Sunday, May 6, 2007

+5 Stress

My body is flipping out on me again, which can only mean one thing.

I'm stressing out.

My AP statistics exam is in two days, and I'm still far from comfortable with everything that I should be. =/

My camera decided to quit on me during act II of "Tommy" last night. At the moment, I can't retrieve pictures at all. I wish I could put the card in the computer and go from there. Actually... well now I'm thinking. For my own reference, my dad might have a USB thing that'd let me put my chip in there, and it might read. I'm not sure. It's worth a try.

There are issues going amongst people that I care for, and it's like watching a Swarovski vase on the edge of a posh little endtable (or something of the sort), and you're wondering if it's going to fall and break into a million bits, or if someone will notice it and put it back to somewhere where it's safe. Either way, I have faith that for whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Life will move on one way or another.

If any of the cast of "Tommy" happens to fall by this, I would just like to say thank you for doing a wonderful job, and congratulations. It's finally over! Now go study for finals. Also, thank you for not fidgeting if I put on your makeup. :)

OK, I decided to do homework. Maybe I'll edit this later tonight.

More later,
~*The Pie

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