Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Off to see The Wizard.

My weekend at Chris' was pretty wonderful.

On Saturday evening, Chris, myself and a couple of our friends walked over to the 7-11. On the way back to our friend's apartment, we were walking up the street that comes out to the apartment. It was night time, and it was glowing right in front of us.

Now, I'm sure any "Wizard of Oz" fan would yell at me for this, but pardon me, I've never seen the movie. From left to right, walking, it was the friend who owns the apartment, me, Chris, and another friend of ours. Tin man, Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion.

Tin man, as I'll refer to him, has been in a precarious situation with the woman he loves. He could use some love right now, but it doesn't readily seem like he'll get it.

I'm dying to go home. By home I mean out Chris' way. This town that I'm in now does not feel like home. When I'm out at Chris', it just feels so natural. Here I guess I'm a square peg in a round hole.

Chris is definitely the scarecrow. He could use some brains now and then. :) But! He did pass his classes, though we haven't heard about the Calc. III class grade yet. So he could be worse off, but he could still be much better.

Lion. Well, he doesn't need courage, really. He just looked like the lion when he still had hair.

Chris cut his hair. His friend shaved, and is continuing to shave his head. So strange! When I saw Chris' hair, I cried. Really.

Pardon me for a few ticks, I gotta work on cleaning the tub.

God, forget bath tubs.

More later,
~*The Pie

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