could use some love right now, but it doesn't readily seem like he'll get it.
I'm dying to go home. By home I mean out Chris' way. This town that I'm in now does not feel like home. When I'm out at Chris', it just feels so natural. Here I guess I'm a square peg in a round hole.
Chris is definitely the scarecrow. He could use some brains now and then. :) But! He did pass his classes, though we haven't heard about the Calc. III class grade yet. So he could be worse off, but he could still be much better.
Lion. Well, he doesn't need courage, really. He just looked like the lion when he still had hair.
Chris cut his hair. His friend shaved, and is continuing to shave his head. So strange! When I saw Chris' hair, I cried. Really.
Pardon me for a few ticks, I gotta work on cleaning the tub.
God, forget bath tubs.
More later,
~*The Pie
On Saturday evening, Chris, myself and a couple of our friends walked over to the 7-11. On the way back to our friend's apartment, we were walking up the street that comes out to the apartment. It was night time, and it was glowing right in front of us.
Now, I'm sure any "Wizard of Oz" fan would yell at me for this, but pardon me, I've never seen the movie. From left to right, walking, it was the friend who owns the apartment, me, Chris, and another friend of ours. Tin man, Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion.
Tin man, as I'll refer to him, has been in a precarious situation with the woman he loves. He could use some love right now, but it doesn't readily seem like he'll get it.
I'm dying to go home. By home I mean out Chris' way. This town that I'm in now does not feel like home. When I'm out at Chris', it just feels so natural. Here I guess I'm a square peg in a round hole.
Chris is definitely the scarecrow. He could use some brains now and then. :) But! He did pass his classes, though we haven't heard about the Calc. III class grade yet. So he could be worse off, but he could still be much better.
Lion. Well, he doesn't need courage, really. He just looked like the lion when he still had hair.
Chris cut his hair. His friend shaved, and is continuing to shave his head. So strange! When I saw Chris' hair, I cried. Really.
Pardon me for a few ticks, I gotta work on cleaning the tub.
God, forget bath tubs.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
This morning, my school's principal announced that I am officially the Valedictorian for the class of 2007, and aqua Ab is the salutatorian.
I've worked hard and I think I can finally say I'm proud of myself for this accomplishment. This is what I get for a lack of a proper social life all these years.
I would like to go to my home district and say, "Hey, what now?", but in comparison to their curriculum and whatnot, I'm nothing special. *sigh* Different standards.
My speech shall be kept under wraps for now, methinks. I have a couple of ideas that I think I'll touch on.
Today in my English class we were reading an essay by George Orwell about how over-complicated the English language has become. I can't help but agree with him. People want to sound smarter than they really are these days. I find myself in this situation from time to time too. At the same time, I would like to expand my vocabulary responsibly. I think today's lesson foreshadows what I must write. I need to keep it simple. I forget who said it, but wisdom may only be eloquent foolishness.
I have quite the day ahead of me.
Let me prep by playing pyramid solitaire.
More later,
~*The Pie
I've worked hard and I think I can finally say I'm proud of myself for this accomplishment. This is what I get for a lack of a proper social life all these years.
I would like to go to my home district and say, "Hey, what now?", but in comparison to their curriculum and whatnot, I'm nothing special. *sigh* Different standards.
My speech shall be kept under wraps for now, methinks. I have a couple of ideas that I think I'll touch on.
Today in my English class we were reading an essay by George Orwell about how over-complicated the English language has become. I can't help but agree with him. People want to sound smarter than they really are these days. I find myself in this situation from time to time too. At the same time, I would like to expand my vocabulary responsibly. I think today's lesson foreshadows what I must write. I need to keep it simple. I forget who said it, but wisdom may only be eloquent foolishness.
I have quite the day ahead of me.
Let me prep by playing pyramid solitaire.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Alright, I said I'd update y'all as to what I'm going to be doing in the near future.
Next Wednesday I'm going to my doctor to get some immunization shots for college. Yay. I think I'm getting my blood test done that day, too. (My psychiatrist requested one.) Then on Friday I have to go back so they can see how I reacted to the meningitis test to see if I can handle the vaccination.
Normally on Fridays (well, every other Friday) I have therapy. I'm supposed to have it on the 25th. That's Chris' birthday. So I'm gonna have my mom move my appointment to Thursday. We're thinking she can take me out during my lunch period to the doctor's, then I can just go home. Chris will be done with his finals by then, so he'll come out in the early afternoon to pick me up, and we'll be on our merry way.
A friend of mine (www.myspace.com/malik_al_agraabi) has invited Chris and me to a cookout he's having on Memorial Day, so I think we're going to that for part of the day.
Then, on May 31st, the Thursday, I have prom. I'm probably going to leave school early to get my hair and nails done, then go home and get prettied up. Chris'll get here, probably take a shower and get into his tux, etc.
On June 1st, he and I will head back out his way. (He needs to drop off his tux.) On June 2nd, I have my placement testing at UMass Dartmouth at nine a.m. On June 3rd, I have to go to a luncheon at a local university. (I was nominated "Youth of the Year" by the teachers for the local newspaper. I'm representing my school.) So I'm hopefully having Chris and my mom come. (My dad isn't sure as to whether he's going. He's normally in Dover that weekend. I think he should go to Dover.)
From there, I don't have much of anything going on. I might might might go to a youth conference from the 8th to the 10th, although that's up in the air right now. My graduation is still on for June 26th, much to my chagrin. I need to talk to the orientation organizers at UMass Dartmouth and see if I can reschedule mine. :( I wish I could go to the one for the 25th and 26th because it's for social science majors. (Future psych major, woot.) But due to graduation, I can't go then. So I gotta e-mail some folks.
