Sunday, June 10, 2007

Youth convention.


I went to a Unitarian Universalist (, check it oot.) youth conference over the weekend, for the first time (in this district) in about a year and a half. I got to see old friends, make new ones, and memories were flying all around. New memories, too, such as me being "Witchy McGee". (Trust me, it's not as mean as it sounds.)

I want to write a poem about being curled up under a potted tree in a corner of a hallway. I thought it was a bodhi tree, but after trying to find pictures of one online, I'm gonna say that this was not a bodhi tree. Still... I'd call it one for the fact that I tried meditating under it.

I'm actually gonna go take a shower, then burn some incense. I may or may not meditate, I'm not sure. It's so hard to do! It's not like I do it for long. I just don't find my spiritual center very often, but when I do, I'm very peaceful. I'm just not religious, but I'm willing to try.

In college, I'm going to try to go to church more.

OK, I'm past my goal of showering at eight o'clock.

More later,
~*The Pie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i still meditate. at least a little bit each day. i become the calm little center of the universe.

for me it's not spiritual, it's more of a cool down for the mind. a chance to get refocused and organized mentally. like taking out the trash of the brain. hehe