Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I nailed my senior seminar, yesterday. Everything went very smoothly. Now I can start working on finishing my zine, Vers Nus. (It doesn't mean anything.) Depending on how satisfied I am with it, and how much it would cost to produce and mail, I'm considering selling it.

My school also won the Hot 93.7 (a hip hop radio station) "Pimp My Prom" contest, so they're gonna send over some DJs and whatever. I wish they'd cover catering. No offense, but the food at prom last year was whack. The appetizers were lame! Who serves mozzarella (sp?) sticks with marinara sauce? I don't want grease or sauce getting on my dress! (Same goes for guys and their suits. A lot of guys wear white.)

Riddle me this. In my school, and I'm guessing that in more places than just here, it's an insult to call someone a bird. How is that an insult? I'd love to be a bird! I'd be so much more free. Then again, I'd be eating worms and bread crumbs. Feh. Kids need to choose their insults better.

Man. Last night I read about the original members of The Who. They make me wish I was in a band, or followed music independently, rather than being in chorus. I try to write songs, but they come out like crap. I don't have the vocs to be a rock star. I still don't know how to play bass. *sigh* Just a dream.

Every once in a while, I get this niggling dream that I want to be famous. Not like, paparazzi famous, but... known for my contributions to society. I wish someone would tell me no, at the same time.

Y'know, I realize that the most I really do for myself in a given day is take a pill and sleep. I love talking to be people, but that should be more for them than me. Does that make me sound like a jerk? I'm not sure. =/

I'm on vacation next week, so I dunno how often I'll be blogging. Just putting it out there now. Tonight I have driver's ed., tomorrow I'm going to see the other senior class play, and Friday I'm sleeping and going to Chris'.

My chemistry teacher ain't here. Woot woot.

I'm starting to read 1984 for my English class. I read it in sophomore year. I remember bits and pieces. But yeah. I'm gonna read some now.

More later,
~*The Pie

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