Things have been OK. Chemistry's been a little hectic and confusing lately. I have to start working on a paper for English. In accounting, we're doing a project where we're supposed to have two projects due for the next four Fridays. I've already finished about 3/4 of it. I'm just so cool. That's a lot of what I have going on in school.
So that's how things are looking for now. I'm excited. This year's been pretty wonderful.
More later,
~*The Pie
Next Wednesday I'm going to my doctor to get some immunization shots for college. Yay. I think I'm getting my blood test done that day, too. (My psychiatrist requested one.) Then on Friday I have to go back so they can see how I reacted to the meningitis test to see if I can handle the vaccination.
Normally on Fridays (well, every other Friday) I have therapy. I'm supposed to have it on the 25th. That's Chris' birthday. So I'm gonna have my mom move my appointment to Thursday. We're thinking she can take me out during my lunch period to the doctor's, then I can just go home. Chris will be done with his finals by then, so he'll come out in the early afternoon to pick me up, and we'll be on our merry way.
A friend of mine (www.myspace.com/malik_al_agraabi) has invited Chris and me to a cookout he's having on Memorial Day, so I think we're going to that for part of the day.
Then, on May 31st, the Thursday, I have prom. I'm probably going to leave school early to get my hair and nails done, then go home and get prettied up. Chris'll get here, probably take a shower and get into his tux, etc.
On June 1st, he and I will head back out his way. (He needs to drop off his tux.) On June 2nd, I have my placement testing at UMass Dartmouth at nine a.m. On June 3rd, I have to go to a luncheon at a local university. (I was nominated "Youth of the Year" by the teachers for the local newspaper. I'm representing my school.) So I'm hopefully having Chris and my mom come. (My dad isn't sure as to whether he's going. He's normally in Dover that weekend. I think he should go to Dover.)
From there, I don't have much of anything going on. I might might might go to a youth conference from the 8th to the 10th, although that's up in the air right now. My graduation is still on for June 26th, much to my chagrin. I need to talk to the orientation organizers at UMass Dartmouth and see if I can reschedule mine. :( I wish I could go to the one for the 25th and 26th because it's for social science majors. (Future psych major, woot.) But due to graduation, I can't go then. So I gotta e-mail some folks.
Things have been OK. Chemistry's been a little hectic and confusing lately. I have to start working on a paper for English. In accounting, we're doing a project where we're supposed to have two projects due for the next four Fridays. I've already finished about 3/4 of it. I'm just so cool. That's a lot of what I have going on in school.
So that's how things are looking for now. I'm excited. This year's been pretty wonderful.
More later,
~*The Pie
Monday, May 14, 2007
Busy busy busy
OK, I'm sorry I haven't updated since the AP stats test. Things have been hectic, as per usual.
On Friday, Abby and I had our dress rehearsal for chorus. It was so miserable! I was wearing these ridiculous heels.

It's not the best view of them, but trust me, they're not the most comfortable things in the world. So I was standing in those for a good while. It was humid in the church. The choral director just wouldn't let us go, it felt like. *sigh* But anyway, we got through the night, and I got home. The funniest thing from the whole night was seeing the choral director run, in stocking feet, down the center aisle to catch some firemen. (The fire department is stationed across the street from this church.) She said, "They're here for us! And they're tenors!" (We only had two tenors this season.)
The next day, I was expecting Chris to wake me up with a kiss, but instead he did it with a phone call. He slept in late. (He went to the Tommy cast party the night before.) So he called me, and we talked until he reached the state border. We talked about the previous night. The Swarovski vase I spoke of before is still teetering pretty precariously, but now I know why, at least.
After we got off of the phone, I had to clean sinks, take a shower, and shave my shins. Chris came while I was shaving. I wrapped myself in a towel and went out to greet him. I love him.
Soon, we had to go out. I had to have dinner, (I had a steakhouse Jr. and chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Yes, I ate the whole thing. Bamf.) and my mom had to pick up some flowers for Mother's Day. While my mum was looking flowers at the first store, Chris and I went into Petco next door and watched the mice. They're so cute! I'd love to have one, but I'd actually prefer to have something larger to cuddle with, like Chris. He's my furry little animal. Anyway. After that, we went to another store. Chris and I waited in the car, and a friend of mine came out to say hi. (She works there.) We talked about how I'm graduating soon, how prom is coming, and how the school is doing. (She graduated from there in... '05.)
From there, I was dropped off early at the church. I just kinda hung around for a while. Later, Abby arrived, and we went upstairs to hang with her boyfriend, Bill. I was so glad to see him again! I really do like him very much. He's such a nice, laid back guy. And he makes Abby happy when he's around, which is the best.
The show came and went. It didn't seem that long. I could see Chris from where I was standing, and for one song, I basically sang it to him. :)
After the show, and after we had some refreshments, we went out to Dairy Queen. After that, we hung around to talk, then Bill brought Chris and me home.
Sunday, Chris had to get home early to work on a paper. We cuddled for a while before he left, which was nice.
I went to my Poppa's for Mother's Day dinner. We had Chinese take out. I hadn't had Chinese in a while, so it was well received.
Today's just been another day. Nothing special, really. My Yid told me this morning that they were going to announce who the valedictorian and salutatorian (sp?), but they didn't. Not even this afternoon. I'm really anxious, because in truth, it's basically amongst my Yid, Ab, and me for either of the positions.
So that was the last few days.
