Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good news and bad news.

Howdy! Aren't you just amazed that I'm updating my blog again so soon? I am.

Well, that's because I have news! I'll give you the bad news first.

I'm ill! I don't have a fever, and I'm not vomiting, so that's cool. Still, I'm on an antibiotic and today's just been uncomfortable. I'm hella capable, I just don't want to be on my laptop. So I've been on my dad's computer a little. Playing Puzzle Pirates helps take my mind off of the pain. Also, of course, I've been checking my facebook almost religiously. Anyway, I'll be feeling fine by the end of the week. :)

Now for the good news!

I got my real housing information! I'm in a cool residence hall. There are balconies, and they might be open! And my roommate and I might have one! I think that would be pretty awesome. I also got information about who my roommate is. She doesn't have a facebook, and I don't know what her e-mail is! Thankfully they include her phone number. I'm guessing it's her house number. Ah well. So I think I'll give her a call tomorrow, if I can. We need to talk about like, who's bringin' what, and whether she snores, stuff like that. I'm wondering when she'll get the information about me, though. Hm. I also feel bad that she'll have to call long distance to talk to me. So I'll probably call her. I'm excited. :)

I'm going camping this weekend. My mom and I are going out to the campsite on Saturday, and coming back Sunday. I get to sleep in the van! :D Seriously, there's no way in hell I'm sleeping in a hot little camper with my two parents snoring all ding-damned night. So I'll sleep in my dad's van, and listen to music to fall asleep. I've done it before, and aside from the fact that it's hella cramped, I'll be fine.

Wow, I let this go for a while. Whoops.

Well then.

More later,

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