Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Note to self.

Coffee is not a good idea for me in the morning.

It's not that I'm not used to caffeine. I had coffee the other evening and I was perfectly fine. I can also drink Bawls (google it) without flinching, or getting sick.

I guess there's just something in coffee that makes me a little ill in the morning. Oh well. I'm not used to coffee in the morning. It's sad. I love it so.

My senior seminar presentation is in a week from today. So I think today, while I'm in the library, I'll practice lines more.

The Seder last night was very enjoyable. There some laughs, and the food was very good. I really do enjoy the Jewish culture, I just couldn't follow the religion. I prefer to be ecclectic. I do admire the fact that my Yid's siblings (all younger) can read and speak Hebrew. I could never do that. Then again, I didn't, so of course I'm going to think that. Still, it's a beautiful thing. Really.

I enjoy Hebrew. The first time I remember really hearing it was at my grandmother's funeral. The Rabbi was saying a psalm (don't ask me which, but it's the one about walking in the valley of the shadow of death. I love that psalm, even though I've never heard it outside of funerals.) and I just thought, "It's such a beautiful, ancient language." But... I don't know how well I'd be able to pick up a new language now. I'm getting older. ;)

Today is the fourth anniversary (or third?) of me getting my braces off. I got them off on April 3rd, 2002. Ergh, I'm getting all confused now. But I got them off in eighth grade.

April 7th is the anniversary (same amount of years) of my Gramma's passing. :( I miss her. Last night at the Seder I realized that it was that time of the year again, and I was very close to crying. Whenever I think about her, and the fact that she's still gone, I cry. I miss her. If I remember, I'll write a blog and dedicate it to her on that day.

I know that she watches over me and protects me every day. She loves me, and I love her. I can only hope that wherever she is, I'm making her proud.

I miss you, Gramma.

More later,
~*The Pie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the twenty-third psalm. Certainly very beautiful...not just that but the whole book--150 psalms in all, ranging from authors from Moses to David, Adam to Shem, and spanning all of biblical history. My personal favorites are Psalms 113-118, known collectively as "Hallel" (it was at the Seder). 119 is 176 verses long. 117 is only 2--scripture's longest and shortest passages.

Concerning your qualms about a new language...I don't quite know if you seek to perpetuate your French education in college, but certainly there are plenty of others in existence, and certainly your aptitude may reach beyond where you think its limits are. I personally will probably continue Russian regardless of where I go...and I just began it two years ago...I'm fine with it...

Your "yartzheit" is tommorow as I see, and I can't quite wish it to you on the day proper, but here it is: "Hamakom yinachem osacha b'soch avlei tzion v'yerushalayim".

Shalom...Das Yid.