Things have died down, but they're not over yet. That'll either be an edit to this or in another post. There is much going on. :D
More later,
~*The Pie
On Friday, Abby and I had our dress rehearsal for chorus. It was so miserable! I was wearing these ridiculous heels.
It's not the best view of them, but trust me, they're not the most comfortable things in the world. So I was standing in those for a good while. It was humid in the church. The choral director just wouldn't let us go, it felt like. *sigh* But anyway, we got through the night, and I got home. The funniest thing from the whole night was seeing the choral director run, in stocking feet, down the center aisle to catch some firemen. (The fire department is stationed across the street from this church.) She said, "They're here for us! And they're tenors!" (We only had two tenors this season.)
The next day, I was expecting Chris to wake me up with a kiss, but instead he did it with a phone call. He slept in late. (He went to the Tommy cast party the night before.) So he called me, and we talked until he reached the state border. We talked about the previous night. The Swarovski vase I spoke of before is still teetering pretty precariously, but now I know why, at least.
After we got off of the phone, I had to clean sinks, take a shower, and shave my shins. Chris came while I was shaving. I wrapped myself in a towel and went out to greet him. I love him.
Soon, we had to go out. I had to have dinner, (I had a steakhouse Jr. and chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Yes, I ate the whole thing. Bamf.) and my mom had to pick up some flowers for Mother's Day. While my mum was looking flowers at the first store, Chris and I went into Petco next door and watched the mice. They're so cute! I'd love to have one, but I'd actually prefer to have something larger to cuddle with, like Chris. He's my furry little animal. Anyway. After that, we went to another store. Chris and I waited in the car, and a friend of mine came out to say hi. (She works there.) We talked about how I'm graduating soon, how prom is coming, and how the school is doing. (She graduated from there in... '05.)
From there, I was dropped off early at the church. I just kinda hung around for a while. Later, Abby arrived, and we went upstairs to hang with her boyfriend, Bill. I was so glad to see him again! I really do like him very much. He's such a nice, laid back guy. And he makes Abby happy when he's around, which is the best.
The show came and went. It didn't seem that long. I could see Chris from where I was standing, and for one song, I basically sang it to him. :)
After the show, and after we had some refreshments, we went out to Dairy Queen. After that, we hung around to talk, then Bill brought Chris and me home.
Sunday, Chris had to get home early to work on a paper. We cuddled for a while before he left, which was nice.
I went to my Poppa's for Mother's Day dinner. We had Chinese take out. I hadn't had Chinese in a while, so it was well received.
Today's just been another day. Nothing special, really. My Yid told me this morning that they were going to announce who the valedictorian and salutatorian (sp?), but they didn't. Not even this afternoon. I'm really anxious, because in truth, it's basically amongst my Yid, Ab, and me for either of the positions.
So that was the last few days.
Things have died down, but they're not over yet. That'll either be an edit to this or in another post. There is much going on. :D
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
To statistics...
Dear Statistics,
I think our relationship has been exhausted, and that we shouldn't see each other for a while. Remember, if you love someone, set them free. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it'll be fun rediscovering all your functions again. It was great while it lasted, but for now we need to move on in our own directions. I'll see you in a few years.
More later,
~*The Pie
I think our relationship has been exhausted, and that we shouldn't see each other for a while. Remember, if you love someone, set them free. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it'll be fun rediscovering all your functions again. It was great while it lasted, but for now we need to move on in our own directions. I'll see you in a few years.
More later,
~*The Pie
Sunday, May 6, 2007
+5 Stress
My body is flipping out on me again, which can only mean one thing.
I'm stressing out.
My AP statistics exam is in two days, and I'm still far from comfortable with everything that I should be. =/
My camera decided to quit on me during act II of "Tommy" last night. At the moment, I can't retrieve pictures at all. I wish I could put the card in the computer and go from there. Actually... well now I'm thinking. For my own reference, my dad might have a USB thing that'd let me put my chip in there, and it might read. I'm not sure. It's worth a try.
There are issues going amongst people that I care for, and it's like watching a Swarovski vase on the edge of a posh little endtable (or something of the sort), and you're wondering if it's going to fall and break into a million bits, or if someone will notice it and put it back to somewhere where it's safe. Either way, I have faith that for whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Life will move on one way or another.
If any of the cast of "Tommy" happens to fall by this, I would just like to say thank you for doing a wonderful job, and congratulations. It's finally over! Now go study for finals. Also, thank you for not fidgeting if I put on your makeup. :)
OK, I decided to do homework. Maybe I'll edit this later tonight.
More later,
~*The Pie
I'm stressing out.
My AP statistics exam is in two days, and I'm still far from comfortable with everything that I should be. =/
My camera decided to quit on me during act II of "Tommy" last night. At the moment, I can't retrieve pictures at all. I wish I could put the card in the computer and go from there. Actually... well now I'm thinking. For my own reference, my dad might have a USB thing that'd let me put my chip in there, and it might read. I'm not sure. It's worth a try.
There are issues going amongst people that I care for, and it's like watching a Swarovski vase on the edge of a posh little endtable (or something of the sort), and you're wondering if it's going to fall and break into a million bits, or if someone will notice it and put it back to somewhere where it's safe. Either way, I have faith that for whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Life will move on one way or another.
If any of the cast of "Tommy" happens to fall by this, I would just like to say thank you for doing a wonderful job, and congratulations. It's finally over! Now go study for finals. Also, thank you for not fidgeting if I put on your makeup. :)
OK, I decided to do homework. Maybe I'll edit this later tonight.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Announcement to all of Humanity:
The title of the song is "Baba O'Riley", not effing "Teenage Wasteland"!
