Thursday, July 19, 2007

Not the evening I expected.

Last night, a bunch of us went up to see Reel Big Fish in Boston. Out of seven people, four got in.

I was one of the unlucky three.

Needless to say, I was upset. This was supposed to be my birthday present from Chris. I hardly ever get to go to concerts. I was stuck in Boston, right across from friggin' Fenway, missing a RBF concert and a Yankees game. (My family went to the Bronx yesterday to see 'em, and of course, the Yankees won.)

Last year, for my birthday, I went an hour away (or so) to see a friend whom I'd never met before in an outdoor Shakespeare performance.

It got rained out.

So instead I went to this fancy mall thing and got candy. =/

I felt so damn miserable that day. I didn't do ANYTHING that day except go out to see my friend, which got canceled without our knowing. (We got out there and then found that it was off for that night.)

That day just plain-up sucked. Thankfully, the rest of being this age hasn't been as bad as the year before.


So last night I couldn't help but think that this was two years in a row messed up for me.

Chris, Addie, and I, the ones who didn't get in, wandered around Boston for a short while. Chris tried scoring more tickets, but obviously failed. Addie and I just meandered, found a bathroom, and then found Chris again.

We decided we'd try to find Fire and Ice. For those of you not in the know, Fire and Ice is a really cool restaurant. They have stations set up where you get raw food and veggies, and then you get sauce. You go over to the huge... hell, I want to call it a griddle, to have your food cooked. It's all you can eat, too. At the table they give you tortillas, rice, and tortilla chips. The restaurant itself is supposed to have a funky, artistic feeling to it. I personally think they try to hard, but whatever.

After some deliberation, we wanted to go to the commons. We didn't get there. We all had to use the bathroom, but didn't know where we could. Somebody in a T station said we could try a couple of different places. We ended up in a really cool book store. I wish I'd had more money and time. So many good books! I found an updated version of Bullfinch's Mythology, and it was large. We had to leave, though.

On the ride back, when we were connecting from the green line to the red line, we met up with one of Chris' old UU friends. I hadn't seen this guy since February '06. He's really cool, and his girlfriend's pretty awesome too, so we got to ride back to the train station we parked at with them.

It was hella foggy last night, so the drive home was a little dicey. I told Chris that he was low on gas, and he said that we'd make it home.

Not on that tank of gas, we didn't. We petered out a couple of miles from our exit. A state cop, a cranky one at that, helped us along. As well as Kevin.

We got home around two a.m.

Here I am today, home alone until Chris' parents get back.

Tomorrow's my birthday.

More later,
~*The Pie

Monday, July 16, 2007

Ain't no cure for the summertime blues...

'Cept coming out to Massachusetts! :D

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a short while. Things have been going down.

I'm in MA right now. Chris is on the computer, playing WoW. I'm sitting here wondering if I should eat the piece of deep fried eggplant sitting in the Styrofoam container next to the keyboard. (We went out for Thai last night. ^^)

So... I'm trying to think. Lessee. Last Thursday, I threw up. I hardly ever do, thankfully. I have enough stomach problems for, I'd say, at least two people. I was a little shaky for the rest of the day, but still in high spirits. Friday I was well enough to travel to MA. :) I'm so thankful. We got here 'round 9 or something, and hung out 'til IHOP time. I do so love going to IHOP. I had coffee and a banana cheesecake chimichanga. Yum!

After IHOP we went to Kev's and hung out there for the night. I went to sleep ... hell... after five? And Derek wanted us up for 10. Well, we left after ten. (Chris was being slow, though.) Derek took us out to his tiny little town. We stopped at a Honey Dew for coffee. Now, I shouldn't be having coffee in the morning because it upsets my tummy too much, but I threw caution into the wind and had a frozen coffee. We went to a book fair, and I got six books for $7.50. Some of the books are the complete works of Poe, The Scarlet Letter (which for some reason I can't underline), a book of three Greek plays, and more.

Once we were satisfied with our findings, we stopped by a nice little grocery store in town and picked up some chocolate and walnuts. Back at Derek's, we had chocolate and walnut fondue. My stomach was too upset by then for me to enjoy a lot of it, but I still had some. I was happy.

We read, we had fondue, and just generally chilled out. Later, we went to Nick's. I read and took a nap while the guys played some craaaaazy long board game based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. I went on the computer and rested. (My stomach was still somewhat angry.) It looked as though we might go to Kev's or Bil's, but Chris just wanted to go home. He had work at seven a.m. on Sunday.

I slept soundly until he came back home. Then we napped for a few hours.

Damnit, I'm too distracted. I'll edit this post or something.

More later,

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Simple pleasures.

I enjoy a nice fresh towel. Preferably my fish towel. I love coming out of the shower to dry my face off with a clean towel. I don't quite like the idea after I've used it once already. I got to shower this evening and it felt marvelous to dry my face off.

I wish people'd slow down and enjoy simple things more. Really, I find myself more satisfied and amused (in my personal life) because I'm not shooting ridiculously high in this case. A good CD and untimed shower (I normally time myself, but now I don't have to.) is fantastic in itself, and to dry off with a fresh towel is all the better. Damn, I don't need an iPhone or a car to be happy. I don't need to keep with the latest trends. I don't constantly need new clothes. I'm damn fine with the bare necessities.

Speaking of shooting ridiculously high, though, I was in the local newspaper again today, as you can see to your upper left. I edited things so you crazy bastards won't stalk me. :) It doesn't list me as valedictorian. I think at the time that I filled out the information, I didn't know.

A nice segue. I has a link for y'all, a treat for sure. I do, however, suggest that you turn up the volume of your speakers. :)
This is me giving my valedictory at graduation. I was one of two to graduate with high honors. I then proceeded to accidentally forget my diploma at the school where graduation was held. *sigh* Go me.

My birthday is this month! On the 20th! Woo! On the 18th I'm going to see Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake. On the 25th, I'm going to see The Cat Empire. (And in the future, on August 25th, I'm going to see The Aquabats!)

Ah summer, I do so love you.

Oh man! I got to see some of my extended family today. My dad's cousin and the cousin's aunt. They hadn't seen me in years, so it was strange for them, I guess to see me more than five feet tall and without braces. They were asking me about college and whatnot. Oh! Chris also got to see my Poppa's condo, finally. There are plenty of pictures of me from when I was little. Lots of baby fat, if you can believe it. That melted away right quick.

OK, so, my mind has wandered enough.

If you make any jokes about my name, I will find my own way to mock the hell out of you.

More later,
~*The Pie