Monday, March 5, 2007


So I was talking with my buddy James before (, and about how we don't like stereotypical teenage girls. Bitchy, high-maintenance, quick to judge, etc. Well, it reminds me of situations where I wish I could clone myself. I talk to a lot of guys online (yes, yes, I'm safe about it) and I find that I'm so very compatible with them, but I'm only friends. My romantic interest stays with Chris. Still, I wish I could clone myself to absolve them of their loneliness. Of course, Chris would never allow this, even though he would get the original.

This brought me to the idea of writing a sci-fi story about living in a world with clones of myself. Not only scary as all get-out, but somehow therapeutic in the way that I'd be getting into my own head as a character, not just myself. Think of it, perhaps, as a hive mind. I could tap into another's mind, even though it is still my own. My goal? Study further my "character flaws" and work on rectifying them. If I see my therapist on Friday, I've gotta tell her about this. This is gold.

Last night, I was on the phone with my buddy Sean. (History: he was my first boyfriend. We dated for about three months in eighth grade. I started talking to him back in January in a fit of boldness. I'm glad I have, we get along so well. He broke up with me 'cause things just weren't really going well... things got boring. That's how I see it. It's history, we're friends.) Anyway, this boy has never had fluff. NEVER HAD FLUFF! Fluff is only the spread of GODS. It's marshmellow sauce, it's sticky and thick and I love it. Well, he's never had it, nor a marshmellow. Yes yes, he's a very deprived kid. ;) Well, when we were on the phone, I was making lunch. I was telling him about how Sunday night I had very little fluff, and that it was the saddest fluffernutter I've ever made/eaten. Well, I was making lunch, and I found liverwurst in the meat drawer. I hardly ever get it, so I was pretty happy. Then my mom came in and said, "Oh good, you found it. We also have more fluff." I cracked up. My mom then dared me to eat a piece of liverwurst with fluff on it. Ha ha. If I didn't have school today, I would do it.

I didn't get to sleep when I wanted to last night 'cause Chris' younger sister IMed me last night. She was scared 'cause she was home alone. Her parents are in Georgia, and Chris was at a 20 Cent Fiction meeting. She was trying to call out to her parents, or anyone she could, but the phone wasn't dialing out. The door was open, and the light was on. I asked if she could call from her cell phone, but it was dead. She couldn't find a charger in the kitchen, and she didn't want to go upstairs. Well, I tried calling Chris, but he wasn't picking up. Everything's alright, though, thank goodness.

So howsabout I'm kinda burnt on my senior thesis? I've always been burnt on it. I'm so ding-damned friggin' close to finishing it! I need to get through it. The paper is due on Friday. At this point, so long as I turn something in and I don't fail (which I can't at this point), I'm fine. I don't care anymore. I just want it done. In truth, I should be working on it right now. I got some significant work done on it before, in regards to Sylvia Plath's poem "Lady Lazarus". I think once I'm done blogging I'll probably go back to working on it.

It actually looks like I'm just about done for now.

Oh wait, I wanted to talk about how I've been having abdominal pain. It kinda feels like my diaphragm is sore or stretched. :( I'm thinking maybe it's an ulcer, but I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. I've been under stress from senior seminar and a bit of stress from school in general, so... feh. Ergh. I bet a nice healthy dose of sleep would help. ;)

I want to show Abby a website... NMS/NWS: Please please please, this is a terrible, terrible website.

I really really really want to curl up in bed right now. Or cuddle up next to Chris. Whichever.

I'm tired and achy. :( I also have chorus tonight (I sing in my town's chorus.) so I have to finish my homework in a rush, try not to utterly, utterly burn my tongue on dinner, and sing. No napping for me tonight. Thankfully, the most I have for homework this week is chemistry and English. Thank goodness. Well, I have a stats packet, but I'm gonna do it on the weekend.

Oh God, I should just do some sudoku. Feh.

More later,
~*The Pie

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