I repeat!
The title of the song is "Baba O'Riley", not "Teenage Wasteland"!
The next time I see the song incorrectly referred to, I'm pretty sure I'm going to tear some hair out. God almighty.
That is all.
More later,
~*The Pie
I repeat!
The title of the song is "Baba O'Riley", not "Teenage Wasteland"!
The next time I see the song incorrectly referred to, I'm pretty sure I'm going to tear some hair out. God almighty.
That is all.
More later,
~*The Pie
Friday, April 20, 2007
Howdy folks! How are ya? Glad to hear it. :)
My vacation has been going very well. So well that I still have a mountain of Statistics homework to do, but we'll keep that quiet.
I've been out to eat at some absolutely wonderful places. (Man I loves me the food.) I got kale soup from a local place called Seafood Hut, had all kinds of crazy deliciousness at Texas Roadhouse, went out for Chinese, and went to Spike's in Providence (for those of you who aren't in the know, Spike's has the best hot dogs in the universe.), and Ben and Jerry's for a free scoop.
Whilst in Providence I got to meet a good friend of mine from the internets! (I had my boyfriend and two of our friends with us, don't go nuts.) He's very cool and just as nerdy as ever. It was a good afternoon. (I love Providence, save the fact that you can't park anywhere!)
I apologize for this journal being all over the place, I'm writing as I think.
I'm going back to the house (it's not my home, I swear) on Sunday, where I will merely be greeted by the dog. My mom is going to Vermont tomorrow and she won't be back 'til Monday, and on Sundays my dad visits his dad. My brother will most likely be out somewhere. So feh, alone time for me.
Man, today is my 22 month anniversary with Chris. Yeehaw! It is also IHOP night, and I need money. I should still have $10 coming to me from Chris' parents. (Chris had to borrow money from me for gas.) I only had $20 to spend while I was out here, and I'm broke.
The new directors for Rocky Horror have been chosen, and I'm good friends with one of them. She guarantees that I'll be Columbia, so long as I show up for auditions. Columbia's my dream role. My friend played her last year, and said it was a blast. She wants to show me how to do the dance from the floorshow. (Which, in truth, I have tried to do before.) I'm so excited! And Chris wants to try out for Eddie (since he's already played two of the major male roles), which would be awesome since he'd get to swing me around. :P I think a friend of ours -- oh shoot, he can't be Riff Raff. Never mind. Ugh, he would've made a great Riff, too. This friend is transferring to another school.
Man, I really need to fold my clothes, sort out what I'm going to need for the next two days, and do some Stats. I only have so much time before Chris is back. (He's at class, and I hope he remembers to run over and try to get my DS charger. Chris accidentally left it at Tommy rehearsal last night.)
Alright, so, I've given you my blips for now. I got stuff to do. :)
More later,
~*The Pie
My vacation has been going very well. So well that I still have a mountain of Statistics homework to do, but we'll keep that quiet.
I've been out to eat at some absolutely wonderful places. (Man I loves me the food.) I got kale soup from a local place called Seafood Hut, had all kinds of crazy deliciousness at Texas Roadhouse, went out for Chinese, and went to Spike's in Providence (for those of you who aren't in the know, Spike's has the best hot dogs in the universe.), and Ben and Jerry's for a free scoop.
Whilst in Providence I got to meet a good friend of mine from the internets! (I had my boyfriend and two of our friends with us, don't go nuts.) He's very cool and just as nerdy as ever. It was a good afternoon. (I love Providence, save the fact that you can't park anywhere!)
I apologize for this journal being all over the place, I'm writing as I think.
I'm going back to the house (it's not my home, I swear) on Sunday, where I will merely be greeted by the dog. My mom is going to Vermont tomorrow and she won't be back 'til Monday, and on Sundays my dad visits his dad. My brother will most likely be out somewhere. So feh, alone time for me.
Man, today is my 22 month anniversary with Chris. Yeehaw! It is also IHOP night, and I need money. I should still have $10 coming to me from Chris' parents. (Chris had to borrow money from me for gas.) I only had $20 to spend while I was out here, and I'm broke.
The new directors for Rocky Horror have been chosen, and I'm good friends with one of them. She guarantees that I'll be Columbia, so long as I show up for auditions. Columbia's my dream role. My friend played her last year, and said it was a blast. She wants to show me how to do the dance from the floorshow. (Which, in truth, I have tried to do before.) I'm so excited! And Chris wants to try out for Eddie (since he's already played two of the major male roles), which would be awesome since he'd get to swing me around. :P I think a friend of ours -- oh shoot, he can't be Riff Raff. Never mind. Ugh, he would've made a great Riff, too. This friend is transferring to another school.
Man, I really need to fold my clothes, sort out what I'm going to need for the next two days, and do some Stats. I only have so much time before Chris is back. (He's at class, and I hope he remembers to run over and try to get my DS charger. Chris accidentally left it at Tommy rehearsal last night.)
Alright, so, I've given you my blips for now. I got stuff to do. :)
More later,
~*The Pie
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My Celebrity Look-alikes
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.

By the way. How the Christ do I look like Hilary Clinton? Wtf?
More later,
~*The Pie

By the way. How the Christ do I look like Hilary Clinton? Wtf?
More later,
~*The Pie
I nailed my senior seminar, yesterday. Everything went very smoothly. Now I can start working on finishing my zine, Vers Nus. (It doesn't mean anything.) Depending on how satisfied I am with it, and how much it would cost to produce and mail, I'm considering selling it.
My school also won the Hot 93.7 (a hip hop radio station) "Pimp My Prom" contest, so they're gonna send over some DJs and whatever. I wish they'd cover catering. No offense, but the food at prom last year was whack. The appetizers were lame! Who serves mozzarella (sp?) sticks with marinara sauce? I don't want grease or sauce getting on my dress! (Same goes for guys and their suits. A lot of guys wear white.)
Riddle me this. In my school, and I'm guessing that in more places than just here, it's an insult to call someone a bird. How is that an insult? I'd love to be a bird! I'd be so much more free. Then again, I'd be eating worms and bread crumbs. Feh. Kids need to choose their insults better.
Man. Last night I read about the original members of The Who. They make me wish I was in a band, or followed music independently, rather than being in chorus. I try to write songs, but they come out like crap. I don't have the vocs to be a rock star. I still don't know how to play bass. *sigh* Just a dream.
Every once in a while, I get this niggling dream that I want to be famous. Not like, paparazzi famous, but... known for my contributions to society. I wish someone would tell me no, at the same time.
Y'know, I realize that the most I really do for myself in a given day is take a pill and sleep. I love talking to be people, but that should be more for them than me. Does that make me sound like a jerk? I'm not sure. =/
I'm on vacation next week, so I dunno how often I'll be blogging. Just putting it out there now. Tonight I have driver's ed., tomorrow I'm going to see the other senior class play, and Friday I'm sleeping and going to Chris'.
My chemistry teacher ain't here. Woot woot.
I'm starting to read 1984 for my English class. I read it in sophomore year. I remember bits and pieces. But yeah. I'm gonna read some now.
More later,
~*The Pie
My school also won the Hot 93.7 (a hip hop radio station) "Pimp My Prom" contest, so they're gonna send over some DJs and whatever. I wish they'd cover catering. No offense, but the food at prom last year was whack. The appetizers were lame! Who serves mozzarella (sp?) sticks with marinara sauce? I don't want grease or sauce getting on my dress! (Same goes for guys and their suits. A lot of guys wear white.)
Riddle me this. In my school, and I'm guessing that in more places than just here, it's an insult to call someone a bird. How is that an insult? I'd love to be a bird! I'd be so much more free. Then again, I'd be eating worms and bread crumbs. Feh. Kids need to choose their insults better.
Man. Last night I read about the original members of The Who. They make me wish I was in a band, or followed music independently, rather than being in chorus. I try to write songs, but they come out like crap. I don't have the vocs to be a rock star. I still don't know how to play bass. *sigh* Just a dream.
Every once in a while, I get this niggling dream that I want to be famous. Not like, paparazzi famous, but... known for my contributions to society. I wish someone would tell me no, at the same time.
Y'know, I realize that the most I really do for myself in a given day is take a pill and sleep. I love talking to be people, but that should be more for them than me. Does that make me sound like a jerk? I'm not sure. =/
I'm on vacation next week, so I dunno how often I'll be blogging. Just putting it out there now. Tonight I have driver's ed., tomorrow I'm going to see the other senior class play, and Friday I'm sleeping and going to Chris'.
My chemistry teacher ain't here. Woot woot.
I'm starting to read 1984 for my English class. I read it in sophomore year. I remember bits and pieces. But yeah. I'm gonna read some now.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Barking butterflies.
Today is the fated day of my senior seminar presentation, and I'm in a bit of a scramble.
The head of the writing department is out today for Passover. She said she'd try to make it, but she wasn't sure. The other writing teacher, her niece, says she's not coming. I have to find a video student to tape it for me. I think I need to talk to Mr. Blocker. Yeehaw. I think I'm probably most nervous about that. I mean, my presentation is gonna be fine. I just hope everything runs smoothly.
I title this entry barking butterflies because I've hardly eaten today, so my stomach is empty. But sometimes that makes me belch more. I also have tummy butterflies. So yeah. Barking butterflies. (Like barking spiders.)
A few entries ago I wrote about when I was in second grade and I threw up in class. I do remember something else about that story. I was supposed to go roller skating with the Girl Scouts that night. When my mom got me in the nurse's office, I was like, "I can go home and rest for seven hours!" (That's how long it was 'til I was supposed to go.) Still, like a good mother should, she didn't let me go. Instead, though, she got me crayola stamper markers, with which I was obsessed with at the time. Those markers were cool. Man I love crayola.
I also remember another story from second grade. I was the first student in the class to be the "star attraction", or have a week where I was like, first in line and whatnot. Well. I got to do a show and tell about some stuff I brought in, and when I was done, I asked, "Questions or compliments?" I think my teacher corrected me and said, "I think you mean questions or comments." Something like that. Still. What a Freudian slip from a seven year old, huh? I was an attention whore even back in the day.
I said I was going to try to do an entry on the seventh, but I didn't. I saw "Reign Over Me" that day with Abby. I was too sad to write when I got home. That movie kinda drained me. I mean, it was great, and I highly recommend seeing it, but... I cried. A lot. Also, like I said, the seventh was the anniversary of my grandmother's passing.
What can I say about my Gramma? She was amazing. When I was younger, my grandparents would come over on Thursday nights to visit. My Gramma always had cookies in her purse. They used to spoil us. She didn't like cooking, but I'll be damned if she didn't make the best damn food.
I'm gonna edit this entry later.
More later,
~*The Pie
The head of the writing department is out today for Passover. She said she'd try to make it, but she wasn't sure. The other writing teacher, her niece, says she's not coming. I have to find a video student to tape it for me. I think I need to talk to Mr. Blocker. Yeehaw. I think I'm probably most nervous about that. I mean, my presentation is gonna be fine. I just hope everything runs smoothly.
I title this entry barking butterflies because I've hardly eaten today, so my stomach is empty. But sometimes that makes me belch more. I also have tummy butterflies. So yeah. Barking butterflies. (Like barking spiders.)
A few entries ago I wrote about when I was in second grade and I threw up in class. I do remember something else about that story. I was supposed to go roller skating with the Girl Scouts that night. When my mom got me in the nurse's office, I was like, "I can go home and rest for seven hours!" (That's how long it was 'til I was supposed to go.) Still, like a good mother should, she didn't let me go. Instead, though, she got me crayola stamper markers, with which I was obsessed with at the time. Those markers were cool. Man I love crayola.
I also remember another story from second grade. I was the first student in the class to be the "star attraction", or have a week where I was like, first in line and whatnot. Well. I got to do a show and tell about some stuff I brought in, and when I was done, I asked, "Questions or compliments?" I think my teacher corrected me and said, "I think you mean questions or comments." Something like that. Still. What a Freudian slip from a seven year old, huh? I was an attention whore even back in the day.
I said I was going to try to do an entry on the seventh, but I didn't. I saw "Reign Over Me" that day with Abby. I was too sad to write when I got home. That movie kinda drained me. I mean, it was great, and I highly recommend seeing it, but... I cried. A lot. Also, like I said, the seventh was the anniversary of my grandmother's passing.
What can I say about my Gramma? She was amazing. When I was younger, my grandparents would come over on Thursday nights to visit. My Gramma always had cookies in her purse. They used to spoil us. She didn't like cooking, but I'll be damned if she didn't make the best damn food.
I'm gonna edit this entry later.
More later,
~*The Pie
Friday, April 6, 2007
A visit.
I visited Sean at his brother's restaurant today. I didn't tell him that I was coming. A pleasant surprise. :) When he saw us, I think he said, "What are you doing here?"
My mom and I only got an appetizer. While we were waiting/eating, Sean would come over and we'd talk. But, never for too, too long 'cause he was on waiter duty. :D
His dad brought us our dish. That was unexpected, but very cool.
Also, at one point while I was there, I heard the song "The Scientist" play over their sound system. I just smiled and laughed. That was "our" song when we were dating. For a while I couldn't even stand hearing that song, or anything else by Coldplay. Now I don't mind that song. I just don't like Coldplay. *shrug*
Sean wanted to keep us there as long as he could, but we did have to get going. :D He joked that he was going to keep me there. My mom asked how I'd get home, and he said something about putting me in a baby seat. I think I smacked him. Eh, we tease each other.
So eventually we said our good byes and hugged. I hope to see him again sometime soon.
I went up to Cold Stone Creamery in the next town, but I have to apply online. Feh. I'm gonna look into that.
Alright. I'm gonna do other things.
More later,
~*The Pie
My mom and I only got an appetizer. While we were waiting/eating, Sean would come over and we'd talk. But, never for too, too long 'cause he was on waiter duty. :D
His dad brought us our dish. That was unexpected, but very cool.
Also, at one point while I was there, I heard the song "The Scientist" play over their sound system. I just smiled and laughed. That was "our" song when we were dating. For a while I couldn't even stand hearing that song, or anything else by Coldplay. Now I don't mind that song. I just don't like Coldplay. *shrug*
Sean wanted to keep us there as long as he could, but we did have to get going. :D He joked that he was going to keep me there. My mom asked how I'd get home, and he said something about putting me in a baby seat. I think I smacked him. Eh, we tease each other.
So eventually we said our good byes and hugged. I hope to see him again sometime soon.
I went up to Cold Stone Creamery in the next town, but I have to apply online. Feh. I'm gonna look into that.
Alright. I'm gonna do other things.
More later,
~*The Pie
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Note to self.
Coffee is not a good idea for me in the morning.
It's not that I'm not used to caffeine. I had coffee the other evening and I was perfectly fine. I can also drink Bawls (google it) without flinching, or getting sick.
I guess there's just something in coffee that makes me a little ill in the morning. Oh well. I'm not used to coffee in the morning. It's sad. I love it so.
My senior seminar presentation is in a week from today. So I think today, while I'm in the library, I'll practice lines more.
The Seder last night was very enjoyable. There some laughs, and the food was very good. I really do enjoy the Jewish culture, I just couldn't follow the religion. I prefer to be ecclectic. I do admire the fact that my Yid's siblings (all younger) can read and speak Hebrew. I could never do that. Then again, I didn't, so of course I'm going to think that. Still, it's a beautiful thing. Really.
I enjoy Hebrew. The first time I remember really hearing it was at my grandmother's funeral. The Rabbi was saying a psalm (don't ask me which, but it's the one about walking in the valley of the shadow of death. I love that psalm, even though I've never heard it outside of funerals.) and I just thought, "It's such a beautiful, ancient language." But... I don't know how well I'd be able to pick up a new language now. I'm getting older. ;)
Today is the fourth anniversary (or third?) of me getting my braces off. I got them off on April 3rd, 2002. Ergh, I'm getting all confused now. But I got them off in eighth grade.
April 7th is the anniversary (same amount of years) of my Gramma's passing. :( I miss her. Last night at the Seder I realized that it was that time of the year again, and I was very close to crying. Whenever I think about her, and the fact that she's still gone, I cry. I miss her. If I remember, I'll write a blog and dedicate it to her on that day.
I know that she watches over me and protects me every day. She loves me, and I love her. I can only hope that wherever she is, I'm making her proud.
I miss you, Gramma.
More later,
~*The Pie
It's not that I'm not used to caffeine. I had coffee the other evening and I was perfectly fine. I can also drink Bawls (google it) without flinching, or getting sick.
I guess there's just something in coffee that makes me a little ill in the morning. Oh well. I'm not used to coffee in the morning. It's sad. I love it so.
My senior seminar presentation is in a week from today. So I think today, while I'm in the library, I'll practice lines more.
The Seder last night was very enjoyable. There some laughs, and the food was very good. I really do enjoy the Jewish culture, I just couldn't follow the religion. I prefer to be ecclectic. I do admire the fact that my Yid's siblings (all younger) can read and speak Hebrew. I could never do that. Then again, I didn't, so of course I'm going to think that. Still, it's a beautiful thing. Really.
I enjoy Hebrew. The first time I remember really hearing it was at my grandmother's funeral. The Rabbi was saying a psalm (don't ask me which, but it's the one about walking in the valley of the shadow of death. I love that psalm, even though I've never heard it outside of funerals.) and I just thought, "It's such a beautiful, ancient language." But... I don't know how well I'd be able to pick up a new language now. I'm getting older. ;)
Today is the fourth anniversary (or third?) of me getting my braces off. I got them off on April 3rd, 2002. Ergh, I'm getting all confused now. But I got them off in eighth grade.
April 7th is the anniversary (same amount of years) of my Gramma's passing. :( I miss her. Last night at the Seder I realized that it was that time of the year again, and I was very close to crying. Whenever I think about her, and the fact that she's still gone, I cry. I miss her. If I remember, I'll write a blog and dedicate it to her on that day.
I know that she watches over me and protects me every day. She loves me, and I love her. I can only hope that wherever she is, I'm making her proud.
I miss you, Gramma.
More later,
~*The Pie
Thursday, March 29, 2007
A whiff of Pre-K?
I apologize for not having updated for a while. I've been so busy/tired. My senior seminar is nearing its end. I mean, the paper is totally done, and most likely graded. I need to talk to my English teacher about what I got for a grade, 'cause I'm probably not gonna get to see it before it's handed in. So anyway, just working on my art project, now. I've finished going through my RvB journals, and now I'm working on the blog. I want to cheat so badly and just put in a few encouraging, happy things, but like I said, that'd be cheating. So forget it.
To the title! My teacher for this period is out today. She's wicked sick. So at first we were just downstairs in the cafeteria 'cause there wasn't a sub, but one of the aides volunteered. Going up the stairs, I was behind a few girls, and one of 'em must have been wearing the same perfume that my Pre-K teacher Mrs. Degnon (sp?) wore. It also kinda reminded me of the room we were in, and the paste.
I don't remember liking Pre-K too much. I didn't like working with that thick paste, or in later years the really runny type. We had to use our fingers. =/ I remember I hardly ever finished my projects in art class. I finished one, though, and it's still hanging in my room.
I should remember elementary school a different way, but I've become so biased. Playing with Brian (one of my first best friends) at recess was the best. Aww, he and I had so much fun when we were younger. Riding around my neighborhood, or playing in my back yard or at his house... it was fun. *sigh* I miss it.
I think most of us miss our childhood. I mean, what's not great about sitting at a coffee table all day just drawing, with the TV on in the background? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a bite taken out of the corner by my mom. (I used to pour the rest of my milk down the drain 'cause I didn't like it. I also used to put my crumbs in my milk.)
It's sad. I'm only a senior in high school, but I really don't remember much about elementary school, now that I think about it. I mean, I could name all of my teachers, but single events?
I threw up in class in second grade. I was supposed to give a book report that day. I just remember my head on my text book, and I was breathing really heavy. Then I just vomited. There was vomit all over my marker case, but my purple marker got saved. (Purple was my favorite color back in the day.)
In fourth grade, when we were studying the rain forest, we had to study an animal and make a paper maché model of it. I had to do a howler monkey. When the project was done, we put it in our wood stove.
In kindergarten this bully kid was gonna tell on me for farting. I don't think I farted, but he was gonna tell on me. Friggin' jerk.
Well, I'm gonna try to do some sudoku. It's just kinda interesting to go back and remember stuff. Sadly, that's some of the only stuff I remember.
My Yid hears back from a bunch of colleges today. Good luck to him.
More later,
~*The Pie
P.S.: I got my prom dress yesterday. I can't reveal any details about it. Chris would find out, and that can't happen.
To the title! My teacher for this period is out today. She's wicked sick. So at first we were just downstairs in the cafeteria 'cause there wasn't a sub, but one of the aides volunteered. Going up the stairs, I was behind a few girls, and one of 'em must have been wearing the same perfume that my Pre-K teacher Mrs. Degnon (sp?) wore. It also kinda reminded me of the room we were in, and the paste.
I don't remember liking Pre-K too much. I didn't like working with that thick paste, or in later years the really runny type. We had to use our fingers. =/ I remember I hardly ever finished my projects in art class. I finished one, though, and it's still hanging in my room.
I should remember elementary school a different way, but I've become so biased. Playing with Brian (one of my first best friends) at recess was the best. Aww, he and I had so much fun when we were younger. Riding around my neighborhood, or playing in my back yard or at his house... it was fun. *sigh* I miss it.
I think most of us miss our childhood. I mean, what's not great about sitting at a coffee table all day just drawing, with the TV on in the background? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a bite taken out of the corner by my mom. (I used to pour the rest of my milk down the drain 'cause I didn't like it. I also used to put my crumbs in my milk.)
It's sad. I'm only a senior in high school, but I really don't remember much about elementary school, now that I think about it. I mean, I could name all of my teachers, but single events?
I threw up in class in second grade. I was supposed to give a book report that day. I just remember my head on my text book, and I was breathing really heavy. Then I just vomited. There was vomit all over my marker case, but my purple marker got saved. (Purple was my favorite color back in the day.)
In fourth grade, when we were studying the rain forest, we had to study an animal and make a paper maché model of it. I had to do a howler monkey. When the project was done, we put it in our wood stove.
In kindergarten this bully kid was gonna tell on me for farting. I don't think I farted, but he was gonna tell on me. Friggin' jerk.
Well, I'm gonna try to do some sudoku. It's just kinda interesting to go back and remember stuff. Sadly, that's some of the only stuff I remember.
My Yid hears back from a bunch of colleges today. Good luck to him.
More later,
~*The Pie
P.S.: I got my prom dress yesterday. I can't reveal any details about it. Chris would find out, and that can't happen.
Friday, March 23, 2007
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | Moderate
Level 5 | High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low
Level 7 | Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus | High
Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html
Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
My therapist and I agree that I suffer from dysthymia, a long-term, moderate depression with a few major episodes here and there. My medication sure is helping.
I don't see myself as having SAD. I just don't like winter. *shrug* I don't like the cold.
God, I only scored so high on the Dante's Inferno test because of my past. Level seven has the forest of suicides. I do, however like the image of short, dead(?), gnarled trees that grow poisoned fruit. It symbolizes life cut short, a life that had an ugly, twisted side. The only fruit that grows from a suicide is bitter.
Just thought this was some cool stuff.
I think sometime I'll post how I feel about being a white teenage girl who goes to an urban high school. Do people think I can "walk the walk" and "talk the talk" like a black person? 'Cause if I tried, in some respects, I can.
Anyway, I'm tired.
More later,
~*The Pie
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | Moderate
Level 5 | High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low
Level 7 | Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus | High
Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html
Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv
Greed: | Very Low | |
Gluttony: | Low | |
Wrath: | Low | |
Sloth: | Medium | |
Envy: | Very Low | |
Lust: | Low | |
Pride: | Medium |
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
Disorder | Your Score |
Major Depression: | Very Slight |
Dysthymia: | Slight |
Bipolar Disorder: | Very Slight |
Cyclothymia: | Very Slight |
Seasonal Affective Disorder: | High-Moderate |
Postpartum Depression: | N/A |
Take the Depression Test |
My therapist and I agree that I suffer from dysthymia, a long-term, moderate depression with a few major episodes here and there. My medication sure is helping.
I don't see myself as having SAD. I just don't like winter. *shrug* I don't like the cold.
God, I only scored so high on the Dante's Inferno test because of my past. Level seven has the forest of suicides. I do, however like the image of short, dead(?), gnarled trees that grow poisoned fruit. It symbolizes life cut short, a life that had an ugly, twisted side. The only fruit that grows from a suicide is bitter.
Just thought this was some cool stuff.
I think sometime I'll post how I feel about being a white teenage girl who goes to an urban high school. Do people think I can "walk the walk" and "talk the talk" like a black person? 'Cause if I tried, in some respects, I can.
Anyway, I'm tired.
More later,
~*The Pie
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Today is the first official day of spring. Dunkin' Donuts is celebrating by giving out free small iced coffees all day. I highly encourage you to go.
Chris was here from Saturday 'til this morning. He drove me to school today. On our way, we stopped at one of the many DDs in my area, and we got ourselves some iced coffee. His was French vanilla, mine was blueberry.
In homeroom, maybe a little more than an hour ago, I started to get gas pain. "OK," I thought, "I get gas pains in the morning from time to time. It'll pass." It wasn't passing. It hurt a lot, and I was getting shaky.
I walked to my second class, French. A lot of kids in that class are at an all day rehearsal for the school musical, which is going up tomorrow night. That said, we didn't do much of anything in class. I went to the bathroom.
I'm sorry if you're weak of stomach or mind, this is a little NWS/NMS, but I got diarrhea.
My stomach feels a little better now, but I'm still cold, and a little shaky. Friends tell me I look a little paler than usual. Urgh, I hate being sick.
If I don't feel better soon, I think I might go home. I'll get my homework, I'll get the accounting notes, whatever. I'll just go home and nap for a while, 'cause I can't be sick. I can never be sick.
There's some kind of cold going around, too. Peachy.
I'm gonna work on my senior art project.
More later,
~*The Pie
Chris was here from Saturday 'til this morning. He drove me to school today. On our way, we stopped at one of the many DDs in my area, and we got ourselves some iced coffee. His was French vanilla, mine was blueberry.
In homeroom, maybe a little more than an hour ago, I started to get gas pain. "OK," I thought, "I get gas pains in the morning from time to time. It'll pass." It wasn't passing. It hurt a lot, and I was getting shaky.
I walked to my second class, French. A lot of kids in that class are at an all day rehearsal for the school musical, which is going up tomorrow night. That said, we didn't do much of anything in class. I went to the bathroom.
I'm sorry if you're weak of stomach or mind, this is a little NWS/NMS, but I got diarrhea.
My stomach feels a little better now, but I'm still cold, and a little shaky. Friends tell me I look a little paler than usual. Urgh, I hate being sick.
If I don't feel better soon, I think I might go home. I'll get my homework, I'll get the accounting notes, whatever. I'll just go home and nap for a while, 'cause I can't be sick. I can never be sick.
There's some kind of cold going around, too. Peachy.
I'm gonna work on my senior art project.
More later,
~*The Pie
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